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Default 10-23-2002, 04:21 PM

Why would a nation who sets world policy, resemble a nation who was rebelling against the world policies against it?

Seems pretty silly to compare America to Germany. If you REALLY think Americans are in that much danger, or as gullible then you need to a) do a history lesson, and b) read popular opinion polls to see what Americans really think.

Last I heard you spoke out against the Nazi regime, chances are you might not wake up in the morning. Nazi Germany came about because the Germans had NO other choice, and a manipulative man saw a MASSIVE oppurtunity to prey on the feelings of an entire nation.

So, I laugh as all hell when someone even THINKS about drawing a comparison between the United States and really ANY country or regime with Ecpassionist goals. It just shows the true bias and hypocrisy that really exists out there.
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Default 10-23-2002, 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by Gerard
Well heres a little soloution for that. STOP STICKING YOUR FUCKING NOSE IN EVERYONES BUSINESS.
So what you are telling me, sir, is that instead of giving millions of dollars in relief funds to poor countries and giving military support to our "allies", you would just rather have us sit back and watch numerous countries get screwed as seperate nations? If it weren't for the U.S., France would be goose-stepping right now, or at least they would have been for a long time after WWII. If it weren't for the U.S., WWII would have lasted much longer than it did. If it weren't for the U.S., places like South Korea and South Vietnam would have been screwed big time and overrun by communistic tyrants. If it weren't for the U.S., Kuwait and possibly Saudi Arabia would have been RAPED by Iraq.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people from other countries gripe and moan about how they hate the U.S., even though we voluntarily give millions upon millions of dollars to support our "allies" that do little more than degrade us and tell about how bad the U.S. sucks. The French do nothing but turn around and piss on our backs. The only country that shows even the slightest gratitude towards our generous efforts is England, and even they talk of how the U.S. are just a bunch of snobs that think they are better than everybody else.

If the U.S. thought they were better than everybody else, then why the hell do we help these countries in need? Do you ever see the snobby popular football captain or cheerleader talk to a loner or try to help anybody? HELL NO. If the U.S. thought they were better, we just wouldn't help ANYBODY, and personally I think that's just what we should do. If you don't want our help, fine, I say FUCK 'EM. We'll just sit back and not do shit to whatever happens in Israel or Iraq. We'll just let the Brits and the U.N. do all the work. You see, if we did do that, everybody would come crawling back to us, begging for help, offering to suck our dicks if we offered support. Gerard, STFU and learn to appreciate what the U.S. is trying to do for the world. Nobody likes Irishmen anyway biggrin: biggrin: .

Now, I will say that the U.S. is not entirely correct in just giving money to these countries for nothing in return. That does make us look snobby in a way. It's like if a Rich man gives $1000 to a homeless man, sure the homeless man is grateful, but he feels bad inside because he didn't have to do anything in return. I think the U.S. should make deals with these countries saying "If we help you, either in terms of financial aid or military aid, then you have to return the favor back, in anyway you choose to do so." This way, the needy country receives the help it needs, without feeling like shit, because they had to do something as well.

Originally Posted by Tripper
*Angry at loss of last big war, Vietnam
Actually, that was not our war to be fought, it was the South Vietnamese's war to be fought. We actually won that war, because we were merely trying to bring an end to communism, and today you can count all of the commie countries on one hand.
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Default 10-23-2002, 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by Gerard
Well heres a little soloution for that. STOP STICKING YOUR FUCKING NOSE IN EVERYONES BUSINESS.
So what you are telling me, sir, is that instead of giving millions of dollars in relief funds to poor countries and giving military support to our "allies", you would just rather have us sit back and watch numerous countries get screwed as seperate nations? If it weren't for the U.S., France would be goose-stepping right now, or at least they would have been for a long time after WWII. If it weren't for the U.S., WWII would have lasted much longer than it did. If it weren't for the U.S., places like South Korea and South Vietnam would have been screwed big time and overrun by communistic tyrants. If it weren't for the U.S., Kuwait and possibly Saudi Arabia would have been RAPED by Iraq.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people from other countries gripe and moan about how they hate the U.S., even though we voluntarily give millions upon millions of dollars to support our "allies" that do little more than degrade us and tell about how bad the U.S. sucks. The French do nothing but turn around and piss on our backs. The only country that shows even the slightest gratitude towards our generous efforts is England, and even they talk of how the U.S. are just a bunch of snobs that think they are better than everybody else.

If the U.S. thought they were better than everybody else, then why the hell do we help these countries in need? Do you ever see the snobby popular football captain or cheerleader talk to a loner or try to help anybody? HELL NO. If the U.S. thought they were better, we just wouldn't help ANYBODY, and personally I think that's just what we should do. If you don't want our help, fine, I say FUCK 'EM. We'll just sit back and not do shit to whatever happens in Israel or Iraq. We'll just let the Brits and the U.N. do all the work. You see, if we did do that, everybody would come crawling back to us, begging for help, offering to suck our dicks if we offered support. Gerard, STFU and learn to appreciate what the U.S. is trying to do for the world. Nobody likes Irishmen anyway biggrin: biggrin: .

Now, I will say that the U.S. is not entirely correct in just giving money to these countries for nothing in return. That does make us look snobby in a way. It's like if a Rich man gives $1000 to a homeless man, sure the homeless man is grateful, but he feels bad inside because he didn't have to do anything in return. I think the U.S. should make deals with these countries saying "If we help you, either in terms of financial aid or military aid, then you have to return the favor back, in anyway you choose to do so." This way, the needy country receives the help it needs, without feeling like shit, because they had to do something as well.

Originally Posted by Tripper
*Angry at loss of last big war, Vietnam
Actually, that was not our war to be fought, it was the South Vietnamese's war to be fought. We actually won that war, because we were merely trying to bring an end to communism, and today you can count all of the commie countries on one hand.
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Default 10-23-2002, 04:23 PM

heres a link ... 4n4a2.html
they spell it wrong too. and there are many other links that spell it like that. so dont flame me.
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Default 10-23-2002, 04:27 PM

[quote="Founding_Law":0aabc]heres a link [url=""] ... 4n4a2.html[/url]
they spell it wrong too. and there are many other links that spell it like that. so dont flame me.[/quote:0aabc]

It's ok, move on.
geRV is Offline
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Default 10-23-2002, 04:27 PM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":915db]
Originally Posted by Gerard
Well heres a little soloution for that. STOP STICKING YOUR FUCKING NOSE IN EVERYONES BUSINESS.
So what you are telling me, sir, is that instead of giving millions of dollars in relief funds to poor countries and giving military support to our "allies", you would just rather have us sit back and watch numerous countries get screwed as seperate nations? If it weren't for the U.S., France would be goose-stepping right now, or at least they would have been for a long time after WWII. If it weren't for the U.S., WWII would have lasted much longer than it did. If it weren't for the U.S., places like South Korea and South Vietnam would have been screwed big time and overrun by communistic tyrants. If it weren't for the U.S., Kuwait and possibly Saudi Arabia would have been RAPED by Iraq.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people from other countries gripe and moan about how they hate the U.S., even though we voluntarily give millions upon millions of dollars to support our "allies" that do little more than degrade us and tell about how bad the U.S. sucks. The French do nothing but turn around and piss on our backs. The only country that shows even the slightest gratitude towards our generous efforts is England, and even they talk of how the U.S. are just a bunch of snobs that think they are better than everybody else.

If the U.S. thought they were better than everybody else, then why the hell do we help these countries in need? Do you ever see the snobby popular football captain or cheerleader talk to a loner or try to help anybody? HELL NO. If the U.S. thought they were better, we just wouldn't help ANYBODY, and personally I think that's just what we should do. If you don't want our help, fine, I say FUCK 'EM. We'll just sit back and not do shit to whatever happens in Israel or Iraq. We'll just let the Brits and the U.N. do all the work. You see, if we did do that, everybody would come crawling back to us, begging for help, offering to suck our dicks if we offered support. Gerard, STFU and learn to appreciate what the U.S. is trying to do for the world. Nobody likes Irishmen anyway biggrin: biggrin: .

Now, I will say that the U.S. is not entirely correct in just giving money to these countries for nothing in return. That does make us look snobby in a way. It's like if a Rich man gives $1000 to a homeless man, sure the homeless man is grateful, but he feels bad inside because he didn't have to do anything in return. I think the U.S. should make deals with these countries saying "If we help you, either in terms of financial aid or military aid, then you have to return the favor back, in anyway you choose to do so." This way, the needy country receives the help it needs, without feeling like shit, because they had to do something as well.

Originally Posted by Tripper
*Angry at loss of last big war, Vietnam
Actually, that was not our war to be fought, it was the South Vietnamese's war to be fought. We actually won that war, because we were merely trying to bring an end to communism, and today you can count all of the commie countries on one hand.[/quote:915db]

Thats exactly the type of attitude that fucks people off. "If it weren't for the U.S., France would be goose-stepping right now, or at least they would have been for a long time after WWII",

Yeah america won the war by themselves, noone else had a hand in it at all. I'll give you this much, when it comes to revisionist history you're way ahead of the pack.

As for your other little moronic tirade maybe if you hadn't got your sizable schnozz into middle east affairs in the first place the wtc incident probably would never have happened. And yeah all the other armys in the world are incompetant compared to americas. Funny they were fighting before america was even fucking discovered. You know what you need? another asswhooping like you got in vietnam to make you shut the fuck up.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 10-23-2002, 04:35 PM

[quote:1b526]So, I laugh as all hell when someone even THINKS about drawing a comparison between the United States and really ANY country or regime with Ecpassionist goals. It just shows the true bias and hypocrisy that really exists out there.[/quote:1b526]

At least someone laughed at my joke.

Just to clarify, and make sure you read my post carefully...It was a small joke, not worthy of such a large post in return....Infact, I now think it was quite pointless, because it turns out it wasn't as funny as I thought it was, but if you thought that I honestly believed what I was typing, then you must think I am a total moron, and I'm sorry that you must be privy to people of my status on this forum...But if you feel you must post something like that every time after somebody makes a joke that attacks the US, well then, you can just be the unhappy person that turns everything into an argument. I personally wouldn't like that label, but it seems to go down well with you....I haven't once heard a cheerpy post from you. You seem like a very depressed person, I'm sorry that you feel this way. Do you want to talk about it?

I'm sorry that I suck.
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Default 10-23-2002, 04:41 PM

Here we go again... Us against them.... We(Americans) do not always do what right. We tend not to look at things with a worldview, but more of a selfishh veiw.

America is not perfect... but their is no place in the world I would rather live.

Except mabye a tropical island with my pick of women...
geRV is Offline
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Default 10-23-2002, 04:58 PM

[quote="Low spark":f77d2]Here we go again... Us against them.... We(Americans) do not always do what right. We tend not to look at things with a worldview, but more of a selfishh veiw.

America is not perfect... but their is no place in the world I would rather live.

Except mabye a tropical island with my pick of women...[/quote:f77d2]

I don't have a problem with americans, ive a load of american relatives. What pisses me off is the "we = better than you" attitude that seems to run rampant. It just smacks of egomaniacs and overpatriotic headbangers.

My favourite example is the assumption that because america has a big military its automatically the best. Says who? prove its the best, without a fullscale war this can;t be proven so ego comes into play and because you live there its autocmatically the best. Then you get the retards that say "dude we won ww2". Yeah right and im sure the graves of the polish british russian australian and the rest of the allied soldiers that died are testament to the "fact" that america did in fact win ww2 itself. if you'r stupid enough to make a statement like that you may as well piss on the graves of those that fought and died for other countries.

Anyway fuck it this topics seriously pissing me off. mwah:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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