When I look at my post count, I remember 3 years of my life that I have spent here. If you get rid of that, it's like it never happened, and I have nothing to show for the hours on end that I have spent posting on these forums.
Ok 1st off zen while your points are valid has anyone actually asked BS if he wants to change stuff. He has a hard enough time atm without redoing everything. Also there is buried among all the spam and garbage a lot of good info for modders all that would go just to try to make sure we dont get hacked. I say we cos whats a forum without the ppl who post? As for the mods i have never had a problem with the likes of zoner or dragon do why replace em they only get arsey when tards post total crap or flame which lets face it is their job. In my opinion a gradual change may be good and some good security and housekeeping to boot but this is cutting off your head cos you have headache guys.
[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":a5847]Ok 1st off zen while your points are valid has anyone actually asked BS if he wants to change stuff. He has a hard enough time atm without redoing everything. Also there is buried among all the spam and garbage a lot of good info for modders all that would go just to try to make sure we dont get hacked. I say we cos whats a forum without the ppl who post? As for the mods i have never had a problem with the likes of zoner or dragon do why replace em they only get arsey when tards post total crap or flame which lets face it is their job. In my opinion a gradual change may be good and some good security and housekeeping to boot but this is cutting off your head cos you have headache guys.
Tripper i am nsscorpion just a new a/c more to the point why??
What did you see i only had 3 post and think i was new I have spent 3 years at least here too but only post if needed . if you disagree say so.
[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":db377]Tripper i am nsscorpion just a new a/c more to the point why??
What did you see i only had 3 post and think i was new I have spent 3 years at least here too but only post if needed . if you disagree say so.
So what exactly is your point tripper do you have a problem with my post? here is a few pointers:
1)Saying WTF in any shape or form is old and doesnt make you look clever.
2)Posting to boost your post count is a bit lame dont you think?
3)And when you quote it is usually best to read what your quoting.
4)Flaming is gay.
Now that is out of the way what did i say that got your panties in a wad? Was it that i said something you dont like or disagree with? If so what was it so i can explain it in simpler terms?
Fact is i had an input on a topic i wanted to say something about. Just cos i spent the last 3 years in MMS doesnt make you king of the forums.
[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":c5171]So what exactly is your point tripper do you have a problem with my post? here is a few pointers:
1)Saying WTF in any shape or form is old and doesnt make you look clever.
2)Posting to boost your post count is a bit lame dont you think?
3)And when you quote it is usually best to read what your quoting.
4)Flaming is gay.
Now that is out of the way what did i say that got your panties in a wad? Was it that i said something you dont like or disagree with? If so what was it so i can explain it in simpler terms?
Fact is i had an input on a topic i wanted to say something about. Just cos i spent the last 3 years in MMS doesnt make you king of the forums.
[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":4a97f]So what exactly is your point tripper do you have a problem with my post? here is a few pointers:
1)Saying WTF in any shape or form is old and doesnt make you look clever.
2)Posting to boost your post count is a bit lame dont you think?
3)And when you quote it is usually best to read what your quoting.
4)Flaming is gay.
Now that is out of the way what did i say that got your panties in a wad? Was it that i said something you dont like or disagree with? If so what was it so i can explain it in simpler terms?
Fact is i had an input on a topic i wanted to say something about. Just cos i spent the last 3 years in MMS doesnt make you king of the forums.
Scorp[/quote:4a97f]Did you ever finish that crap with vehicles in MOHAA? You were supposed to be the God of scripting if i remember.
[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":be9f6]So what exactly is your point tripper do you have a problem with my post? here is a few pointers:
1)Saying WTF in any shape or form is old and doesnt make you look clever.
2)Posting to boost your post count is a bit lame dont you think?
3)And when you quote it is usually best to read what your quoting.
4)Flaming is gay.
Now that is out of the way what did i say that got your panties in a wad? Was it that i said something you dont like or disagree with? If so what was it so i can explain it in simpler terms?
Fact is i had an input on a topic i wanted to say something about. Just cos i spent the last 3 years in MMS doesnt make you king of the forums.
K, don't cry darling.
*Saw your first post, wondered why the fuck someone who joined 2 days earlier and had merely 2 posts would be giving pointers on how to fix up this forum.
*Thought you might have had a different user account previously.
*Questioned you about it in the first post directed to you.
*Got an indecipherable reply in terrible broken english. Couldn't understand what you were saying.
*Made a point of it in my 2nd post directed at you.
*You jumped to conclusions in some kind of psychotic episode that you probably would call a post. You go on to accuse me of, spamming to boost my post count, not reading the post I quoted, attempting to flame you, and then you accuse me of thinking im the "king of the forums."