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elstatec 05-03-2004 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by "T.Hunter":5a17d
it took me 2 years to get 647 posts, and im not about to spend another 2 years trying to make em up

took me this long to get my posts, and im goin for 2000 :) i wanna be a GOA lol. anyway, i think BS should delete all of the people that have less then 1000 posts, or even 500. also, enabled forum pruning so posts that dont get posted on in more then a set amout of days are deleted. and let every person that registers have to be activated by BS.


no ones accounts should be deleted so stfu. your post count means shit, your no different than someone that has 124 posts.

05-03-2004 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by "T.Hunter":9868b
it took me 2 years to get 647 posts, and im not about to spend another 2 years trying to make em up

took me this long to get my posts, and im goin for 2000 :) i wanna be a GOA lol. anyway, i think BS should delete all of the people that have less then 1000 posts, or even 500. also, enabled forum pruning so posts that dont get posted on in more then a set amout of days are deleted. and let every person that registers have to be activated by BS.

also, update the forums to the newest version of phpBB, the current one is 2.0.8a, im not too sure what version this is but by upgrading it, it gets rid of some security holes and possibly be "less-hackable"[/quote:9868b]

Great plan assfuck.

Merlin122 05-03-2004 06:54 PM

i'd marry you if you'd ask me.

Maplegyver 05-03-2004 07:00 PM

delete EVERYTHING change tthe address to update phbb we can make screenshot booklets of the good ol' threads.

ninty 05-03-2004 07:18 PM

i'm all for starting over. I wouldn't mind. I don't even know what happened, since I haven't been here in 3 days because I was out of town, and I don't really care. What I do know though is that my great hockey playoff thread is now gone. cry: mad:

Arkan 05-03-2004 08:14 PM

Yup, start it over. Who cares about post counts and start dates anyway?
We all basically know who isn't a douchebag here so i don't see the problem.

Perhaps we can assign new mods BEFORE the boards get wiped so they are the 1st ones registered.

Maplegyver 05-03-2004 08:19 PM

if the exalt team does a design count me in

Short Hand 05-03-2004 08:23 PM

Im not to sure about restarting all the accounts and all..... The ban list thing is meh, dontb really care if people like simo and WR are back that would be great,.... The restart thing is a tad to extreme though.. if you ask me.

Pvt.Pinhead 05-03-2004 08:27 PM

Why?? Do you really care about your post count and when you joined???

Chronic Diarrhea 05-03-2004 08:30 PM

I wouldn't mind a restart, but I still don't necessarily like the idea of voting for new Moderators. Then again, previous appointments have not been too popular in the past, so perhaps I have no clue what I'm talking about.

The main thing I would like in the new Moderators are guys who will remove all the emoticon spam around this place. This forum is laid back, and I like that, but about 55% of all threads these days are overtaken by pointless, emoticon spam. The same principle applies to one word replies. Excessive flaming should be dealt with as well. It's the small corrections that make a noticeable difference on a message board, and the new Moderators should make these corrections.

Himmler 05-03-2004 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Himmler

Originally Posted by "T.Hunter":4f23e
it took me 2 years to get 647 posts, and im not about to spend another 2 years trying to make em up

took me this long to get my posts, and im goin for 2000 :) i wanna be a GOA lol. anyway, i think BS should delete all of the people that have less then 1000 posts, or even 500. also, enabled forum pruning so posts that dont get posted on in more then a set amout of days are deleted. and let every person that registers have to be activated by BS.

also, update the forums to the newest version of phpBB, the current one is 2.0.8a, im not too sure what version this is but by upgrading it, it gets rid of some security holes and possibly be "less-hackable"

Great plan assfuck.[/quote:4f23e]

great plan assfuck? your the best, i dont see you making any ideas. if you didnt notice, updating the fucking version would probably help, but you have your head too far up your ass to notice. also, forum pruning will get rid of all the old topics on a set date. i was saying to delete the members that have 500 posts or less because if you have less then 500 posts im sure you wouldnt mind if you had to re-register and it would get rid of all the people that are inactive.

Short Hand 05-03-2004 09:23 PM

its njot post cout thats important its the threads and posts that are important, its like a ever going contrsuctions, you demolish it and well its never the same.

Pvt.Pinhead 05-03-2004 11:20 PM

No one uses the old threads, little less reads them....sooner or later these asshat hakers are gonna come back and wipe out all the threads any way...mine as well start over again, refresh the site, start from scratch.

Pyro 05-04-2004 12:01 AM

Put me down to 0 posts...what if some fuck tries to steal someones name?

Tripper 05-04-2004 12:14 AM

Meh... I know I probably wouldn't bother re-signing up my account and building up my profile here if my profile was deleted.

....Because, as pathetic as it sounds, I spent alot of time getting this post count up, and I don't know why, but I'd feel naked without it.

Alot of the main posters, and longest "serving" members only return to this site because they have 2,000+ post counts, and because it's almost habit.

When I look at my post count, I remember 3 years of my life that I have spent here. If you get rid of that, it's like it never happened, and I have nothing to show for the hours on end that I have spent posting on these forums.

.....As pathetic as it sounds, this is how I feel. I reckon alot of others feel the same way.

Drew 05-04-2004 12:39 AM

You're right, Tripper.

The inconvenience of having to re-register aside, people with early join dates and higher post counts have the luxury of being somewhat set aside from the "noobs."

Sounds petty, but it makes a difference.

Milla 05-04-2004 01:11 AM

Im with trips, if they do that, i wont bother re-joining, its to much trouble, the only reason i come back is because its like a habit, a habit ive had for the past 3 years of my life.

BadScript 05-04-2004 07:18 AM

Ok I'd like you guys to know that I've read your suggestions, and will consider some of the points made. Thank you and I appreciated it. Afterall, there's no point spending time and resources on a website that no one cares about.

Infection_Smith@ 05-04-2004 08:42 AM

Lets remove the post count just to piss tripper off. happy:

Mr.Buttocks 05-04-2004 08:53 AM

[quote="Infection_Smith@":87114]Lets remove the post count just to piss tripper off. happy:[/quote:87114]


descry 05-04-2004 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper
When I look at my post count, I remember 3 years of my life that I have spent here. If you get rid of that, it's like it never happened, and I have nothing to show for the hours on end that I have spent posting on these forums.

Tripper 05-04-2004 02:26 PM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":77001][quote="Infection_Smith@":77001]Lets remove the post count just to piss tripper off. happy:[/quote:77001]


I'll spew on you. beer:

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 05-04-2004 08:53 PM

Ok 1st off zen while your points are valid has anyone actually asked BS if he wants to change stuff. He has a hard enough time atm without redoing everything. Also there is buried among all the spam and garbage a lot of good info for modders all that would go just to try to make sure we dont get hacked. I say we cos whats a forum without the ppl who post? As for the mods i have never had a problem with the likes of zoner or dragon do why replace em they only get arsey when tards post total crap or flame which lets face it is their job. In my opinion a gradual change may be good and some good security and housekeeping to boot but this is cutting off your head cos you have headache guys.


my 2 cents

Tripper 05-04-2004 09:03 PM

[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":a5847]Ok 1st off zen while your points are valid has anyone actually asked BS if he wants to change stuff. He has a hard enough time atm without redoing everything. Also there is buried among all the spam and garbage a lot of good info for modders all that would go just to try to make sure we dont get hacked. I say we cos whats a forum without the ppl who post? As for the mods i have never had a problem with the likes of zoner or dragon do why replace em they only get arsey when tards post total crap or flame which lets face it is their job. In my opinion a gradual change may be good and some good security and housekeeping to boot but this is cutting off your head cos you have headache guys.


my 2 cents[/quote:a5847]

Wtf....Who are you?

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 05-04-2004 10:01 PM

Tripper i am nsscorpion just a new a/c more to the point why??
What did you see i only had 3 post and think i was new I have spent 3 years at least here too but only post if needed . if you disagree say so.


Machette 05-04-2004 10:05 PM


Tripper 05-04-2004 10:10 PM

[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":db377]Tripper i am nsscorpion just a new a/c more to the point why??
What did you see i only had 3 post and think i was new I have spent 3 years at least here too but only post if needed . if you disagree say so.



Do you speak english?

Eight Ace 05-04-2004 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Machette



WELL DONE!...Pls accept this well earned kick in the cunt!

Coleman 05-04-2004 10:19 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":49571]

Originally Posted by Machette



WELL DONE!...Pls accept this well earned kick in the cunt![/quote:49571] biggrin:

Tripper 05-04-2004 10:20 PM

[quote="Garry Coleman":fdb9e][quote="Eight Ace":fdb9e]

Originally Posted by Machette



WELL DONE!...Pls accept this well earned kick in the cunt![/quote:fdb9e] biggrin:[/quote:fdb9e]


Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 05-04-2004 10:21 PM

So what exactly is your point tripper do you have a problem with my post? here is a few pointers:

1)Saying WTF in any shape or form is old and doesnt make you look clever.
2)Posting to boost your post count is a bit lame dont you think?
3)And when you quote it is usually best to read what your quoting.
4)Flaming is gay.

Now that is out of the way what did i say that got your panties in a wad? Was it that i said something you dont like or disagree with? If so what was it so i can explain it in simpler terms?

Fact is i had an input on a topic i wanted to say something about. Just cos i spent the last 3 years in MMS doesnt make you king of the forums.


guarnere 05-04-2004 10:23 PM

[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":c5171]So what exactly is your point tripper do you have a problem with my post? here is a few pointers:

1)Saying WTF in any shape or form is old and doesnt make you look clever.
2)Posting to boost your post count is a bit lame dont you think?
3)And when you quote it is usually best to read what your quoting.
4)Flaming is gay.

Now that is out of the way what did i say that got your panties in a wad? Was it that i said something you dont like or disagree with? If so what was it so i can explain it in simpler terms?

Fact is i had an input on a topic i wanted to say something about. Just cos i spent the last 3 years in MMS doesnt make you king of the forums.



Coleman 05-04-2004 10:25 PM

[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":4a97f]So what exactly is your point tripper do you have a problem with my post? here is a few pointers:

1)Saying WTF in any shape or form is old and doesnt make you look clever.
2)Posting to boost your post count is a bit lame dont you think?
3)And when you quote it is usually best to read what your quoting.
4)Flaming is gay.

Now that is out of the way what did i say that got your panties in a wad? Was it that i said something you dont like or disagree with? If so what was it so i can explain it in simpler terms?

Fact is i had an input on a topic i wanted to say something about. Just cos i spent the last 3 years in MMS doesnt make you king of the forums.

Scorp[/quote:4a97f]Did you ever finish that crap with vehicles in MOHAA? You were supposed to be the God of scripting if i remember.

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 05-04-2004 10:27 PM

No that is scorpio midget. Cheers guarn.


Tripper 05-04-2004 10:31 PM

[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":be9f6]So what exactly is your point tripper do you have a problem with my post? here is a few pointers:

1)Saying WTF in any shape or form is old and doesnt make you look clever.
2)Posting to boost your post count is a bit lame dont you think?
3)And when you quote it is usually best to read what your quoting.
4)Flaming is gay.

Now that is out of the way what did i say that got your panties in a wad? Was it that i said something you dont like or disagree with? If so what was it so i can explain it in simpler terms?

Fact is i had an input on a topic i wanted to say something about. Just cos i spent the last 3 years in MMS doesnt make you king of the forums.


K, don't cry darling.


*Saw your first post, wondered why the fuck someone who joined 2 days earlier and had merely 2 posts would be giving pointers on how to fix up this forum.

*Thought you might have had a different user account previously.

*Questioned you about it in the first post directed to you.

*Got an indecipherable reply in terrible broken english. Couldn't understand what you were saying.

*Made a point of it in my 2nd post directed at you.

*You jumped to conclusions in some kind of psychotic episode that you probably would call a post. You go on to accuse me of, spamming to boost my post count, not reading the post I quoted, attempting to flame you, and then you accuse me of thinking im the "king of the forums."

Give me an apology.

Machette 05-04-2004 10:33 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":19acc]

Originally Posted by Machette



WELL DONE!...Pls accept this well earned kick in the cunt![/quote:19acc]
I still love you. happy: cool:

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 05-04-2004 10:34 PM

My mistake then i took your WTF who are you remark to mean cos i have 3 posts i have no right to comment on this and yes it pissed me off. If thats the case then yes i have a prevoius a/c and have been round for around 3 years.


Machette 05-04-2004 10:35 PM

Shut the fuck up already.

Tripper 05-04-2004 10:36 PM

[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":dcab8]My mistake then i took your WTF who are you remark to mean cos i have 3 posts i have no right to comment on this and yes it pissed me off. If thats the case then yes i have a prevoius a/c and have been round for around 3 years.



Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 05-04-2004 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
Shut the fuck up already.

Machete take your own advice!! I may have been wrong about tripper but your just a fuck up!

Go and spam somewhere jesus!!


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