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Default 06-28-2004, 11:22 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":8325e]
Originally Posted by Eames
i graduated highschool with a 5.2 gpa 45 outta 400.
5.2 eh? Was your average around 130 and you being 45 out of your class? Even if it was a 4.2 45 seems to make your statement sound like bullshit. plzdie:[/quote:8325e]

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Default 06-28-2004, 11:24 AM

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Default 06-28-2004, 11:25 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":8a223][quote="Garry Coleman":8a223]
Originally Posted by Eames
i graduated highschool with a 5.2 gpa 45 outta 400.
5.2 eh? Was your average around 130 and you being 45 out of your class? Even if it was a 4.2 45 seems to make your statement sound like bullshit. plzdie:[/quote:8a223][/quote:8a223]

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Default 06-28-2004, 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by KTOG
Tripper it really doesn't matter. Reason being is Eames is one of those people who can't be changed. He was raised a racist, his peers share his racist ways, therefor he is surrounded by it. He listens to "American Pride" music on his off time (Toby Keith ...). This man is Gung Ho racist because society says so. The only way this ignorant mother fucker will change is if we hopped in a time machine and switched him at birth with a tolerant family that grows up in a culturally diverse community.

In conclusion, few people can change ... however most people are just ignorant via society.
actually i wasn't raised racist at all, i discovered it myself from my own expierences through life. i have friends now who freshman and sophmore year were vehemently anti racist but after a while they ran out of excuses to use to defend minorities and from their own expierences with them at school and work made them drop the "we're all equal bullshit real fast". so in conclusion its real easy to speak we're all equal when you live in a predominatly white upscale neighboorhood and all of your minority friends the 2 or 3 out of your school where theres only 50 non white kids are cool, but come down south and go to a public school that forcibly integrates by busing minorities across town to come to your school, and its not just a handfull they buss load them by the thousands. you don't know what its like, especially you tripper the only thing you know about minorites is what you see on tv, how many non white people are there in all of new zealand? 100 at most?? probably all asians too. so, untill you actually live with them and deal with them on a daily basis, don't fucking judge me because you don't know whats its like.
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Default 06-28-2004, 11:53 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":756e2][quote="Garry Coleman":756e2][quote="Garry Coleman":756e2]
Originally Posted by Eames
i graduated highschool with a 5.2 gpa 45 outta 400.
5.2 eh? Was your average around 130 and you being 45 out of your class? Even if it was a 4.2 45 seems to make your statement sound like bullshit. plzdie:[/quote:756e2][/quote:756e2][/quote:756e2]

you have no idea how smart my senior class wasm, the validictorian graduated with a 7.2 gpa, but whatever don't believe me...i could care less.
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Default 06-28-2004, 12:36 PM

Just to reference the insanely deep bullshit on the GPAs, here are the national guidelines for GPAs:

National Unweighted: 4.0 (Perfect)
National Weighted: 5.0 (Perfect)

There is a way to beat the system with AP courses and max out at 5.5, but there isn't a school system in the US that has offered courses in a manner which has allowed a student to do so yet.

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Default 06-28-2004, 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by Noctis
Just to reference the insanely deep bullshit on the GPAs, here are the national guidelines for GPAs:

National Unweighted: 4.0 (Perfect)
National Weighted: 5.0 (Perfect)

There is a way to beat the system with AP courses and max out at 5.5, but there isn't a school system in the US that has offered courses in a manner which has allowed a student to do so yet.
owned rock:

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Default 06-28-2004, 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by Noctis
Just to reference the insanely deep bullshit on the GPAs, here are the national guidelines for GPAs:

National Unweighted: 4.0 (Perfect)
National Weighted: 5.0 (Perfect)

There is a way to beat the system with AP courses and max out at 5.5, but there isn't a school system in the US that has offered courses in a manner which has allowed a student to do so yet.
take enough ap courses and you can, these kids took online ap courses in addition to 2 years of taking 7 ap classes, at my high school you could start taking ap classes your sophmore year and by your junior year you could take all ap courses, ap courses add .8 to your gpa when you take alot your gpa is boosted. my unweighted gpa was only 3.4 but throughout my high school career i only took ap and honors level classes, honors level classes only add .4 to your gpa but still you start your freshman and sophmore years taking all honors classes and by your junior and senior year your taking all ap courses your gpa is going to be hyper inflated. i have no idea where you got your statistics noctis, but they aren't correct.
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Default 06-28-2004, 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by Eames
you don't know what its like, especially you tripper the only thing you know about minorites is what you see on tv, how many non white people are there in all of new zealand? 100 at most?? probably all asians too. so, untill you actually live with them and deal with them on a daily basis, don't fucking judge me because you don't know whats its like.

[quote:02477]In 2001, there were people from 181 different ethnic groups living in Auckland city. This means that Auckland City Council governs the most ethnically diverse population of any of the territorial local authorities in the Auckland region or the nation.

I live in an area where European/Whites are 48%, the rest are Pacific Islander, Maori, Asian, Indian, and various others.....The biggest being Pacific Islander.....and I'd know more about living with other races than you ever would - My brother-in-law is full Samoan, my neice is half-cast. I even dated a Samoan girl for a while.

So don't even fucking start with me, and how I don't know about the acceptance of other races into general society. You'll just make yourself look more fucking stupid.

You silly ignorant fuck.
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Default 06-28-2004, 03:17 PM

First of all, the national standards for college admission do not recognize anything over a 5.0 GPA.

That being said, Honors courses will get you .25 to your weighted GPA, AP and Dual-Enrollment courses will get you .45 to your GPA (assuming you make all A's).

Here is some information on how AP is weighted:

[quote:f26b5]Calculation of Weighted GPA

A. Students shall receive bonus points added to their non-weighted GPA for all Advanced Placement courses that they complete with a semester grade of C or better. Beginning with the 2004-2005 school year, in order to receive a weighted grade, a student must take the AP test associated with the AP course and earn a score of 3 or higher on the test.

B. In order to receive credit for a yearlong course, students must complete both semesters of an Advanced Placement course. Students in a yearlong AP course will lose the first semester bonus points if they do not complete the second semester of the course and take the test, earning a score of 3 or higher. It will be noted on the transcript that the weighted grade is contingent upon taking the AP test and earning a score of 3 or higher. The weight will be added to the transcript when the student’s score is received from the College Board.

C. GPA bonus points shall be calculated as follows for a full year course:

Grade Bonus Points
A .045
B .0225
C .015
D No bonus points[/quote:f26b5]

Furthermore, more than 75% of AP courses are year-long which necessitates the completion of two full semesters of instruction to receive credit. Also, Federal law limits the number of courses a student can take in a school year to 12 on block scheduling (5 per semester and two summer school) or 10 on traditional scheduling (8 per day and two in summer school). Summer courses taken post-graduation are not counted toward your GPA.

So eat me.

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Default 06-28-2004, 03:32 PM


Unless they started giving out Super-A's since I was in school. . .that number is ridiculous bullshit. 7.2 - get the fuck outta here.
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Default 06-28-2004, 03:34 PM


Unless they started giving out Super-A's since I was in school. . .that number is ridiculous bullshit. 7.2 - get the fuck outta here.

So we can safely say he IS an un-educated redneck, then?

Guess I was right afterall. beer:
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Default 06-28-2004, 03:37 PM


Unless they started giving out Super-A's since I was in school. . .that number is ridiculous bullshit. 5.2 - get the fuck outta here.


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Default 06-28-2004, 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by "TGB!":ece45

Unless they started giving out Super-A's since I was in school. . .that number is ridiculous bullshit. 5.2 - get the fuck outta here.

Are you on special terms with Eames? It says 7.2 up there. Even 5.2 is impossible since mathematically there would have to be a class worth 6.0 points. AP classes are worth 1 more point than the average class - so when I got a B in my Physics class it was an A. But to get a 5.0 youd need to have had ALL AP classes throughout your ENTIRE HS career. Any grade in a non-AP class - again with that crazy math - would bring the 5.0 down, so even if you took ONE class and got an A that a is worth 4.0 and would drag your shit down. 5.2 is an impossibility. 7.2 is just bullshitting because you can. spank:
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Default 06-28-2004, 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by "TGB!":f6ffc

Unless they started giving out Super-A's since I was in school. . .that number is ridiculous bullshit. 5.2 - get the fuck outta here.

Are you on special terms with Eames? It says 7.2 up there. Even 5.2 is impossible since mathematically there would have to be a class worth 6.0 points. AP classes are worth 1 more point than the average class - so when I got a B in my Physics class it was an A. But to get a 5.0 youd need to have had ALL AP classes throughout your ENTIRE HS career. Any grade in a non-AP class - again with that crazy math - would bring the 5.0 down, so even if you took ONE class and got an A that a is worth 4.0 and would drag your shit down. 5.2 is an impossibility. 7.2 is just bullshitting because you can. spank: [/quote:f6ffc]

Dont get me wrong, i liek the stuff i flush down the toilet more than Eames.
I just didnt see that 7.2 bullcrap, only the 5.2 he pulled earlier. loney:

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