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Default 02-07-2004, 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Too bad Noctis has racists agreeing with him.
I'm racist because I make stereotypes? Its just like Noctis said in his post, its ok for everyone else to make stereotypes about white christian males but as soon as we retaliate we're racists, biggots, homophobes, etc... I'm sorry I'm not going to sit here and accept every new change you liberals shove down societies throat.
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:03 PM

Liberal this, Liberal that. man, it's really getting tiring.
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:05 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":b7fb6]
Originally Posted by Pyro
Too bad Noctis has racists agreeing with him.
I'm racist because I make stereotypes? Its just like Noctis said in his post, its ok for everyone else to make stereotypes about white christian males but as soon as we retaliate we're racists, biggots, homophobes, etc... I'm sorry I'm not going to sit here and accept every new change you liberals shove down societies throat.[/quote:b7fb6]

You were being racist in a forum that I haven't seen the lets people like ED or Cahngo make any racial comments. You are disgracing them.

Leave that shit out of here. It's a fucking rule of the forum.

Sieg Heil Mr. Eames, or should i say Mr. Hitler.

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Default 02-07-2004, 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by "Cpl. Eames":dc05c
Originally Posted by Pyro
Too bad Noctis has racists agreeing with him.
I'm racist because I make stereotypes? Its just like Noctis said in his post, its ok for everyone else to make stereotypes about white christian males but as soon as we retaliate we're racists, biggots, homophobes, etc... I'm sorry I'm not going to sit here and accept every new change you liberals shove down societies throat.
You were being racist in a forum that I haven't seen the lets people like ED or Cahngo make any racial comments. You are disgracing them.


wtf? english please.
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:09 PM

Your argument is all the other minorities make racial comments towards white people.

i'm syaing the minorities here haven't done any of keep that shit out of here.


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Default 02-07-2004, 05:11 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":e72e5]
Originally Posted by Noctis
Originally Posted by Pyro
A Fanatical conservative is just as bad as a Fanatical liberal.

It just seems the Liberals have the rights and freedoms of the people as more important.
I'm all for equality. With equilibrium of society, there would be a lot less strife and nothing to stress about. It would be uptopia - perfect. But human nature itself denies us perfection, and therefore the uptopian society that liberal and PC fanatics pursue. I'm a realist. And I'm all about treating people fairly.

What pisses me off about this whole situation is that I - as a young, white, American, Christian male - am expected to be tolerant of EVERYTHING while practically EVERYONE takes shots at my race and my beliefs. And then if I retaliate, I'm either a racist, a bigot or intolerant. And you can't tell me that's not the way it is.
Noctis once again hits the nail with the hammer.


Oh God, STFU already.

First off, Noctis, no one has called you a racist in this thread yet, but you prolly do get called a racist in other threats because of all the little Eames on this forum agreeing with you. If your only gripe against this gay marriage thing is the definition then thats fine, and I wouldnt consider you to be a total dick. I still disagree with you though. Eames, on the other hand, you are just a total homophobe and the biggest little bitch biggot ive ever seen on this forum. All the time its "Gook, Fag, N***er," and every other profane word i can think of. So just fuck off and start forming your own opinions for once.
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Your argument is all the other minorities make racial comments towards white people.

i'm syaing the minorities here haven't done any of keep that shit out of here.

Then quit attacking my religon, my region, and quit making stereotypes or I will retaliate. Also, stop trying to be the pc police and enforce morality and political correctness on everyone.
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:17 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":44d9c]
Originally Posted by Pyro
Your argument is all the other minorities make racial comments towards white people.

i'm syaing the minorities here haven't done any of keep that shit out of here.

Then quit attacking my religon, my region, and quit making stereotypes or I will retaliate. Also, stop trying to be the pc police and enforce morality and political correctness on everyone.[/quote:44d9c]

i'm christian, I respect america and I don't remember any stereotypes i've used on you. Your comments spoke for themselves.

You weren't here long ago...even Noctis would say this about me. I made a believer out of VERY patriotic americans that I don't disrespect America in any way.

I'm allowed to disagree with the government, I disagree with my own government as well...doens't mean I hate my country.

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Default 02-07-2004, 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by "Cpl. Eames":040e1
Originally Posted by Noctis
Originally Posted by Pyro
A Fanatical conservative is just as bad as a Fanatical liberal.

It just seems the Liberals have the rights and freedoms of the people as more important.
I'm all for equality. With equilibrium of society, there would be a lot less strife and nothing to stress about. It would be uptopia - perfect. But human nature itself denies us perfection, and therefore the uptopian society that liberal and PC fanatics pursue. I'm a realist. And I'm all about treating people fairly.

What pisses me off about this whole situation is that I - as a young, white, American, Christian male - am expected to be tolerant of EVERYTHING while practically EVERYONE takes shots at my race and my beliefs. And then if I retaliate, I'm either a racist, a bigot or intolerant. And you can't tell me that's not the way it is.
Noctis once again hits the nail with the hammer.

Oh God, STFU already.

First off, Noctis, no one has called you a racist in this thread yet, but you prolly do get called a racist in other threats because of all the little Eames on this forum agreeing with you. If your only gripe against this gay marriage thing is the definition then thats fine, and I wouldnt consider you to be a total dick. I still disagree with you though. Eames, on the other hand, you are just a total homophobe and the biggest little bitch biggot ive ever seen on this forum. All the time its "Gook, Fag, N***er," and every other profane word i can think of. So just fuck off and start forming your own opinions for once.[/quote:040e1]

not forming my own opinions? Seems like I'm one of the few people here that forms their own opinion. You just go along with the liberal leftist propaganda and go about with the typical liberal elitist attitude of "if you don't agree with me your a biggot" attitude. So quit trying to enforce your morality on everyone and trying to tell me what I can say and what I can't say.
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:20 PM

Originally Posted by "Cpl. Eames":357e0
Originally Posted by Pyro
Your argument is all the other minorities make racial comments towards white people.

i'm syaing the minorities here haven't done any of keep that shit out of here.

Then quit attacking my religon, my region, and quit making stereotypes or I will retaliate. Also, stop trying to be the pc police and enforce morality and political correctness on everyone.
i'm christian, I respect america and I don't remember any stereotypes i've used on you. Your comments spoke for themselves.

You weren't here long ago...even Noctis would say this about me. I made a believer out of VERY patriotic americans that I don't disrespect America in any way.

I'm allowed to disagree with the government, I disagree with my own government as well...doens't mean I hate my country.[/quote:357e0]

I'm not singling you out, but people around here make comments all the time about the south and against religon, especially christianity.
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:22 PM

[img][/img] [img][/img]

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[img][/img] [img][/img]

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:22 PM

All religions are corrupt in some way...just mainly the catholic form of christianity is the most known about. Because it was abused by popes and clergy way too often around the middle ages.

South believed slavery was a right to them. How can this do...ethical in anyway?

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Default 02-07-2004, 05:23 PM

You arent a biggot for not agreeing with me, Eames. You are a biggot because you simply are. As stated in my last post, you use words on a routine basis that would lead anyone to the conclusion that you are a biggot. I didnt call Noctis or anyone else a biggot for disagreeing with me, did I? No. Elitist attitude? Its not that im an elitist, its that you look like a total idiot when you use words like that. The only morality enforcement on this thread occurs when people arent allowed to marry who they want to because it conflicts with other peoples morals, remember?
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
You arent a biggot for not agreeing with me, Eames. You are a biggot because you simply are. As stated in my last post, you use words on a routine basis that would lead anyone to the conclusion that you are a biggot. I didnt call Noctis or anyone else a biggot for disagreeing with me, did I? No. Elitist attitude? Its not that im an elitist, its that you look like a total idiot when you use words like that. The only morality enforcement on this thread occurs when people arent allowed to marry who they want to because it conflicts with other peoples morals, remember?
who says you can dictate my choice of vocabulary? Thats why theres the first amendment, and there is nothing morale or democratic about shoving something down peoples throats when they are vehemently oposed to it, last time I checked 38 states have written in their constitutions that gay marriages are illeagal.

And btw...what racial slurs do I use? I don't remember saying "spic" ever but hey, maybe I did, I know for a fact that I have never used the n-word here because I know there would be an uproar from the pc police here. The only "slurs" I can think of that I use would be ones like "gook" "nip" or "jap" which almost everyone here on the forums use, and when I say them its usually in context with the thread. Oh ya almost forgot the muslims, I'll admit I've said "rag head" and "camel jockey" a few times but again...who hasen't? Everyone likes to single me out though when I say them because I'm usually defending the unpopular beliefs here because no one else will, whenever I'm making a serious argument I rarley resort to slurs or even insults like most of the people here. When I'm just fucking around I might make a stereotype because its in context and at the moment I find amusing, other people do it please get off your high horse and step into the real world because people make stereotypes all the time, and many people find them doesn't make them racist.
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Default 02-07-2004, 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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