Actually that does work (the SMG thing).
I simply refuse to use a shotgun, so I just chase them around with SMGs, most effective if you think more like a fighter jet, less like a soldier biggrin:
Funniest encounter I've ever had with a shotgun N00B (no this guy really was a n00b):
I was sniper and ran into the guy on snowy park, he starts blasting away as I pull out pistol, he misses all 5 shots (well, not totally but damage is not too severe) and when he's reloading *pop, pop, pop*, dead.
You all are imature for fighting over such a retarded matter.
Personnally I dont have to worry about shotguns or rocketlaunchers, they are banned from our server, if you dont have skill you shouldnt come to our server. We use Rifles and Sniper Rifles most of the time, if you cant handle a beating you shouldnt play, but go ahead bring a Shottie to our wont kill much without any ammo lol.
People that Still complain about certin weapons, are really annoying. The game has been out for a little more then a year, if you don't like it. play on a server that has it disabled! But of course, they come here and bitch about beening 0wned by somene using the shotgun, and they think that posting here and bitching about it is gonna stop it? Has it before? NO!!!!