Originally Posted by Ferich
Are you just saying that because you find yourself mixed into the black community from the music you listen too? I'm not being insulting or anything... I'm not approving the image at all either, it's a picture made in Paint, that's why I think it's a joke. If it was an actual picture, then I'd have problems with it.
No, I am familiar with the Black Civil Rights movement, and the American history regarding African Americans through the civil war, reconstruction period, and towards the 1960s because I have studied them at school for almost 3 years now. Hiphop music simply gives me some insight into modern civil rights, but that's all that it has to do with it.
.....In other words, No. I'm not just some dumb wigger who thinks he knows what he's talking about solely because he listens to rap. Nice try at attempting to label me though. I have studied the facts, and I know about how African-American's had been terrorised by Lynch mobs.
From your 'type-tone,' I'd be seriously willing to suggest that you're a closet-racist.
......Whether its a an actual image or just one created in paint, doesn't matter. It's fucking disgusting regardless. It was supposedly made by a member of the KKK, for christ's sake!
...To find that in any way funny you must be either a stupid fucking child, a racist or have an insanely warped sense of humour.
I'm sure you wouldn't laugh at any kind of image of Jews suffering in a concentration camp......And because that would probably be true, you fucking sicken me.