Originally Posted by Judas
ive done plenty of drugs, believe me, and i know what they can potentailly do to someone who loses control. yes, you do become a junkie. when you dont have it you are constantly looking for it; going out of your way to get it and feeling shitty until you do get it. just like alcohol it wreaks havoc on your life ( i cant recall ever having my life affected by taking some aspirin, or having a soda btw ). i even recall seeing tripper post that he is already having emotional problems because of it. its not going to get any better with continued use.
i wasnt implying "if you smoke , you are a junkie", but i can recognize the type.
i dont give a shit what any of you do with your lives. im just pointing out that this whole "pot smoking" is awesome craze is stupid.
Alot of people smoke pot where I'm from, its not really a big deal at all. It's not about it being "awesome," or because "its cool," people talk about it because its such a big part of peoples lives that it just is worth talking about. It's so fargone past any "cool" appeal. It's a social activity and also a method of relaxation I use ....and I don't really know what emotional problems you're talking about....?
I find that having a smoke calms me down when I need to chill out.
People that frown on it don't even know what they're frowing on. It's a harmless drug if you aren't victim to its "gateway" factor which I kind of think is bullshit. If you're going to try other drugs its not happening on accident - It's not the drugs fault. Its you deciding you're going to try them.
Personally - Aside from experimentation with a few hallucinagens - Which I have discontinued, I don't do any other drugs - I barely even drink these days.
I believe with all my heart that alcohol is at least on the same level as marijuana if not worse for society in general. Alcoholics? Alcohol destroys families. Marijuana doesn't have addictive tendencies as powerful as alcohol at all...And marijuana smokers aren't potentially violent unless they already are nuts.
Just because an age old law forged in an age rife with paranoia towards things like drugs says I can't smoke - Doesn't mean I won't.
I'm very much in control of my life, I'm doing very well in uni, pretty much top of my design class - my relationship with my friends family and girlfriend is excellent, and I smoke regularly. Big fuckin deal.
I'm sick of being branded something I'm not by people who just hate on drugs because they're "drugs."
Go attack someone that smokes crack for fucksake. Marijuana smokers are the most dosile beings you'll encounter.