Originally Posted by Ydiss
Actually, I take that back.
We now have no edit, so it's actually worse now.
lol I'm sure we will get it back. When we re-instated it, seemed to be working ok. The truth is, I think he took it out due to a SQL injection of some sort in phpBB 2.0.1.[/quote:9cec7]
Yes, I gathered that. I've realised this is one of the things that always got to me about you... You will frequently quote the least relevant part of a post and comment on it as if to belittle the actual point being made by the poster.
Far from being serious that second post was sarcasm, which you picked up on as if to say "no you're wrong, everything is fine".
The words "point" and "missed" come to mind.
I do think that these may be better times for the forum. It'd be nice if BS does sort this place out, thankless job as it is.
Again, my point is that without Anti doing what he did these forums would be exactly where they were over a week ago.
The very fact that everyone is
still villifying Anti and those who supported him is beyond belief.
It may have been wrong to do what he did but it bloody worked, didn't it?
If these forums are sorted by BS I will be thankful to him, but I'll also be thankful to people like ED, Gerard, Anti and others because without their out-spoken dedication to making this place better it would still be a shit-hole.
So Hollywood, eat your words. Sometimes you need to kick the car to get it working again.