[quote="philadelphia killing mach":10fb4][quote=Tripper]
Originally Posted by "philadelphia killing mach":10fb4
H.G. Wells is a hack fag.
Jules Verne
HP Lovecraft
Ray Bradburry
Issac Asimov
All those Writers listed were born after HG Wells even started writing, except for Jules Verne, who Wells didn't rip off at all.
If you're going to make pathetic points like that, you should at least reasearch enough so that you don't look like a complete moron when you present them.[/quote:10fb4]
who said anything about birthdates and ripping off ? learn to read. they personally each told me he was a hack fag that wrote boring gothic english style literature with overdescriptive paragraphs and scant dialouge in the first person. that his writings were like reading a diary from chambermaid who realizes her days to be wed have long passed. hell, just the other night david niven stated he was embarassed to be writing in the same genre as Wells. so forgive me if i have a little inside info that you don't. now just drink your warm bear, boil something to eat and finger a cousin or two if you would.[/quote:10fb4]
Okay, so this is one of those posts where you realise you fucked up, and have to much pride to admit it so you try and cover it up by talking absolute shit.....Congratulations, you're now the biggest joke on the forums.
BTW - You probably misheard David Niven, I'm sure he meant that he was embarrased because he didn't think he was eligble to be considered as on the same level as such a classic writer.
Nobody is that arrogant.....Aside from you of course.