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Innoxx 08-08-2004 07:49 PM

Yeah, now go to your room before I sick the royal guards on you!

Maplegyver 08-08-2004 08:00 PM

[quote="The Frenchman":b608c]Yeah, now go to your room before I sick the royal guards on you![/quote:b608c]
the one with a golden cape likes to touch me while i shower

KTOG 08-08-2004 08:02 PM

Bah, most of this thread is garbage. There are few peoples thoughts that i respect when it comes to politics and only a couple have put their 2 cents in, the rest is just spam.

Mr.Buttocks 08-08-2004 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by KTOG
Bah, most of this thread is garbage.

MrLevinstein 08-08-2004 08:21 PM

politics sleeping:

argueing rock:

keep up the good shit

Innoxx 08-08-2004 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
politics sleeping:

argueing rock:

keep up the good shit

That's why I posted it.

Swill 08-08-2004 11:44 PM

Re: Things you need to believe to be a Republican.
[quote="The Frenchman":b5544][quote:b5544]Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when
Bush's daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business
with him and a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden"

Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist,
but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of
international harmony.

The United States should get out of the United Nations, and
our highest national priority is enforcing U.N. resolutions
against Iraq.

A woman can't be trusted with decisions about her own body,
but multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting
all mankind without regulation.

Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and
Hillary Clinton.

The best way to improve military morale is to praise the
troops in speeches while slashing veterans' benefits and combat pay.

If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have

A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time
allies, then demand their cooperation and money.

Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy.
Providing health care to all Americans is socialism

HMOs and insurance companies have the best interests of the
public at heart.

Global warming and tobacco's link to cancer are junk
science, but creationism should be taught in schools.

A president lying about an extramarital affair is a
impeachable offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in
which thousands die is solid defense policy.

Government should limit itself to the powers named in the
Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and
censoring the Internet.

The public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle
trades, but George Bush's driving record is none of our business.

Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless
you're a conservative radio host. Then it's an illness, and you need
our prayers for your recovery.

You support states' rights, which means Attorney General
John Ashcroft can tell states what local voter initiatives they
have the right to adopt.

What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national
interest, but what Bush did in the '80s is irrelevant.[/quote:b5544][/quote:b5544]

My mom and dad and a lot of my family are republican so....


Pick Axe 08-09-2004 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by KTOG
Bah, most of this thread is garbage. There are few peoples thoughts that i respect when it comes to politics and only a couple have put their 2 cents in, the rest is just spam.

Including yours. Hell, half of this forum is spam, no 3/4s.

[quote:0fa3e]Abortion is not murder to me, unless it is done in the third trimester. Where do you draw that line though? [/quote:0fa3e]

But, a baby in the second trimester could live and breath in mere months.

[quote:0fa3e]If you take it far enough, you'll be saying that everytime a woman has her period, she'll be commiting murder.

That's just fucking ignorant. That's like saying you're killing a chicken every time you crack open a fresh, un developed egg. But, what if you cracked open a egg with a half-formed chick in it? You would be killing something that could become a living being.

[quote:0fa3e]I'm pretty sure you dropped a couple living organisms when you took a shit last night.[/quote:0fa3e]

There is a huge difference between a living "organism" and a living "being". The microbes in my shit are not intelligent life forms.

[quote:0fa3e] It's the woman's body, and it's the woman's money. We could use those aborted fetuses for scientific research too.[/quote:0fa3e]

It is NOT her body, dammit. It is a living being. As far as money goes, we have wellfare and shit, and she could always have the child adopted, which would not only save a life, but there are tons of couples out there waiting for a child to adopt.

Stem cell reasearch? There's no proof that it would even work. And besides, would it really be worth it to kill a baby so that some 80 year old with Alzimers (sp?) can be helped out.

Fireal 08-09-2004 12:41 AM

Ok, let me get this straight. Cracking open an egg isnt murder, but abortion is. It doesnt matter if its just an embryo in the egg, or a chick. The embryo COULD BE A CHICK IN MEER MONTHS!!!11111

Pick Axe 08-09-2004 12:47 AM

an un-fertilized egg means shit. I'm talking about fucking embreos. You don't preform an abortion to pull out sterile eggs, that kinda happens on its own.

KTOG 08-09-2004 01:21 AM

[quote="Pick Axe":4038a]an un-fertilized egg means shit. I'm talking about fucking embreos. You don't preform an abortion to pull out sterile eggs, that kinda happens on its own.[/quote:4038a]


Go eat a hard boiled egg you heathen

Innoxx 08-09-2004 01:42 AM

[quote="Pick Axe":1f02f]

Originally Posted by KTOG
Bah, most of this thread is garbage. There are few peoples thoughts that i respect when it comes to politics and only a couple have put their 2 cents in, the rest is just spam.

Including yours. Hell, half of this forum is spam, no 3/4s.

[quote:1f02f]Abortion is not murder to me, unless it is done in the third trimester. Where do you draw that line though? [/quote:1f02f]

But, a baby in the second trimester could live and breath in mere months.

[quote:1f02f]If you take it far enough, you'll be saying that everytime a woman has her period, she'll be commiting murder.

That's just fucking ignorant. That's like saying you're killing a chicken every time you crack open a fresh, un developed egg. But, what if you cracked open a egg with a half-formed chick in it? You would be killing something that could become a living being.

Undeveloped or not, it is a living and growing thing. In mere months, it can be fertilized and hatch into a chick.

[quote:1f02f]I'm pretty sure you dropped a couple living organisms when you took a shit last night.[/quote:1f02f]

There is a huge difference between a living "organism" and a living "being". The microbes in my shit are not intelligent life forms.

So this "life is sacred" mindset of yours is a selective process? You can choose what you want to live, and kill the rest. What a sweet fucking deal you made yourself.

[quote:1f02f] It's the woman's body, and it's the woman's money. We could use those aborted fetuses for scientific research too.[/quote:1f02f]

It is NOT her body, dammit. It is a living being. As far as money goes, we have wellfare and shit, and she could always have the child adopted, which would not only save a life, but there are tons of couples out there waiting for a child to adopt.

How the bitch got knocked up is irrelevent. She was given the ability to create life, and she can take it back. A living being the fetus is, of course, but so is a malignant tumour. Yet you want those gone straight-away. Fuck this pro-life bullshit, if it's one less mouth my taxes has to feed, then let it happen. Couples who are unable to have children of their own can adopt a troubled teenager for all I care. Shit, skip the changing diapar phase altogether.

Stem cell reasearch? There's no proof that it would even work. And besides, would it really be worth it to kill a baby so that some 80 year old with Alzimers (sp?) can be helped out.

Stem-cell research can save many things if it is given a chance, and if not, oh well. It's not like we're performing this research on live babies. I think the 80 year old lady with Alziemer's should be helped if she can afford it, and she's more important to me than some unwanted growth in a woman's body.

Pick-axe, when you've gone through labour pains, tried to raise a couple kids in a one bedroom apartment being paid for with your minimum wage job at Wegman's, then I'll be happy to listen to what you have to say about abortion.

Conscript 08-09-2004 01:49 AM

You people take this politics& abortion shit wwaaayyy to seriously.If your not the one being aborted you need to STFU rolleyes:

TGB! 08-09-2004 02:15 AM

The "chicken" argument works on a juvenile level, but theres a fundemental difference between cracking open an egg or slaughtering cows and aborting a baby: we dont eat our fucking babies. The "necessity" involved with eating eggs and meat is obvious. . .we eat animals for sustinance. We do NOTHING with an aborted fetus. Period.

Conscript 08-09-2004 02:16 AM

[quote="TGB!":4ca04]The "chicken" argument works on a juvenile level, but theres a fundemental difference between cracking open an egg or slaughtering cows and aborting a baby: we dont eat our fucking babies. The "necessity" involved with eating eggs and meat is obvious. . .we eat animals for sustinance. We do NOTHING with an aborted fetus. Period. [/quote:4ca04]Wellin that one thread... oOo:

Innoxx 08-09-2004 02:26 AM

[quote="TGB!":77491]The "chicken" argument works on a juvenile level, but theres a fundemental difference between cracking open an egg or slaughtering cows and aborting a baby: we dont eat our fucking babies. The "necessity" involved with eating eggs and meat is obvious. . .we eat animals for sustinance. We do NOTHING with an aborted fetus. Period. [/quote:77491]

There's many ways we can use aborted fetuses, you're just not being creative enough. They are excellent for scientific reasearch, vastly superior teaching aids in high school science and biology classes, they can be sold to the Vietnamese (and Koreans) and we can tap that lucrative cannibal market.

guarnere 08-09-2004 06:07 AM

My name is David and I am a republican.

Mr.Buttocks 08-09-2004 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by guarnere
My name is David and I am a republican.

Hi David, it's nice to meet you.

Coleman 08-09-2004 09:15 AM

[quote="The Frenchman":b7e9a][quote="TGB!":b7e9a]The "chicken" argument works on a juvenile level, but theres a fundemental difference between cracking open an egg or slaughtering cows and aborting a baby: we dont eat our fucking babies. The "necessity" involved with eating eggs and meat is obvious. . .we eat animals for sustinance. We do NOTHING with an aborted fetus. Period. [/quote:b7e9a]

There's many ways we can use aborted fetuses, you're just not being creative enough. They are excellent for scientific reasearch, vastly superior teaching aids in high school science and biology classes, they can be sold to the Vietnamese (and Koreans) and we can tap that lucrative cannibal market.[/quote:b7e9a]I really hope you just forgot to put in the sarcasm brackets...if not, you're one sick motherfucker.

Inertia 08-09-2004 09:43 AM

Abortion is a touchy subject, no doubt.

Personally I can see certain reasons for abortions, but for the most part I believe that parents have a responsibility to their children born or not.

On the subject of Stem Cell research...

There is no cause to stop this reasearch other than some peoples dilutions about tinkering in gods kitchen. I guess some people simply have seen to many movies, or believe that the set laws of religion from 3000 years ago hold 100% today.

The benifits of this medical breakthrough are the first steps towards the cures to the plagues of humanity, and the future of repairing the human body.
Combined with proven cloning technology, the cost in life would be none... but the benifit would change the course of human existance.

I see a limitless horizon here guys, we are not just talking about Cancer or Brain and Spinal diseases...all of which are incurable at current. We are also talking about limb regeneration, organ regeneration, burn victoms, retardation remedies, elimination of genetic defects and impurities, bio-defence, and a deeper understanding of the human brain and it's abillities.

Regardless of your political spectrum, this is the single most important research of our time.

Coleman 08-09-2004 12:14 PM

I really don't have an opinion on stem cell research due to the fact that I do not know much about it. I'm just throwing out a problem here--What would happen when the population grows above our food sources due to the life that stem cell procedures save?

Innoxx 08-09-2004 12:15 PM

[quote=Coleman][quote="The Frenchman":8f740]

Originally Posted by "TGB!":8f740
The "chicken" argument works on a juvenile level, but theres a fundemental difference between cracking open an egg or slaughtering cows and aborting a baby: we dont eat our fucking babies. The "necessity" involved with eating eggs and meat is obvious. . .we eat animals for sustinance. We do NOTHING with an aborted fetus. Period.

There's many ways we can use aborted fetuses, you're just not being creative enough. They are excellent for scientific reasearch, vastly superior teaching aids in high school science and biology classes, they can be sold to the Vietnamese (and Koreans) and we can tap that lucrative cannibal market.[/quote:8f740]I really hope you just forgot to put in the sarcasm brackets...if not, you're one sick motherfucker.[/quote:8f740]


Innoxx 08-09-2004 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman
I really don't have an opinion on stem cell research due to the fact that I do not know much about it. I'm just throwing out a problem here--What would happen when the population grows above our food sources due to the life that stem cell procedures save?

We'll probably move to some other planet.

KTOG 08-09-2004 12:16 PM

Who says we can't eat our young? You've all seen that fetus soup thread; tell me that didn't temped you.

Innoxx 08-09-2004 12:18 PM

I heard that babies taste like chicken, so I'll probably save myself a few bucks if I just buy a chicken.

KTOG 08-09-2004 12:18 PM

[quote="The Frenchman":5fe65]I heard that babies taste like chicken, so I'll probably save myself a few bucks if I just buy a chicken.[/quote:5fe65]

Yes, but they are the veal of humans.

Innoxx 08-09-2004 12:20 PM

I'm not a big fan of veal. Now mutton... Arf arf arf!

NexusRevived 08-09-2004 12:46 PM

Salad don't got nuttin' on this muttin.

Pyro 08-09-2004 12:59 PM

haha, looks true to me.

Inertia 08-09-2004 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman
I really don't have an opinion on stem cell research due to the fact that I do not know much about it. I'm just throwing out a problem here--What would happen when the population grows above our food sources due to the life that stem cell procedures save?

Great point. Regardless of lives saved or anything short of Nuclear devistation we can expect to see mankind "out-grow" the worlds food production abillity before the end of the millenium.

Very cool tool:

Now hit refresh a few times and watch the world population. This is real time mind you.

We must begin working towards the colonization of other planets and outside of our solar system.

Short Hand 08-09-2004 05:10 PM

[quote="Sergeant_Scrotum":8411b]the funny thing about it is someone could make a list that big the exact but with the opposit view. dint we quit this crap 2 weeks ago?[/quote:8411b]

stfu mr internet peace maker.

Pick Axe 08-09-2004 06:31 PM

First, I know that egg thing was stupid, but hell, wasn't it like 2 in the morning man, I was out of it. Forgive me.

[quote="The Frenchman":6a5bc][quote="Pick Axe":6a5bc]
[quote:6a5bc]I'm pretty sure you dropped a couple living organisms when you took a shit last night.[/quote:6a5bc]

There is a huge difference between a living "organism" and a living "being". The microbes in my shit are not intelligent life forms.

So this "life is sacred" mindset of yours is a selective process? You can choose what you want to live, and kill the rest. What a sweet fucking deal you made yourself.

[quote:6a5bc] It's the woman's body, and it's the woman's money. We could use those aborted fetuses for scientific research too.[/quote:6a5bc]

It is NOT her body, dammit. It is a living being. As far as money goes, we have wellfare and shit, and she could always have the child adopted, which would not only save a life, but there are tons of couples out there waiting for a child to adopt.

How the bitch got knocked up is irrelevent. She was given the ability to create life, and she can take it back. A living being the fetus is, of course, but so is a malignant tumour. Yet you want those gone straight-away. Fuck this pro-life bullshit, if it's one less mouth my taxes has to feed, then let it happen. Couples who are unable to have children of their own can adopt a troubled teenager for all I care. Shit, skip the changing diapar phase altogether.

Pick-axe, when you've gone through labour pains, tried to raise a couple kids in a one bedroom apartment being paid for with your minimum wage job at Wegman's, then I'll be happy to listen to what you have to say about abortion.[/quote:6a5bc]

How can you compare a fucking tumor to a fetus? I just can't see a single simmularity. Human life does not compare to anything else on our planet. No, i don't hold protazoans on the same level. Nor anything else for that matter. But, I'm not saying it's my right to go out and kill something just for the hell of it, because it's "sub-human". Human life is "sacred". And I believe we should protect it.

Short Hand 08-09-2004 06:37 PM

well cells have working inner organs called "organelles" that work like the fetuses organs. * note also neither are centient" (did i spell that right), the truth is they are both in ways similar. besides stem cell usually does not involve dead large fetuses....

Pick Axe 08-09-2004 06:40 PM

[quote="Short Hand":5cbf8]well cells have working inner organs called "organelles" that work like the fetuses organs. * note also neither are centient" (did i spell that right), the truth is they are both in ways similar. besides stem cell usually does not involve dead large fetuses....[/quote:5cbf8]

A baby in the womb can be centient.

Short Hand 08-09-2004 06:41 PM

in the first weeks of conception i think not. the brain has not even developed yet. so no. they dont take full grown babys out of their mothers here chop them up then do nasty shit to them you know.

Pick Axe 08-09-2004 06:43 PM

no shit. I didn't say that. But, I just don't put Human life on level with a tumor, that's ignorant.

Short Hand 08-09-2004 06:45 PM

couple hundred embryo's. < millions apon millions of lives saved from breakthrough research + the millions cured from other dieseases and disabilities.

Innoxx 08-09-2004 08:25 PM

[quote="Pick Axe":719e0]First, I know that egg thing was stupid, but hell, wasn't it like 2 in the morning man, I was out of it. Forgive me.

[quote="The Frenchman":719e0][quote="Pick Axe":719e0]
[quote:719e0]I'm pretty sure you dropped a couple living organisms when you took a shit last night.[/quote:719e0]

There is a huge difference between a living "organism" and a living "being". The microbes in my shit are not intelligent life forms.

So this "life is sacred" mindset of yours is a selective process? You can choose what you want to live, and kill the rest. What a sweet fucking deal you made yourself.

[quote:719e0] It's the woman's body, and it's the woman's money. We could use those aborted fetuses for scientific research too.[/quote:719e0]

It is NOT her body, dammit. It is a living being. As far as money goes, we have wellfare and shit, and she could always have the child adopted, which would not only save a life, but there are tons of couples out there waiting for a child to adopt.

How the bitch got knocked up is irrelevent. She was given the ability to create life, and she can take it back. A living being the fetus is, of course, but so is a malignant tumour. Yet you want those gone straight-away. Fuck this pro-life bullshit, if it's one less mouth my taxes has to feed, then let it happen. Couples who are unable to have children of their own can adopt a troubled teenager for all I care. Shit, skip the changing diapar phase altogether.

Pick-axe, when you've gone through labour pains, tried to raise a couple kids in a one bedroom apartment being paid for with your minimum wage job at Wegman's, then I'll be happy to listen to what you have to say about abortion.[/quote:719e0]

How can you compare a fucking tumor to a fetus? I just can't see a single simmularity. Human life does not compare to anything else on our planet. No, i don't hold protazoans on the same level. Nor anything else for that matter. But, I'm not saying it's my right to go out and kill something just for the hell of it, because it's "sub-human". Human life is "sacred". And I believe we should protect it.[/quote:719e0]

Human life to me is as equal to every living thing on this world. I bet even you call some people "scum" or wish death on them every now and then. Stop being the fucking angel. A living thing is a living thing; just because it may not look cute or benefit you, doesn't mean you can set it on a lower level than the cute little babies and puppies.

Human life is not sacred, in fact humans are far from sacred. We are a cancer, and when we are eventually wiped out from the face of the universe, we will be nothing but a archeological dig.

Coleman 08-09-2004 08:29 PM

[quote="The Frenchman":2f77a]
Human life is not sacred, in fact humans are far from sacred. We are a cancer, and when we are eventually wiped out from the face of the universe, we will be nothing but a archeological dig.[/quote:2f77a] oOo:

Take it to the official Abortion thread sweet-hearts

Madmartagen 08-10-2004 10:55 AM

ha you guys are concerned about the growing human population but are still against abortion? oOo: i guess we could just let the assault ban lapse and give everyone an AK47 and spend money on 'gun education oOo: ' instead of sex education.

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