Originally Posted by LoneGunner87
Naw Innox im not that stupid. and i knew u were gonna give me shit about this why dont u just bck off and fuck off your an asshole and thats all u will be.
Somebody get this got some schoolin'!!!
Strik0r is right, nothing cures a hole to the heart like so porn for your bone.
This shit happened to me a few weeks ago. Me and her had a fight i made fun over her she made fun of me, she came back to me about 2 weeks later and i was like "FUCK YA". Now she's the one that feels bad. 9 months of relationship gone and im over her in a week, your 1 week relationship is over and it will take you 9 months. You just gotta deal with these women. Things move on and every so often you will get a girl that makes you feel like your a king. Shes going to be what you think at the time is the only one for you and if you break up you will stop seeing other people. Jesus Christ, were the same age and im giving you tips oOo: