Originally Posted by TodzumPapst
Originally Posted by Tripper
So basically I got to insult you a bunch of times for no reason, and watch you make an ass of yourself.....
Basically ya, but in OUR perspective by us lieing and agreeing with eachother and laughing at you with whatever you type your the one making an ASS of YOURself cause you were making such a big deal out of it and looking in encyclopedias to prove us wrong. GREAT JOB I HOPE YOUR PROUD!
I was looking inside encyclopedias? News to me....
.....You really must be a fucking stupid, stupid, STUPID person if you think something I posted required "dem fangled encyclopedias wif da info in dem." I didn't even have to use my fucking brain in this argument, basically you two typed up stupid shit and I just pointed out the obvious flaws and mistakes. It took two of you working together to make yourselves look like morons.
....and you claim you have some kind of one-up over me. LOL.
You didn't waste any of my time, either - If I weren't flaming you in this argument in this thread it would be in another thread with something you actually didn't make up. You two are just another couple of urinal cakes in the long line of them.
Keep it up!