<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jonesy-the-cat:
FuBarGrn is obviously a moron with an attitude. Not a good combination. So you are saying that your sig IS pro-Nazi? Because I don't speak German I am a newbie? What an idiot you are. Judging by the spastic way you write and the unprovoked offensive things you say, it is you who are the newbie, at dealing with people. That said, don't expect any more responses from me to your ridiculous comments.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
nooo....judging by the inane bullshit you call a post....not your understanding of the german language....and "Unprovoked"???
"Hey man, I'm older than you and your sig looks pretty pro Nazi to me. I can't read German. Does that say something about you not being pro-Nazi? I can't read it and neither can almost anyone else here, primarily young american boys."
Point # 1 posted by Jonesy-the-cat (you)
"My honour is called loyalty" (if my german is any good)
Then it says "Stinky Führer" "Nation Klaus"
Only the two SS make it dubious."
Point # 2 as posted by SODA
these were BOTH unprovoked attacks at ME....
There is absolutely no way u can argue otherwise, unless u are a budding 'Hitler youth' and judging by some of yr sigs i don’t think im wrong!
It makes me laugh how u try and justify Hitler’s actions, and even blame other country’s US, UK, France.
reading some of yr posts, maybe having Nazi’s in a computer game is a bad idea after all!
"It looks like Nazi's are getting back into fashion in a big way, and every kid jumping on the 'Nazi R cool' bandwagon, not really knowing any better!"
point # 3 as posted by telephone
a blatant attack on anyone in an AXIS clan/squad.INCLUDING ME!
"Fubargrn, it's a shame that you do not know the translation of your own motto I looked it up:
Ehre: honour, honesty
Treu: loyal, faithful
So "Mein Ehre heisst Treue" is "My honour is called loyalty" JUST AS I SAID!!"
point # 4
stupid response....had to comment about it....and I was even KIND enough to back MY statement up with proof
"Hey man, I don't care whether you belong to the national socialist whatever party or not. If you go out maiming and killing like the German soldiers did, you are a Nazi, plain and simple. Take Atilla the Hun for example. That guy was a Nazi for sure. Why do you think they called the Germans 'the Hun?' As if I needed any more proof, take Adolf Hitler as an example. Anybody who knows anything knows that he definitely had Nazi leanings. And if you're still to stubborn to admit it, then how about Saddam Hussein? If he isn't a Nazi, I don't know who is. And don't forget that pure Nazi Osama Bin Laden. You can't argue with that. I rest my case."
point # 5 as posted by Jonesy-the-cat
seems to me that YOU are the one posting crap....all my posts were rational and had PROOF to back them up.
when peple such as yourself come in here..and browse around,not posting...then you do post,and when you do it is a flame,or something that makes no sense whatsoever...
I do not go around flaming people as you and a MULTITUDE of others do....I try and state a factual opinion...not insane rehtoric....
so try and post something that is good..not something that is inane....
Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division