08-22-2003, 10:09 AM
Joe, before you reply, let's just drop this ok?
I'm fairly fond of this forum, and I have friends here that you don't like that I will always stick up for them.
There are things you have done in the past that I disagreed with but they are in the past, aren't they?
I think I've said everything that I could to you that I felt the need to so I'll agree to stop saying negative things in response to what you have done (but I won't agree to stop being negative about what you do from now on).
Chances are you'll be mod/admin here again, no matter what is said, so the only thing I can ask of you is to take what has been said here and at least consider it in everything you do in future.
What has happened recently may have been wrong but you cannot disagree that it could very well be the catalyst for this forum's revival.
With that in mind I'm going to take your advice and see what happens.
There will always be people you disagree with but the mature way for them and you to deal with it is to co-exist here with some semblance of civility - or at least flame eachother without taking it personally and taking action.
What a lot of people fail to realise is that this is the largest community for MoH:AA and that means there is likely to be the most variance in opinion. To expect everyone to agree and get along is wishing for a miracle.