...don't get me wrong Pyro...I like you and have enjoyed your posts for a long time now,
but a lot of people have hard and heavy feelings about what's happening around them....
it's natural to take sides and not always easy to appreciate how complex the conflicts we discuss are.
I think at aa.com we don't need to PM Badscript every time our pants are wet....
there's at least one Newfoundlander I can think of that shows a more than even hand.
[quote="Eight Ace":1e474]...don't get me wrong Pyro...I like you and have enjoyed your posts for a long time now,
but a lot of people have hard and heavy feelings about what's happening around them....
it's natural to take sides and not always easy to appreciate how complex the conflicts we discuss are.
I think at aa.com we don't need to PM Badscript every time our pants are wet....
there's at least one Newfoundlander I can think of that shows a more than even hand.[/quote:1e474]
I understand. Just that I react to it this way because there methods are just too radical for my tastes. Our opinions will clash and this happens.
I agree with you Pyro, and I got banned from this smae type of thing from the Flashpoint1985 forums. Infact I got banned fomr that place like 8 or 9 times, and I can't get back on anymore, but I like being able to express my opinion, and it seems you can do that here more than flashpoint1985 would allow, and we should be happy with what we got.
[quote="Duke_of_Ray":0a2ff]There is no place for racsim in the work place![/quote:0a2ff]
...and you left out the ",...or is there?" option....Duke,YOU RULE!! beer:
Ace, if you have a problem with me, by all means lets hear it. Send me a pm or an email or post it here or whatever.
I have PM'd BS once in over two years since I’ve been here. I think BS deserves to know what's happening on his site. If that requires a PM, so be it. I don't see a problem with it.
I'm not, nor have I ever claimed to be perfect. Nor have I claimed to not be biased at times, or even racial/prejudicial in my comments. I don't consider myself a racist, and I know I’m not. I think that sometimes I use those comments to try to be humorous, because I would never say those things with literal intention because I know their not true in my beliefs. The difference between my remarks and those of others is that it seems they believe those things. I do not. Does that make certain comments of mine appropriate? Of course not.
Therefore I apologize if I have offended you or others in any way. I'm going to try my hardest to reduce my provocativeness behaviour and other disrespectful antics.
I used to have a lot of fun with your posts. I really enjoyed joking around with you. But lately I don't know what's happened. Maybe one of us has changed. Which one of us I don't know.
All I can ask is to start a clean slate as I don't want to hold grudges. I wish to present myself as I do in the real world. Respectable and professional.
I wish to present myself as I do in the real world. Respectable and professional.
You missed your best attribute, that of being a Decent Guy, never mind my shit,
that's the only one that really matters, and I've seen that from you, ninty9, since my day #1 here.
I remember inviting you to a Prawn & Prostitute Evening once.....offer stands. beer: