[quote="Short Hand":562d1]
Originally Posted by geRV
Fuckin hell here we go again. oOo: sleeping:
This war has accomplished nothing.[/quote:562d1]
i have to disasgree with that statement, im going to assume you know about saddam hussein, jsut because we didnt find any WMD, doesnt mean there is no reason for us to go. SH was murdering thousands of innocent civilians, the US has found multiple mass burial sits with thousands of people in them. the fuckers that are attacking us, are followers of SH and not just regular civilians. i dont really know much about politics, but i know a lot about wars and this to me seems like a just cause to fight a war. the US is the hero of the world at this point in time, i dont know if that maks a lot of sense but it does to me. if a country needs help, naturally they will come to us, or we will go to them even if they dont ask. this is what we did in iraq. if you compare the deaths of americans to any other war we have fought, there is no comparison. think about d-day, how many americans died in one single day. if you join the military, dont join and think you get to sit on your ass all day and then get free college funds. if you join, you will be expected to fight for your country no matter what you think. if you want to have pity for the soldiers that have died, just remember that they signed up for the army and when you sign up for the army, dont be expecting not to go to war.