Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by tomxtr
With the exception of one dude, there looks like a lot of standing around.
Looks as though they just got the ball out of a tackle around about where those two kids are getting off their asses....Theres not too much standing around in Rugby, it's quite a fast sport.
winner, Im the kid in black getting off his ass. I think I was kicked in the head quite a few times just seconds before this picture was taken as I cant remember it.
As for that pitch, its wasnt the worst, but wasnt the best we've played on. I would say without a doubt our home field is better and has one of the best views I could ask for to play infront of. Best overall fields we play on are Colby-Sawyer, and next year the new $4 million field that Dartmouth just built.
Here is a better view of The Johnson State Field
Our field and an idea of the view we get to play with. We love our field because we can tear it apart and treat it like shit during the winter and early srping, but it always comes back to be the most perfect grass, and best field we know.