[quote:79ecb]The pod is there. Period.
If the pod is there then it's VERY likely that it's purpose is to conceal the missile. If the pod and the missile are real, then the planes were switched.
The switch very likely occured at the point in the flight path where a very sharp "turn" is visible.
Switching the planes could have easily been proven with FAA radar data.
FAA radar data was quickly destroyed.
An attempt by several key tower personnel to document the strange events they had just witnessed by making a tape recording was crushed.
This crucial tape was crushed, cut into many pieces and thrown into several different waste baskets by the senior manager.
A huge cover-up took place immediately after the planes crashed.
The cover-up involved FAA, FBI, and others.
All these things are established FACTS.
One thing leads to another.
No way around it...
Plenty of focus, here.
Skeptics can simply post a link to their own forums.
Back to work.[/quote:79ecb]
I found that post intresting. I am still not buying into the whole pod theory, but this intrests me.
TGB I am not wasting my time with you today.