awsome, tell her if she plays SH ro BT to stop by sometime on our server, we have a total of 7 females in our group.. most of the time the guys are pretty cool and every now and then get the ones that hate that a girl killed them...hehe... oh well..
lol.. it doesn't get to I just think that it is funny that they are acting like, ed: OH MY, No way, NO GIRL! WOULD ACTUALLY BE ON HERE! AND ACTUALLY PLAY A MANS GAME! ed: ...are you they really that deprived that they don't know when a girl is really a girl or are they just so lame that they don't ever possibly wanna look stupid and just think that everyone is male so they don't try to hit on a man??? ... maybe they just like to see if they can make pissed and not want to come in forums either way..oh well... I am not goin anywhere, think whatcha want, one less person that I have to deal with rock:
And thanks Zoner for the welcome!
well back in my old clan (the RBC) a girl almost joined our clan. then our clan split. i still get on the occasional AA game with her. shes a great sniper and when she gets into position i get a smg and cover get inside of the area behind her. Im still trying to convince her to buy CoD though rolleyes: