Originally Posted by Sirus
Im looking to get another computer because my current has just seen better days. Its units are no longer top of the line and need a new list of computer parts to get :ie video card, motherboard, processor etc etc. Price range isnt that big of a concern but wanna be realistic. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
If it was me and I was buying right now, I'd go with AMD. I know Gerv will tell us that Core 2 Duo kicks AMD's booty which is true however till the price gouging (180.00 processor cost 260.00) dies down I'd look at AMD. More than likely you'll see an improvement over what you have either way you go (AMD or Intel). So whit that said:
SLI Capable
Processor: AMD X2 3800 (skt AM2)
Motherboard Nvidia: Asus M2N-SLI Delux (Nvidia 570 SLI chipset)
Video Card: Nvidia 7600 GT
DDR2 800 RAM (Corsair, Mushkin, Patriot, G-Skill, OCZ)
Crossfire Capable
Processor: AMD X2 3800 (skt 939)
Motherboard ATI: Asus A8R32-MVP Delux (ATI XPRESS 3200 chipset)
Video Card: ATI x1800GTO
DDR 500 RAM (Corsair, Mushkin, Patriot, G-Skill, OCZ)
Both of these will need a newer power supply. If you're going cheap then look at the FSP supplies([url:4f980]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817104954[/url:4f980]). If you can spend some cash then look at the PC Power and Cooling supplies ([url:4f980]http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Submit=ENE&N=2010320058+50009830&S ubcategory=58&description=&srchInDesc=&minPrice=&m axPrice=[/url:4f980]). The Silverstone SST-ST56ZF ([url:4f980]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817163111[/url:4f980]) is great at the moderate price range[/quote:4f980]
thanks for the info man greatly appreciated beer: