for all you people wondering what that bunker was a few pages back it is not a mg bunker. it was a observation bunker for the Longues Coastal Artillery Battery it was equiped with range finders for the coastal artillery emplacements. the top part is either a platform for a range finder or a platform for soldiers to observe the beach. that bunker was never "used" on d-day because it wasnt finished. that open space you see infront of the lower part of the bunker was dug out for the making of the movie "the longest day" in the 50's. and all those deep craters, thats Pointe Du Hoc where the 2nd Rangers had to climb the cliffs to destory the guns that where "suposed" to be firing on omaha beach. those craters are the result of bombings by the airfore and naval ships.
oh yea do you have ANY pics of Pegasus Bridge??????????