Yes, I did buy all those. And I have plenty more that could fill up at least 1 more row of icons, but I don't play all the other ones, and I definatly don't have enough hard drive space...
Pyro, that is one kickin' wallpaper. Sepiroth owns.
Pyro why are stealing mine and anti's theme, you are such a follower, I got my theme b4 kyle was on my list I didnt even know him, and I used the black theme, so therfore I am not copying him, and kyle aint copying me,
[quote="aNti hEro":abd0e]best cut scene was when weapon was shot, and got blowen the fuck up. chris u asked me for the skin u piece of shit, thats how u found[/quote:abd0e]
fuck you I did, I only asked you for it becuz I cleaned out my themes and deleted them with alot of other stuff, I DID have it b4 I deleted it, thats why I asked you what it was called, but then I found it on my own, so you didnt send me shit