If I sounded like I was insulting Americans, I'm sorry, that's not at all what I intended.
I was mearly saying that, in my experience, a majority of the people making the jokes about Canada because they think the jokes are true, are or were at one point, American. I didn't mean to sound like I was calling Americans ignorant or anything. I have a few American friends, and I've got family that lives in America.
103) The bucks
104) Hatas
105) Having the flu
106) Cold
107) The Absence of an edit button
108) Traitors ccs
109) Porn Pop-Ups
110) People who screw you on Kazaa
112) Not having a job
113) Stupid people(come on is it that hard to find Iraq on a map?)
114) Terrorists like Al Queda and the KKK
115) Anti's negative attitude (if you hate aa.com that much just leave)
116) People that don't know history