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Sgt>Stackem is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 10:15 AM

well I feel privlaged, in another thread Ed refered to me as "cupcake" thats love aint it?
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=BA-MF=LoneGunner65=2nd=c is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 11:05 AM

Uhhh ok stackem u confused me.
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MPowell1944 is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 11:06 AM

anyways, lets keep this ontopic.

Noctis, any updates? or still waiting on the webhost confirmation?
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=BA-MF=LoneGunner65=2nd=c is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 11:08 AM

i started hearing rumors about that god team now. But im still pisst that my clan leader abondond us so now i gotta figure out how to change my name.
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Bazooka_Joe is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 11:37 AM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":5b263]lol, I was just bein goofy. calm down.[/quote:5b263]

I was referring to everyone, you aren't special. biggrin:
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=BA-MF=LoneGunner65=2nd=c is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 11:38 AM

Were all not special
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Default 01-09-2003, 11:41 AM

[quote="=BA-MF=LoneGunner65=2nd=c":5d23d]Were all not special[/quote:5d23d]

That's not true. Ed is special. oOo:
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Default 01-09-2003, 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by "[513th
Kamil":7599b]ED we don't like you


that's a roger
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Drew is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 12:23 PM

Ball is in the webhost's court.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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MPowell1944 is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 12:24 PM

okay cool. now i guess we wait for them to make a move. hopefully soon.
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Sgt>Stackem is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 02:32 PM

this is a very intresting thread. I dont have 1st hand experience with TEAMGOD but it doesnt sound nice at all. I will watch this post to see if anything comes of it.
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[GH]Snake22 is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 04:40 PM

I whent onto their forums and ticked them off just so they would come to our server and I could get a full list of IP' is a nice list BTW.
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The ED! Foundation is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 05:06 PM

[quote="Captain_McCusker":f6d51][quote="The ED! Foundation":f6d51]This is 100% a joke. It will go NOWHERE.

Enjoy the solidarity that goes with it though - this board needs all the help it can get.[/quote:f6d51]You're a joke, Ed. Personally I rate you right there with the TG idiots. Why? Because you specifically make attempts at pissing people off for your own enjoyment. Maybe you never crashed servers, and I honestly don't know if you cheat (you've skipped past Delator, so I can't imagine that you do), but the mere fact that you make such an effort to get a rise out of people is IMO the same as what TG's most guilty of doing. Yes, they actually committed a crime against the Law. But you, Ed, have committed crimes against people on other levels. You're why people make labels for other people, and I personally label you as Grade-A Asshole.

Sorry for the flame, guys. I'm just sick of listening to his crap every time I turn around.[/quote:f6d51]

Sorry it took so long to respond, I absolutely wet myself and had to change my diaper. Laugher ladies and...well this is the GD Forum...LADIES is the best medicine.

That being said CAP, get over yourself, and get over it. This is a forum, for a computer game. Repeat that OVER and OVER to yourself. I get a rise out of people - ok. Of course I do. So do alot of other people - they like to call themselves humorists. I see you pimp AAN - that's great mate, and you might want to turn that intense telescope in on yourself and the folks you represent.

In any case - I'm hardly sorry for raining on your parade, but this...this is nothing. It amounts to - NOTHING. Continue to pursure this endeavor in the hopes that it will do...god only knows. I liken this to ass slapping in a locker room with a bunch of meat-head guys. I mean you're all getting excited because some anonymous person spoke to ANOTHER anonymous person regarding laws which they VAGUELY seem to have a grasp of?

Get. A. Grip.
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Old Reliable is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 05:11 PM

i would have to go with ed on this
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Slain is Offline
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Default 01-09-2003, 06:43 PM

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This is something Team|GOD| isnt gonna see in prison.
Go FBI Go!
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