Originally Posted by butch
I dont know about anyone else but im not judging you at all or calling you any names. As a matter of fact i feel bad that you missed out something. Its a very proud moment in a young mans life to make that first car deal with his own money. Its difficult to explain if you have never done it.
Some day im sure youll have a job and buy that car. Then youll better understand what im trying to say here. It wont be your fist car but the feeling will be the same.
I bought my own computer setup for all up around $3,000 (USD $1800) - Probably the most expensive thing I've bought with my own cash. It felt pretty good I guess.
Cars aren't as big a deal to me as they seem to be to you, I prefered purchasing other things with my hard earned cash. (I HAVE worked 3 different full-time jobs in my life - I do know what hard work is)
It didn't matter to me much if I got a car or not, hell I didn't even ask for one....But I got given one as a gesture of thanks from my parents for helping them survive. (NOT minor things like taking out trash etc - Try cooking/cleaning/washing, organising tradesmen, even paying bills occasionally). I never got paid for any of that, but the car was a gift of appreciation for the help I gave them.
I probably will get that feeling If I ever buy my own car, but I'm pretty damn sure I'd get that same feeling If I bought anything with my own money, not restricted to a car.
I don't think you realise how much cars don't matter to some people and how much it ISN'T a big deal getting your first car to some. Not all guys look at cars like that. Too me they're just another expensive thing that I have to fork out money for, just like anything else.
My point is, I'm not missing out on any "feeling" or on reaching my "manhood" because I got a car given to me.