Originally Posted by Colonel
You're a little off on this one Tripper. Wasn't that revolution in 1917? Americans have been passionate about our Bill of Rights since 1787. We feel now, and have felt since the day it was signed, that we must be vigilant in guarding every plank in it. Any attempt to erode even an inch of the power in each Amendment must be fought with all of our abilities. Once a freedom is lost it is very difficult to get it back.
I believe you have given up many inches from the bill of rights and the amendments.
The government can detain you for an indefinite amount of time without a lawyer, trial or them even telling you what you did wrong. Isn't everyone guaranteed a fair trial? Innocent until proven guilty? Free speech has eroded in the media and general public. Free assembly has taken a huge hit in my mind, as well as freedom of religion. Freedoms have been given up on the basis of security.
These things might not affect you personally, or anyone you know, but they do affect some Americans.
"152 communities, including several major cities and three states, that have now passed resolutions denouncing the Patriot Act as an assault on civil liberties."
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dy ... Found=true