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Dice is Offline
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Default 01-11-2002, 10:34 AM

Here's how it works.
The govt. tells you to support nazism
They promote widespread shows of approval for it
If you're living in Germany, you will not stand against them because who's to say even your best friend, whom publicly is so pro-nazi, wouldnt turn you in if you confided in them your hatred for the regime.

Also, almost immediately after the Nazis came to power they began crushing all opposers. There was a group of students in the early 30s who were printing anti-nazi leaflets and giving them around....cant really remember what they were called..."White rose" or something. Anyways, this group of 20 year olds was entirely executed.


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JOkeR is Offline
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Default 01-11-2002, 10:38 AM

No i'm not.. it's real sad that you think that I am.
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Dice is Offline
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Default 01-11-2002, 10:38 AM

It's about people's all surmounting fear and, because of this, their desperateness to escape this state...leads them to more willingly accept what is being forced into them. Same deal with communism almost...

Honestly I don't think I would have had the strength of character to stand against the Nazis if I were there during the regime and I doubt many other people would have. Maybe you're different man. This is why we must frequently remember those who stood against them.
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Osbot is Offline
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Default 01-11-2002, 11:09 AM

Hitler was a manipulator.

The German people felt they had not actually been defeated in ww1, and that the treaty of versaice(sp) was cruel and unjust.

Germany went from broke to dirt poor during the depression, and in desperate times, desperate actions can be taken.

In general (generalizations are bad but whatever ;p) Germany was PISSED off about ww1, about being broke, and about the state of their country. Yes, they were ready to go to war, they wanted back parts of Germany which were lost after ww1, they wanted to anex the german speaking people of Poland that they felt were rightful nationals of Germany. This is what the GERMAN people wanted, Hitler wanted something completely different, and I doubt very few people outside of his inner circle actually knew the full scale of his plans.

The German people went willingly to war. Why not? In their opinion they were sold out by German royalty in ww1, they had ALOT of pride, and in a few short years had gone from the depths of the depression to being the single most powerful military power on the globe. However, Hitler manipulated that sence of nationalism to his own means, Western Europe was in his hands, and everyone knew it was only a matter of time untill Communist Russia and Fascist Germany butted heads. Better to do it while Russia is more or less still an agrarian economy, rather than an industrialized juggernaught it became during her war with Germany.

People are sheep, while the German people maybe initially only wanted to do x y and z. After each stunning victory, Hitler said just a little more, and they kept going. If the German people are guilty of anything in ww2, it is of denial, and of resentment. Denial of what the majority of people in Germany claim they knew nothing of, and resentment towards france and britain.

They said, it can't be true, and they pushed it to the backs of their minds while the Nazi party ruled by fear and propoganda.

One MUST differntiate between someone who VOTES for a political party, and being a registered MEMBER of that party, and people who believe 100% in the doctrine of that party. By and large the majority of Germans were not nazi's, they just voted that way because they felt THAT is the party that could lead them back to respect.

Sorry for the book, but when uneducated country bumpkins spout off about things they know absolutely jack about. Well, someone needs to come and lay it all out nice and clear ;p

Bye now
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Kraut Killer is Offline
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Default 01-11-2002, 11:13 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by malarkey, which is slang for bullshit... that doesn't mean I'm trying to insult you... it is.
actuall if it wasnt for president woodro wilson ( yes an american) dreming up great ideas for the new germany, going all the way to versailles and then speak aload of crap, it was mainly he who shitted on germany. And yes the brits and the french were a bit harsh and of course they could see 25 years into the future knowing that a corporal in the german army would become leader of germany and take over europe and bring the world into war. tell me were was the main part of the great war thought.... texas, miami,pittsburgh... no in northern france... that part of the country was devastated so i think they had the right to be slightly p o'd.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
The exact problem was the fact that the Froggies and the British were reacting on emotion. They were pissed and wanted to exact a sort of revenge on the Krauts. I can understand this, BUT... they should have gone with the 14 points. Why? You are probably demanding, because this should have been done by someone who was impartial, while the French and British suffered immense casualties and wanted reparation, they should have been thinking about what they were doing to that country, but were more or less blinded by the fact that they wanted to fuck Germany in the ass with a bayonet. While Wilson wasn't exactly predicting that this would happen, he at least wasn't thinking about emotion, and could understand that at one time or another the Allies would need to start commerce with the Krauts again. BUT again, the fact that Wilson didn't protest more does lend a hand to the U.S. helping to nourish the seeds that the Treaty planted.

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Telephone is Offline
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Default 01-11-2002, 11:39 AM

i myself have no problems with germans, iIl know some old ppl who still wont drive a mercedes or any other german car, these ppl will never ever forget!

Nazi, germans, whatever u call them, it doesn’t really matter, some ppl’s here’s grandparents, who are prob still alive contributed one way or another to the mass murder of 6 million jews.

There is absolutely no way u can argue otherwise, unless u are a budding 'Hitler youth' and judging by some of yr sigs i don’t think im wrong!

It makes me laugh how u try and justify Hitler’s actions, and even blame other country’s US, UK, France.

reading some of yr posts, maybe having Nazi’s in a computer game is a bad idea after all!

It looks like Nazi's are getting back into fashion in a big way, and every kid jumping on the 'Nazi R cool' bandwagon, not really knowing any better!

BTW im not Jewish
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Dice is Offline
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Default 01-11-2002, 11:56 AM

^^That was one of the few stupid posts I've read so far in here.
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colonel_ hogan is Offline
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Default 01-12-2002, 01:18 AM

Soda are u seriously suggesting that an army that fights for its country has political beliefs, a conscience and knows exactly about what it fighting for. The average grunt wouldnt have a clue what they are fighting for and probably doesnt know what the general populations beleifs are.
Think again Pal!
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Soda is Offline
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Default 01-12-2002, 01:53 AM

No, Hogan, I was not suggesting that. On the contrary, I was saying that they just did what everyone was doing.

Fubargrn, it's a shame that you do not know the translation of your own motto I looked it up:

Ehre: honour, honesty
Treu: loyal, faithful

So "Mein Ehre heisst Treue" is "My honour is called loyalty" JUST AS I SAID!! I was wrong about Rottenführer, yes, but as I was saying, I didn't use a dictionary.
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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Default 01-12-2002, 06:00 AM

FuBarGrn is obviously a moron with an attitude. Not a good combination. So you are saying that your sig IS pro-Nazi? Because I don't speak German I am a newbie? What an idiot you are. Judging by the spastic way you write and the unprovoked offensive things you say, it is you who are the newbie, at dealing with people. That said, don't expect any more responses from me to your ridiculous comments.
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FuBarGrn is Offline
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Default 01-12-2002, 06:19 AM

well...whatever you were using is NOT a german LANGUAGE dictionary,just a german WORD dictionary,n00b...go here and see it for yourself....this sentence is the WAFFEN-SS MOTTO..

you think I would make a n00b mistake and not know what I write???

oh,and why don't ya keep that link handy..since it seeems you need a tad bit of help......

Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division

[This message has been edited by FuBarGrn (edited January 12, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by FuBarGrn (edited January 12, 2002).]
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SS-NaPPo is Offline
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Default 01-12-2002, 06:43 AM


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Default 01-12-2002, 06:43 AM

I will only say this : not all germans were
Nazis. (see Nazi and Fascist definitions on and then think
about it for as long as it takes you to
understand and come to this simple, evident
and logical conclusion)

Obvious, one would think.

[This message has been edited by SoLiDUS (edited January 12, 2002).]
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Soda is Offline
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Default 01-12-2002, 07:25 AM

When I translated it the first time, I didn't use a dictionary. I had no idea that you were so sensitive about it. But the second time, I did grab a dictionary. On the internet: -> could come in handy

Mein Ehre heisst Treue. My honour is called loyalty. It is wrongly translated on your site.

Plz, get over it.
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FuBarGrn is Offline
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Default 01-12-2002, 07:41 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jonesy-the-cat:
FuBarGrn is obviously a moron with an attitude. Not a good combination. So you are saying that your sig IS pro-Nazi? Because I don't speak German I am a newbie? What an idiot you are. Judging by the spastic way you write and the unprovoked offensive things you say, it is you who are the newbie, at dealing with people. That said, don't expect any more responses from me to your ridiculous comments.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

nooo....judging by the inane bullshit you call a post....not your understanding of the german language....and "Unprovoked"???

"Hey man, I'm older than you and your sig looks pretty pro Nazi to me. I can't read German. Does that say something about you not being pro-Nazi? I can't read it and neither can almost anyone else here, primarily young american boys."

Point # 1 posted by Jonesy-the-cat (you)

"My honour is called loyalty" (if my german is any good)
Then it says "Stinky Führer" "Nation Klaus"
Only the two SS make it dubious."

Point # 2 as posted by SODA

these were BOTH unprovoked attacks at ME....

There is absolutely no way u can argue otherwise, unless u are a budding 'Hitler youth' and judging by some of yr sigs i don’t think im wrong!

It makes me laugh how u try and justify Hitler’s actions, and even blame other country’s US, UK, France.

reading some of yr posts, maybe having Nazi’s in a computer game is a bad idea after all!

"It looks like Nazi's are getting back into fashion in a big way, and every kid jumping on the 'Nazi R cool' bandwagon, not really knowing any better!"

point # 3 as posted by telephone
a blatant attack on anyone in an AXIS clan/squad.INCLUDING ME!

"Fubargrn, it's a shame that you do not know the translation of your own motto I looked it up:

Ehre: honour, honesty
Treu: loyal, faithful

So "Mein Ehre heisst Treue" is "My honour is called loyalty" JUST AS I SAID!!"

point # 4
stupid response....had to comment about it....and I was even KIND enough to back MY statement up with proof


"Hey man, I don't care whether you belong to the national socialist whatever party or not. If you go out maiming and killing like the German soldiers did, you are a Nazi, plain and simple. Take Atilla the Hun for example. That guy was a Nazi for sure. Why do you think they called the Germans 'the Hun?' As if I needed any more proof, take Adolf Hitler as an example. Anybody who knows anything knows that he definitely had Nazi leanings. And if you're still to stubborn to admit it, then how about Saddam Hussein? If he isn't a Nazi, I don't know who is. And don't forget that pure Nazi Osama Bin Laden. You can't argue with that. I rest my case."

point # 5 as posted by Jonesy-the-cat

seems to me that YOU are the one posting crap....all my posts were rational and had PROOF to back them up.
when peple such as yourself come in here..and browse around,not posting...then you do post,and when you do it is a flame,or something that makes no sense whatsoever...
I do not go around flaming people as you and a MULTITUDE of others do....I try and state a factual opinion...not insane rehtoric....
so try and post something that is good..not something that is inane....

Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division
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