Originally Posted by "Pyro":e120b
Originally Posted by "Tripper":e120b
Originally Posted by "Pyro":e120b
Originally Posted by "anti":e120b
i hope you were being sarcastic vance when you called shawn sophisticated
Sophisticated = snobby...
i'm just straight pimp.
no youre a fucking whiteboy just like me and everyone else.
the great white pimp
never heard of a virgin pimp.[/quote:e120b]
I treat it like sellin crack
you can't get high off your own supply...Im dedicated to buisness...and having sex with girls means less time for them to make me money.[/quote:e120b]
You're not a pimp. Dude. Look at yourself.[/quote:e120b]
how does appearance have anything to do with it.
and obviouslly im not...but you make assumptions that io look like this and am white...are the reasons for it not being...are derogoratory.[/quote:e120b]
Have you been doing speedballs or something?
What the fuck is wrong with you? What do you mean assumptions? I've seen the many pictures of you that you have posted. I know what you look like. Its not considered derogatory to think someone is white based on seeing them in photos that they themselves posted and claim is them.[/quote:e120b]
huh...I meant being a pimp...as a white short guy...i could still be a pimp
when did I ever claim i wasn't white? I just act the way I do...im sure there are influences...but that is unconcious...I don't really do anything just to become popular...hell id of been LAID by now if I did.
I even tell yo momma ya aint shit motherfucker.
Either way...all ya'll bitches need to be is happy with your life...anyone who isn't...put your head to shame.[/quote:e120b]