[quote="Harlen Maguire":8f6c1]
Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
innocent huh, apparently u didnt see the special mtv had about this arab kid saying that the USA deserved 9/11, thats the way most of those sand monkeys are over thier.......i.e. brainwashed
Holy fucking shit! The kid is guilty of anti-Americanism, brought on by someone fucking with his head? ...This is guilty of what exactly? ...Oh yeah, he's gonna grow up to be a terrorist for sure, better kill 'im just to be safe... oOo:
This kid is no more guilty than Pyro, Solidus, or many of the Canadians on this board... My god, you called arabs 'sand monkeys', You must be guilty of Anti-Arabism, man, how fucked up that is...
Think about what you're saying next time...[/quote:8f6c1]
says the person q/ 18 posts......hake: