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Default 05-20-2003, 11:45 PM

my guess is: at birth the matrix gives each individual a code that limits the abilities of everyone (IE make everyone follow the rules that the matrix has) and to make sure they accept the matrix as reality. But because of the glitch that makes 99.5% not fully accept the matrix, some people are able to do things that bend(the Crews of the hovercrafts) or break the rules (the one) so when one that can break the rules is discovered they have to reset the matrix so the code can remain intact and the matrix can continue to live

but thats just a theory, we'll find out when revolutions comes out
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Default 05-20-2003, 11:48 PM

"Road House" starring Patrick Swayze was better than the Matrix.
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Default 05-20-2003, 11:50 PM

i meant the neo could be one of the machines programed to infiltrate the humans and destroy them oOo:
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Default 05-21-2003, 01:07 AM

I'm not exactly sure how it would happen in the real world, but a baby can
just be linked to those two specific beings once loaded in the program. It's
something I thought about as well... I wonder if they'll answer it for us ? :-\


A long shot, but consider the idea that sperm is forced out of the human
male (the same way I assume they handle urine and fecal matter) and it
is redirected to the female linked to him so she is "artificially inseminated":
how they remove the child and all that shit isn't really hard to understand
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Default 05-21-2003, 01:14 AM

Originally Posted by Chango
my guess is: at birth the matrix gives each individual a code that limits the abilities of everyone (IE make everyone follow the rules that the matrix has) and to make sure they accept the matrix as reality. But because of the glitch that makes 99.5% not fully accept the matrix, some people are able to do things that bend(the Crews of the hovercrafts) or break the rules (the one) so when one that can break the rules is discovered they have to reset the matrix so the code can remain intact and the matrix can continue to live
They integrate the prime code found in Neo and modify the Matrix to ensure
the present "anomaly" doesn't occur again: the illusion of choice remains ok
and they reload the system like new, or as we were told in the first movie,
circa 1999.
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Default 05-21-2003, 01:51 AM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
I'm not exactly sure how it would happen in the real world, but a baby can
just be linked to those two specific beings once loaded in the program. It's
something I thought about as well... I wonder if they'll answer it for us ? :-\


A long shot, but consider the idea that sperm is forced out of the human
male (the same way I assume they handle urine and fecal matter) and it
is redirected to the female linked to him so she is "artificially inseminated":
how they remove the child and all that shit isn't really hard to understand
in the first matrix Morpheus said humans are no longer born, they are grown(or something similar to that)
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ninty is Offline
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Default 05-21-2003, 01:58 AM

Yes, in those little pink things.

But their talking about when two people make a babie while plugged into the matrix. They really don't have sex, since their both really in a pink bubble, however they will have a kid in the matrix. Is that kid a program, or is he a human in a bubble? If he were a program, then humans would eventually die out, aside from machines growing them.

I would think that some how their kid has to be born in the real world as well and attached to the matrix. But its just a movie. Some people will analyze this thing to death and won't enjoy it because it has flaws. maybe it will be explained, but perhaps not. Who cares? Its a good movie.
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Default 05-21-2003, 02:28 AM

Originally Posted by ninty9
Yes, in those little pink things.

But their talking about when two people make a babie while plugged into the matrix. They really don't have sex, since their both really in a pink bubble, however they will have a kid in the matrix. Is that kid a program, or is he a human in a bubble? If he were a program, then humans would eventually die out, aside from machines growing them.

I would think that some how their kid has to be born in the real world as well and attached to the matrix. But its just a movie. Some people will analyze this thing to death and won't enjoy it because it has flaws. maybe it will be explained, but perhaps not. Who cares? Its a good movie.
Originally Posted by chango
in the first matrix Morpheus said humans are no longer born, they are grown(or something similar to that)
Chango: if the human female isn't articially inseminated in the real
world vis-a-vis the method I proposed, they then do something called
IN VITRO! Come on, I explained it rather adequately guys... ;-)
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just found this
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Default just found this - 05-21-2003, 07:28 AM

Secrets of the matrix site

here's what you need to do:

follow these steps!

go to

choose high bandwith site

look at the righ-top, see the little yellow thingy? click it!

now this little thingy pops-up where you can select low badnwith

click the little square light twice right next to (right side) of the low bandwith thingy

now this zion thingy pops up

slice the thingy to the right to open the control panel.

Now you need the codes.. here are a few.. there should be more but i dont know them, you do? reply

binairy code -> effect

11011011 3d view nebuchadnezzar
10110110 Bonus clip Stunt coordinator
00011000 Bonus clip Concept Illustrator
10000001 Previous matrix website
11101001 Trinity concept art
11010100 Animatrix Desktop Art

01101111 Hexadecimal menu.
this one should provide something special
this one gives acces to another acces panel,which is secured with an hexadecimal code.. no codes known yet so if ya got them do

edit: found one
1100 1100 1000 1000 0011 0011 0000 0000 CC883300.

once u type it in and press "ENTER", click on the "ZION410E20" link under the first binary code input thingy.

edit: more

ZION83N6 (binary codes)
Added Sequence Unveils Source
2003-02-25 01101111 ZION410E20 Access Panel 2 for entering hexadecimal keys. 'Chaos0701'
2002-07-31 11101000 Philosophy section.
2002-05-16 11010100 Brings up a nice screenshot of the new character Jue (sp?)... 'Fuct574'
2002-05-08 11101001 Hint: It has something to do with David Lapham. WhatIsTheMatrix
2002-04-07 00011000 Bonus clip. Special audio commentary. Interview with concept illustrator Simon Murton. 'Funkmidget'
2002-04-07 10110110 Bonus clip. Stunt coordinator R.A. Rondell. 'EduMarg'
2002-04-07 10000001 Reloads the classic "The Matrix" website. 'Backpack'
2002-04-05 11011011 Zion QuickTime VR picture. 'Uzi'

for 2nd
ZION410E20 (hexadecimal codes)
Added Sequence Unveils Source
2003-05-16 A3B1A428 Nebuchadnezzar Model Kit. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 19A642BF P.O.D behind the scenes. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 8E217AC9 Data not yet online. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 D53D49F9 Unloco- Bruises music video. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 A8C3F9AD Deftones-Historical segment. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 64CF29E3 POD: behind the scenes 2. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 43E17AC9 The Making of the Soundtrack. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 8D966F2A POD Interview. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 C1B49F13 POD lyrics. 'Sneaka007'
2003-04-10 98765432 The final theatrical "The Matrix Reloaded" trailer. 'HuanVu'
2003-04-03 d487a317 About "The Animatrix: Detective Story." MFN
2003-03-31 f03350b1 Hugh Bateup (Supervising Art Director) interview. Yngve
2003-03-31 0081cf5e John Gaeta (visual Effects Supervisor) interview. Yngve
2003-03-07 ec306071 QuickTime VR: Oracle Kitchen. Adam
2003-03-02 098ca701 New wallpaper. Kevin
2003-02-25 cc883300 Test key. 'Chaos0701'
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Default 05-21-2003, 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Originally Posted by ninty9
Yes, in those little pink things.

But their talking about when two people make a babie while plugged into the matrix. They really don't have sex, since their both really in a pink bubble, however they will have a kid in the matrix. Is that kid a program, or is he a human in a bubble? If he were a program, then humans would eventually die out, aside from machines growing them.

I would think that some how their kid has to be born in the real world as well and attached to the matrix. But its just a movie. Some people will analyze this thing to death and won't enjoy it because it has flaws. maybe it will be explained, but perhaps not. Who cares? Its a good movie.
Originally Posted by chango
in the first matrix Morpheus said humans are no longer born, they are grown(or something similar to that)
Chango: if the human female isn't articially inseminated in the real
world vis-a-vis the method I proposed, they then do something called
IN VITRO! Come on, I explained it rather adequately guys... ;-)
Sloi.. they say outright in the Matrix that babies are no longer born. It wouldn't make any sense that it would be that way. Just think about the sheer number of babies those things were harvesting. The machines have 9 months from "conception" inside the Matrix to assign one of those babies being plugged into the Matrix to be the child which is to be born. That's the only feasible explanation.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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Default 05-21-2003, 02:29 PM

Docters say when your are born that u do not have control of your brain until your about two weeks old.

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Default 05-21-2003, 04:55 PM


Roadhouse > Matrix
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Default 05-21-2003, 05:42 PM

Noctis, how the hell do you think they make those babies ? Out of spare
parts!? LOL. In Vitro is the only explanation. No matter how you look at it,
born/grown... they use reproductive elements found in the human body to
do it.
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Default 05-21-2003, 05:45 PM

Unless they've figured out how to clone through some process using stem cells or the like. They are machines and if the Matrix is approximately 600 years old, then it's somewhere around the 28th century, so an advance in the science is all but inferred.

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Default 05-21-2003, 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by Noctis
Unless they've figured out how to clone through some process using stem cells or the like. They are machines and if the Matrix is approximately 600 years old, then it's somewhere around the 28th century, so an advance in the science is all but inferred.
I think noctis is right with the cloning. Those pink pods that extract BPUs from the humans produce images or the Matrix in our minds. We live out our live until our energy is depleted. Machines took over at one point in time and realized that humans could be a reliable source of energy and they continue to clone us to keep producing energy.
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