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Zoner 10-01-2007 07:51 AM

I support rude like a snug jockstrap.

rudedog 10-01-2007 08:08 AM

zoner, I don't know if I like the sound of that oOo:

Zoner 10-01-2007 09:27 AM


You love it.

ninty 10-01-2007 09:31 AM

i would like to watch. and i agree with everything everyone has ever said ever.

ToeNail 10-01-2007 10:38 AM

Hey rudedog, Any idea what updates are on the patch for Airborne?

rudedog 10-01-2007 10:50 AM

The original readme was posted but don't put too much into it.

Here it is, but I have a feeling things have changed a lot or they could not meet most of this

Medal of Honor Airborne(tm)
Update Version 1.1 ReadMe File - August, 2007

This patch for Medal of Honor Airborne enables the Dedicated
Server, fixes several bugs, and makes some balance changes on
the Anti-Tank Weapon.

Dedi cated Server

·Allows all clients to join dedicated servers.

Note: To run a dedicated server, the Medal of Honor Airborne
Dedicated Server Application must be downloaded and installed.

Note: For information on the dedicated server, please read the
Dedicated Server Readme.

Bug Fixes

· Fixed a bug where Match Awards wouldn't work with a dedicated server.

· Fixed a bug where player would become stuck in the sign-in menu after
trying to create an account with a username already in use, then
logging in using an existing account.

· Fixed a bug where Punkbuster messages would display during SP games.

· Fixed a bug where players are shown debug text when any player switches
teams from Allies to Axis.

· Fixed a bug where if the Springfield's ammo is expended in the current
clip in scope mode, the player does not leave scope mode to reload.

· Fixed a bug where the user could crash when selecting a game on the
server list.

· Fixed a bug where the background of the "Terms and Conditions" screen
is out of alignment.

· Fixed a bug where hovering the mouse over the sliders in the "Audio and
Video" menus do not highlight them.

· Fixed a bug where exiting out of the "Controller Scheme" does not take
the player to the options menu. The player is taken back to the game.

· Fixed a bug where 'Loading' text overlaps level portrait in loading
screen for multiplayer matches at 800x600 resolution.

· Fixed a bug where the arrows in the "Custom Match" menu are not centered
with the rest of the text when running in high resolutions.

· Fixed a bug where a sound doesn't play when scrolling the "Aim Sensitivity"
slider bar in the in-game pause menu.

· Fixed a bug where a sound doesn't play in the multiplayer pause menu,
indicating how loud the sound FX volume is after change.

· Fixed a bug where the player is prompted to save changes in the "Audio/Video"
settings when there were no changes made.

· Fixed a bug where a specific tip text overlaps soldier art on single player
enemy soldier load screens.

· Fixed a bug where non-localized text appears in training mission pause menu.

· Fixed a bug where the back button art in the "Extras Menu" is inconsistent
with the rest of the shell.

· Fixed a bug where the back button art in the "Stats and Medals" screen
is inconsistent with the rest of the shell.

· Fixed a bug where using the arrow keys to select an unlocked video removes
the "Unlock Criteria" text from all video descriptions.

· Fixed a bug where the cancel button is misaligned with its background when
the user attempts to quit the game through the shell on the following
resolutions: 1280x1024, 1360x1024, and 1600x1200.

· Fixed a bug where there is no "Remove from Favorites" button in the
"Favorite Servers" submenu of the "Trusted Server list".

· Fixed a bug where the "Options / Controller" menu has a missing field across
from the "Move / Lean" toggle option.

· Fixed a bug where if the player tries to join a multiplayer game with a
host that has edited an INI file then the player cannot enter multiplayer
without restarting the game.

Bala nce Changes
· The M18 Recoilless Rifle and the Panzerschrek damage and damage
Radius were both lowered in multiplayer.

Other Changes

· The "r" in PunkBuster was added in the credits

End of Patch Notes File

Medal Of Honor Airborneâ„¢ Dedicated Server
Readme File
Version 1.1
August 2007

************************************************ *****

This document contains information about setting up and running the
Medal Of Honor Airborne Dedicated Server as well as information about
administrating it remotely.

************************************************** ** *


I. System Requirements
II. Local Server Setup
III. Remote Server Setup
IV. Running The Server
V. Administrating Remotely
VI. Server Commands
VII. Credits

I. System Requirements

The following items are required to run a Medal Of Honor Airborne
dedicated server:

1. A broadband Internet connection or LAN connection.
2. A system that meets or exceeds the minimum system requirements
for the game.
3. The game successfully installed on the target computer.

II. Local Server Setup

To set up a server locally or remotely using VNC, follow these steps:

1. Run the dedicated server launcher (DSLauncher.exe)
2. In the 'Basic' tab, enter the username and password you registered
with EA. (If you have not created an account: run the game, in the
main menu choose 'Multiplayer', and click 'Create Account').
3. In the 'Miscellaneous' tab, enter the port you wish to run your
server on as well as the password to administrate it remotely.
4. In the 'Map Rotation' tab, add at least one map to your rotation
by selecting the map name and pressing the 'Add' button.
5. Configure any other options you wish to set.
6. Save your config file using File>Save to the default MOHA config
folder: "My Documents\EA Games\Medal of Honor Airborne(tm)\Config".

You can open and save multiple dedicated server configurations. The
configuration that is currently open is the one that will be

NOTE: The first time you run the launcher, it should generate two
config files: MOHAGameTypes.ini and MOHAMaps.ini in the MOHA config
folder. These files are necessary for the dedicated server to run
properly and should only be modified by advanced users.

III. Remote Server Setup

T o set up a server remotely (where you do not have physical access to
the computer or VNC), follow these steps:

1. Run the dedicated server launcher (DSLauncher. exe) locally.
2. In the 'Basic' tab, enter the username and password you registered
with EA. (If you have not created an account: run the game, in the
main menu choose 'Multiplayer', and click 'Create Account').
3. In the 'Miscellaneous' tab, enter the port you wish to run your
server on as well as the password to administrate it remotely.
4. In the 'Map Rotation' tab, add at least one map to your rotation
by selecting the map name and pressing the 'Add' button.
5. Configure any other options you wish to set.
6. Save your config file using File>Save.
7. Copy your saved config file (MOHADedicatedServer.ini by default),
MOHAGameTypes.ini and MOHAMaps.ini (which can be found in your
MOHA config folder) to the target computer's MOHA config folder:
"My Documents\EA Games\Medal of Honor Airborne(tm)\Config".

IV. Running The Server

To run the server locally:

1. Follow the instructions in "II. Local Server Setup".
2. Run the dedicated server launcher (DSLauncher.exe).
3. Open the config file you want to run if it is not already open.
4. Press the 'Launch!' button.

To run the server remotely:

1. Follow the instructions in "III. Remote Server Setup".
2. Run MOHAServer.exe with the config file as a parameter:
MOHAServer.exe <config>
e.g. MOHAServer.exe MyDedicatedServer.ini

If you run MOHAServer.exe without any parameters, it will attempt to
load the default config name: MOHADedicatedServer.ini.

V. Administrating Remotely

Once connected, the dedicated server remote (DSRemote. exe) looks and
functions identically to the dedicated server.

To connect to a dedicated server remotely:

1. Run DSRemote.exe.
2. Enter the host name (IP address) of the sever.
3. Enter the server's port and password as specified in the config file.
4. If successful, the login dialog should disappear and "Remote
connection accepted" will be printed.

If you receive the "Connection failed." message, the host name or
port number was invalid. You may receive this message even with
correct values if the dedicated server has not yet initialized.

If you receive the "Login failed." message, the connection was
successful but your password was invalid.

VI. Server Commands

These commands can be executed using either the dedicated server
or the remote tool. Simply type your command in the text field
at the bottom of the application and press the 'Execute' button;
alternatively, press the enter key.

- The commands are case insensitive.
- Arguments within parentheses "(" and ")" are optional
- Arguments separated by "|" are an "or" - pick one of the arguments
- In general, commands takes effect when the map starts, a map is
restarted or when the next map starts.
- As noted below, many commands will print the current value when no
input argument is given.

AllowAutoRifle ( On | Off )
alias: okautorifle
Controls wheather or not the AutoRifle weapon class is allowed
within the game.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

AllowRifle ( On | Off )
alias: okrifle
Controls wheather or not the Rifle weapon class is allowed
within the game.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

AllowRocket ( On | Off )
alias: okrocket
Controls wheather or not the Rocket weapon class is allowed
within the game.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

AllowSMG ( On | Off )
alias: oksmg
Controls wheather or not the sub-machine gun weapon class
is allowed within the game.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

AllowSniper ( On | Off )
alias: oksniper
Controls wheather or not the sniper rifle weapon class
is allowed within the game.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

AmmoDrop ( On | Off )
alias: ad
Toggle for the dropping of ammo upon player death.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

Ban <player_name>
alias: b
Kicks and bans the specified player from the server.
e.g. ban user
Note: The player will be able to join the server but will be
kicked at the weapons selection screen.

alias: bl
Prints a list of the banned players and their IDs.

BestOf <number>
alias: bo
Sets the number of number of rounds that will be played and
the number of rounds which must be won to declare a winner.
e.g. bestof 7
- For this example, whichever team wins 4 rounds first will
be declared the winner.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.
The maximum number of rounds that may be played is capped at 99.

alias: em
Ends the current match and starts a new match on the next map
in the rotation list.
Note: There is no winner for the round that is currently in
progress when this command is called.

FriendlyFire ( On | Off )
alias: ff
Toggles wheather or not you can shoot your team mates.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

GameName <name>
alias: gn
Sets the name that the game will be called. This is displayed on the
game selection screen when choosing a server. The message should not
be enclosed within "quotes".
e.g. gamename This is My Game
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

GameType <ObjectiveAirborne>
alias: gt
Sets the type of game that will be played on the server.
e.g. gametype ObjectiveAirborne
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

HealthDrop ( On | Off )
alias: hd
Toggle for the dropping of health packs upon player death.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

Invincibility <seconds>
alias: inv
Set the time that players do not take damage after a respawn.
e.g. invincibility 7
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

Kick <playername>
alias: k
Kicks the specified player from the server.
e.g. kick user

MaxPlayers <number>
alias: mp
Sets the maximum numbers of players that can enter a game.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

MessageOfTheDay <message>
alias: motd
Sets the message that will be displayed when the game starts. The message
should not contain any carriage returns, it should just be a string. The
message should also not be enclosed within "quotes".
e.g. motd Welcome to My Game
Note: Maximum string length is 255 characters. With no arguments,
the current value is displayed.

alias: nm
Same as EndMatch

alias: pl
Prints a list of the players currently in the game.

PrivatePassword <password>
alias: pp
Sets the password that must be entered for players to join
a private game.
e.g. privatepassword supersecret

RemotePassword <password>
alias: rp
Sets the password that must be entered for an admin to use
the remote admin tool (DSRemote.exe).
e.g. remotepassword reallysecret

alias: rsm
Ends the current match and starts a new match on the same map.
Note: There is no winner for the round that is currently in
progress when this command is called.

alias: rsr
Ends the current round and starts a new round in the same match,
on the same map.
Note: There is no winner for the round that is currently in
progress when this command is called.

alias: rss
Ends the current match and starts a new match on the first map
in the rotation list.
Note: There is no winner for the round that is currently in
progress when this command is called.

alias: rl
Prints the map rotation list and specifies the current map.

Rounds <number>
alias: rnds rs
Sets the number of number rounds that will be played.
e.g. rounds 7
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.
The maximum number of rounds that may be played is
capped at 99.

RoundTime <minutes>
alias: rtime rt
Sets the time for the round.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.
The maximum time is capped at 59 minutes.

RunMap <name>
alias: rm
Ends the current match and starts a new match on the specified
e.g. runmap Remagen
Note: There is no winner for the round that is currently in
progress when this command is called.

alias: ss
Saves the current server setting as a config file to be used
upon restart.

ShowCompass ( On | Off )
alias: showcp
Toggles the display of the compass.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowCrosshairs ( On | Off )
alias: showch
Toggles the display of the weapon crosshairs.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowEnemyCompassDots ( On | Off )
alias: showecd
Toggles the display of the compass dots for the enemies.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowEnemyNames ( On | Off )
alias: showen
Toggles the display of the names for the enemies.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowFriendlyCompassDots ( On | Off )
alias: showfcd
Toggles the display of the compass dots for your teammates.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowFriendlyNames ( On | Off )
alias: showfn
Toggles the display of the names for your teammates.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowGrenadeIndicators ( On | Off )
alias: showgi
Toggles the display of the indicators for when a grenade is active.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowHealthBar ( On | Off )
alias: showhb
Toggles the display of the health bar.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowHitIndicators ( On | Off )
alias: showhi
Toggles the display of the hit indicators when players are shot.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowHUD ( On | Off )
Toggles the display of the heads-up-display.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowKiller ( On | Off )
alias: showkl
Before respwning, displayes the player who just killed the player.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowKillerTime <seconds>
alias: showkt
The number of seconds for display that the "ShowKiller" command uses.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowMessageWindow ( On | Off )
alias: showmw
Toggles the display of the message window.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowScoreAndTime ( On | Off )
alias: showst
Toggles the display of the score and time within the HUD.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

ShowStanceIndicator ( On | Off )
alias: showsi
Toggles the display of the stance indicator.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

SpawnPostDelayAllies <seconds>
alias: spostal
Sets the delay time between when a player respawns until the player becomes
active for Allied player types.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

SpawnPostDelayAxis <seconds>
alias: spostax
Sets the delay time between when a player respawns until the player becomes
active for Axis player types.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

SpawnPostDelayNonAir <seconds>
alias: spostna
Sets the delay time between when a player respawns until the player becomes
active for non-airdrop game types.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

SpawnPreDelayAllies <seconds>
alias: spreal
Sets the delay time between when a player dies until the respawn begins
for Allied player types.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

SpawnPreDelayAxis <seconds>
alias: spreax
Sets the delay time between when a player dies until the respawn begins
for Axis player types.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

SpawnPreDelayNonAir <seconds>
alias: sprena
Sets the delay time between when a player dies until the respawn begins
for non-airdrop game types.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

TimeBetweenMatches <seconds>
alias: tbm
Number of seconds to delay between matches.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

TimeBetweenRounds <seconds>
alias: tbr
Number of seconds to delay between rounds.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

TimeLimit <minutes>
alias: tl
Same as the "RoundTIme" command.

Unban <name>
alias: ub
Lifts the server ban on the specified player.
e.g. unban user

Lifts the server ban on all players. The internal list of banned
players is wiped after issuing this command... use with caution,
there is no undo.

Upgrades ( On | Off )
alias: up
Toggles weapon upgrades.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

VoiceCommands ( On | Off )
alias: voice
Toggles the display of display of voice commands within the
chat window.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

WeaponDrop ( On | Off )
alias: wd
Toggle for the dropping of weapons upon player death.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

WeaponTracers ( On | Off )
alias: tracers
Toggles the display of tracers when weapons are fired.
Note: With no arguments, the current value is displayed.

WelcomeMessage <message>
alias: wm
Same as the "MessageOfTheDay" command.

VII. Credits

Pyro 10-01-2007 10:58 AM

im almsot at 20K

Airbourne is ok...sure it'll be better than COD 4


rudedog 10-01-2007 11:16 AM


I have the lic in hand and have started uploading the bits to a test folder.

I'm setting up a test forum to see how the conv. goes. Once up (hopefully in a couple hours) I will post back here to find out if everyone's info carried over, including their post count/posts/pm/.....

Once the test conv. passes, I'm hoping to do the board ASAP!

geRV 10-01-2007 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by rudedog

I have the lic in hand and have started uploading the bits to a test folder.

I'm setting up a test forum to see how the conv. goes. Once up (hopefully in a couple hours) I will post back here to find out if everyone's info carried over, including their post count/posts/pm/.....

Once the test conv. passes, I'm hoping to do the board ASAP!

Please try to make a balls of blitz's post count so its at like 5 or something. beer:

Pyro 10-01-2007 11:25 AM

whew 20K...didn't even notice...

im too pimpf or my own good

mr.miyagi 10-01-2007 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by rudedog

I have the lic in hand and have started uploading the bits to a test folder.

I'm setting up a test forum to see how the conv. goes. Once up (hopefully in a couple hours) I will post back here to find out if everyone's info carried over, including their post count/posts/pm/.....

Once the test conv. passes, I'm hoping to do the board ASAP!

Please try to make a balls of blitz's post count so its at like 5 or somrthing. beer:

Great news, oh and I agree with gerv too

geRV 10-01-2007 12:08 PM

Pyros post count needs nuked as well, seems too proud of it.

rudedog 10-01-2007 12:13 PM

While playing with the import util. The only thing I can see being a little tricky is user avatars. You may have to read add them to your profile in your CP.

Again, this is why I'm testing and will let you play for a day to see how things go.

Will give a link out as soon as I get the test board up and running.

ToeNail 10-01-2007 12:28 PM

Tes rudedog I saw this a couple weeks ago, but it didn't include the updates that most people wanted such as more maps, more objective types, etc ; the important stuff..So any idea about that?

rudedog 10-01-2007 12:50 PM

abosulty nothing.

EA/Blackhat has said nothing only hinted at Obj based game type is being looked at.

Whiskey over at PMOH stated that they seen some content while attending the exclusive second hand look at the MP (See folks this is what happens when you don't raise concern over what EA was doing.... you get invited back) but would not say when or what it was.

I have a feeling it's an expansion pack for the unfinished game they released..........

sorry still bitter.

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