LMAO..its a question of setting the example. how can you expect the others to fall in line when the mods do the same crap they ban people for. just doesnt make any sence to me. theres a language rule i believe. but not for you 2 guys. spamming rule..not for you 2 guys. im not a mod so im considered a rule breaker. lol. theres some way the hell and gone funny logic that runs this place and i wouldnt miss it for the world. but then again. opinions are like assholes. everybody has one.mine just happens to be true.
What is a matter with you people!
Yes Innoxx will be harsh but thats a good thing, no thats a great thing.
Becase the forums will be all clened up flame wars wont be around, and i know Innoxx will work hard to achieve peace in these forums.
Congratulations Innoxx and good luck.
i agree it aint bad u dont even know him (i dont ) but he prolly is a nice guy but all thses n00bs have ruined these forums.... congrats innoxx...
LMAO..its a question of setting the example. how can you expect the others to fall in line when the mods do the same crap they ban people for. just doesnt make any sence to me. theres a language rule i believe. but not for you 2 guys. spamming rule..not for you 2 guys. im not a mod so im considered a rule breaker. lol. theres some way the hell and gone funny logic that runs this place and i wouldnt miss it for the world. but then again. opinions are like assholes. everybody has one.mine just happens to be true.
wow i think every 1 would b banned if we followed your rules.. (even though they r aa.com rules no 1 follows them)
LMAO..its a question of setting the example. how can you expect the others to fall in line when the mods do the same crap they ban people for. just doesnt make any sence to me. theres a language rule i believe. but not for you 2 guys. spamming rule..not for you 2 guys. im not a mod so im considered a rule breaker. lol. theres some way the hell and gone funny logic that runs this place and i wouldnt miss it for the world. but then again. opinions are like assholes. everybody has one.mine just happens to be true.
Let's just hope our "new" mods don't impose their opinions on the rest of the board. Nothing is worse then a mod who will ban or delete someones post because they don't like their opinion...
[quote:f3382]LMAO..its a question of setting the example. how can you expect the others to fall in line when the mods do the same crap they ban people for. just doesnt make any sence to me. theres a language rule i believe. but not for you 2 guys. spamming rule..not for you 2 guys. im not a mod so im considered a rule breaker. lol. theres some way the hell and gone funny logic that runs this place and i wouldnt miss it for the world. but then again. opinions are like assholes. everybody has one.mine just happens to be true. [/quote:f3382]
No more like you just happen to be a fucking asshole, biggest whiney bitch asshole on this forum who LOVES to stick his fucking nose into shit that doesn't concern him.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
first of all i didnt know we were fighting. i thought we were having a discussion. you ask me how should you do your job. i just saw in your post where you said you cant ban anyone. i knew that. but you can recommend that someone be banned. its a question of making examples of a few members to make the rest come around to your way of thinkin. lets say you ban 10 members. make a sticky and anounce the ban and why there not here anymore. also state that more will follow if the rules are broken. if it continues. do some more. same anouncement..make it known that theres a new sheriff in town that you aint takin any shit as you say. continue this until the forum is again a great place it could be and once was or theres just nobody left here to ban which ever comes first. its a simple question of sacrficing a few for the good of all. and you could do it all without a single cuss word. AND BY THE WAY...gain a great deal of respect from the members besides.
first of all i didnt know we were fighting. i thought we were having a discussion. you ask me how should you do your job. i just saw in your post where you said you cant ban anyone. i knew that. but you can recommend that someone be banned. its a question of making examples of a few members to make the rest come around to your way of thinkin. lets say you ban 10 members. make a sticky and anounce the ban and why there not here anymore. also state that more will follow if the rules are broken. if it continues. do some more. same anouncement..make it known that theres a new sheriff in town that you aint takin any shit as you say. continue this until the forum is again a great place it could be and once was or theres just nobody left here to ban which ever comes first. its a simple question of sacrficing a few for the good of all. and you could do it all without a single cuss word. AND BY THE WAY...gain a great deal of respect from the members besides.
your right partner..its too bad. instead you guys will go on cussing out people and theyll cuss back. it does nothing to help the situation it only throws gas on an already burning building.