In my opinion lord of the rings sucked dick. Then again im a critical bastard to say the least but when i was watching the film i fell asleep a couple of times due to the boredom of watching 4 circus midgets, some queer looking cunt with a bow and arrow, sean bean (piss poor actor) a 200 year old ganch (gandalf) and the "king of fudgepackers" run about for a couple of hours whilst boring the utter piss out of me.
Other movies that sucked dick:
Titanic: way to go hollywood take a story of a disaster and turn it into some wanky fucking love story with 2 half assed actors.
Pearl Harbor: Yet another load of fuck, another hollywood film focusing on something of a disaster and they HAVE to throw a fucking love story in just to piss people off.
Harry potter and his red headed friend can also blow me, both of those were boring as shit but get rave reviews for some unknown reason.
Starwars just blows goats. Episode 1 we get the massive hype over how darth maul is such a badass yet he does literally fuck all through the entire film only to be chopped in half by some wanker that couldn't act out an orgasm.
Episode 2 was more of the same, piss poor acting coming from every orifice and a corny dialogue for most of the characters. Only mildly amusing part was the yoda lightsabre scene but that was about it. Lucas philosophy: big special effects = good fim, umm wrong you beardy bastard.
Any movie staring nicholas cage sucks dick to the extreme.
Signs: Yet another awesome product of hollywood imagination, i won't bother ripping on it just go here to have a laugh at it.
Quite frankly most of the movies hollywood churns out year after year rate quite high on the "wankometer".