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Relearning MOH skills
I've noticed that all the weapons are a split second off than AA. This has totally messed up my rifle skills. I'll probably will have to relearn my whole timing thing. Any one else mad at this?
yes im fuckin mad as hell...also with my 20 fps, it fucks me up even more...ok one time in malta i rounded a corner with an smg and emptied the full 46 round clip on a guy with a pistol and didnt kill him, while he had time to reload..and kill me hake:
oh man.. u think 20 fps was bad. on my pld pc i had every thing at min and i had 15fps max... now with my new pc i get 90 with max settings... even in spearhead.
Anyway... i have noticed that when i move, stop, shoot (all in half a second) it never hits them like in AA... arugh... |
I think the guns have improved since MOHAA. Yes, I agree you will have to relearn how the guns work, but I wouldn't complain about it as it is for the better.
Yeah, I have noticed this too. Kinda shitty.
in the same situation as you guys.. I was good with the rifle in MOHAA, but when I got to SpearHead, Something was not right! For one thing it may not all be the rifles themselves, but I noticed player models moving WAAAAAY too fast!!! I mean like lightning! First time I played (Malta), I grabbed a Russian Rifle, and jumped into the action... Got to the other side of the bridge, before I knew what was happening a Axis player whizzes around the corner at breakneck speed firing away with a STG, I never even had time to react! In MOHAA this was never a problem.. everyone seemed to be in Sync as far as speed issues went. EA really fumbled the ball this time.
They finally make the rifle more lethal... Now they freaking neutralize that by screwing up the in game speeds. CP |
What's there to re-learn ?
Just point and shoot... If u were any good with MOH, u will be the same in SH, be a man! |
From what ive read in this thread either the bullshit is flying well or you all are on some sort of hallucinogenic drug, or you're on bad connections.
The rifles in spearhead in terms of accuracey are NO different to what they were in allied assault. The only real difference is they are more likely to kill in one hit especially in realism mode. Ive been using mainly the mosin nagant and the ppsh for most of the weekend and i can safely say the weapons have been improved for the better. In allied assault sub machinegun kills over any kind of distance were rare to say the least. In this however its now possible to kill people over longer distances, there is no way in friggin HELL someone is gonna take a full ppsh magazine and then just turn and shoot you. He must have been warping about because of lag or possibly you were, if your frame rate was 20fps then him on the screen could have dipped it even further causing jerky frame rate meaning you were firing probably everywhere but the actual spot where the target was. I really have to laugh because this reminds me so much of day of defeats community. Everytime a new revision of that mod comes out people are complaining about weapons that havn't even been altered in any way since the last revision. One of the dod team was quoted as saying, "sometimes i think we could just change the firing sound for a weapon and people would say its not as accurate or as powerful". Oddly enough that quote fits this situation. In my opinion people are looking for flaws that aren't there in spearhead. We have only played the demo which was laggy but then again so was the stalingrad demo almost a year ago. People need to base their opinions off the FULL game and not some demo which has a load of stuff missing from it. |
thank you Gerard!
My only complaint is the SMG's feel a little weak when facing an oponent at medium/close range. |
if u actully look inside pk1 of SH u will notice that there is not much differance between realism and non realism, the first thing i did was look at the tik's, when SH (demo) came out and i wont be playing with there mod, i will make one based on crow kings settings been playing around with it since saturday and it plays much better modded in my opinion and it,s nice to here ppl go how come there is only 2 nades to to fire i thought there was 5 evil:
Hmmm, I would like to try but every time I joined a game, I could not move, shoot or anything. Anyone know of working servers to actually play on?
[img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] |
Dad the only server i havent had that problem with is the fighting 61st ...
i think they have 8 or more pw slots so look to join when it is 11/20. Another good one is Mad clan server . The thing that really has me off is the no lean while moving thing .. good god this sucks, and no i am not a lean strafe guy ... It is now almost impossible to position yourself at a corner ... you are either too far over with half your body sticking out or you cant see around the corner ... it sucks !!!!! i guess we can thank the whinners for this one eek: |
I'm just glad some servers have the lean and strafe enabled.
Thanks Judas, I will try them out tonite biggrin: .
If anyone else knows of working servers, please post them. |
most of the servers avaliable now are crap, so the aiming problems are probably lag related.
I've fired a Mosin several times in a direction where I should have missed the enemy and I hit him. laaaaaaaaggggggggggg |
when your looking if ur on the west coast look for DK666's server. Really good server IMO. there was another that ninty9 and i were on but ive forgotten the name
Guys, they have tweaked most of the weapons in this version, just look at the .TIK files. The spread of bullets is alot wider on SMGs & MGs than it was on MOHAA. You need to fire in short bursts now.
great, another thing that needs to be modded!
didn't EA figure out yet that if there are so many REALISM servers out there, most people prefer that to arcade? |
This is why they put their own "realism mode" into their server launcher.
[quote="ST_Bazooka_Joe":08cdf]This is why they put their own "realism mode" into their server launcher.[/quote:08cdf]
I'm sure that mods liek CKR are better than the built in, after all this is EA. |
Oh, absolutly. I hate the EA realism mod, I miss my CKR! cry:
I see nothing wrong with the ea realism mode. ckr on the other hand = mg whores paradise.
Well, I think they took the idea from CKR and CPR, as about 80% of MOHAA server use one of these mods.
As for the EA mod, it's ok, but it dosen't have the same feel as CKR. Maybe cuz of all the new weapons, I dunno. |
As for the EA mod, it's ok, but it dosen't have the same feel as CKR. Maybe cuz of all the new weapons, I dunno.[/quote:013bf] No its because not every moron is running about with either an stg or a bar. The ckr mod enhances these too much and almost any server you go into roughly 90% of the people on it are using one of the mg's with a few snipers and maybe 1 or 2 smg's. Im enjoying spearhead demo so far because everyones using different weapons. People are using garand tommyguns mausers mp-40's ppsh mosin nagant and a lot more. If anything ive seen a decrease of mg bitches since this demo became available and thats a good thing. If crow king is gonna make a "realism mod" for spearhead heres some advice, don;t make the mg's the "uber weapon" like in past versions of your mod. Id be more than happy if no-one bothered fucking around with it at all but its bound to happen sooner or later and most likely we will be back to mg heaven yet again. mwah: |
Well, he has alot more weapons to mod this time, so maybe they'll be more equal to each other, rather than one weapon being the most precise weapon of them all, you know?
I don't see the point of modding them at all. Right now theres a good balance in the game. Only takes one weapon to get an advantage and everyones using it.
CKR 1.1 is better in this regard.
the STG is no longer the uber weapon. and I don't know about others but I prefer Thompson at close range and Garand at long. I can't quite see why, but even in stock mode of Spearhead the weapons don't work liek they do in stock MOHAA. maybe this is because of lag related glitches (due to playing on crap servers) but I've emptied a PPSH into people and they wouldn't die. on other servers I owned with the bolt-action Mosin rifle. |
[quote="Sgt Stryker":81867]CKR 1.1 is better in this regard.
the STG is no longer the uber weapon. and I don't know about others but I prefer Thompson at close range and Garand at long. [/quote:81867] I agree. Mods like the V1.1, Strik0r's Rifle Mod, and the Pistol Mod for V1.1 of CKR made MOH just more fun. I think once the retail is released, people will make some more CKR-like mods for all of the weapons, and give us a variety of different types of gameplay for each. |
Judas said:
"The thing that really has me off is the no lean while moving thing .. good god this sucks, and no i am not a lean strafe guy ... It is now almost impossible to position yourself at a corner ... you are either too far over with half your body sticking out or you cant see around the corner ... it sucks !!!!! i guess we can thank the whinners for this one" When the King of Lean starts complaining you know there's a problem! biggrin: Spearhead is going to take some getting used to. in MOH there are a couple of places where I like to squat and then move along a wall while leaning so that my head stays below the top of the wall. You can't do that in Spearhead. (It cost me the top of my head last night!) And what about being able to go prone? I thought Spearhead was going to add that in!? |
Gerard.....i agree with u totally......
The concept under CKR is good...but..... U are right... Take in account this: STG 44 in normal MoHAA does 27 Damage In CKR does 80 ! With this value...Axis don t need anything more.... Infact u usually see almost 80% axis using STG44 into CKR Realism servers... CPR put STG44 higher.....85 damage ! CKR was very good in the beginning of MoHAA....when players started to learn how play this game much better... Actually the skill is high....and that values....are too high too ! In 31/5/2000 i sent my personal Realism mod here at alliedassault.com: http://www.alliedassault.com/pafiledb/p ... ile&id=820 I hope u know about reading into tik files.... If no....almost u can....all of u can...read the txt file into my mod...so u can complain its genesis.... Important thing...with the permission of the author....PHR Realism is based on CKR.... I worked especially about movement speeds, accuracy and damage values to obtain a Realism-Fun mix....with a special reguard about normal rifles...to increase use them.... Make me a favour....download that small 42 Kb file...and at least read the .txt file inside.... And tell me what u think . PS: In my PHR Realism STG44 is set at 42 damage.... In few words...take in account this example... Give Default MoHAA 0 value... Give CPR and CKR 100 value... U can give my PHR...mmmh....65-70... And finally u can give actual Spearhead Realism ON something like...40-50 Sorry for my poor English... I m from Italy ! |
Ehm...me again...
Just for curiosity: About mg's: STG44 and Bar STG44: CKR : 80 Damage - 0.85 movementspeed Spearhead Realism : 35 Damage - 0.85 PHR : 42 Damage - 0.85 speed Bar: CKR: 104 Damage - 0.85 speed Spearhead Realism: 42 Damage - 0.80 speed PHR : 62 Damage - 0.80 speed About smg' s: MP40 and Thompson MP40: CKR: 60 Damage -0.96 speed Spearhead Realism: 35 Damage - 0.96 speed PHR : 38 Damage 0.94 speed Thompson: CKR: 75 Damage - 0.96 Spearhead Realism: 30 Damage - 0.96 speed PHR : 40 Damage 0.90 speed In PHR 2.0 Thompson do little more damage...but a little bit less accurate than MP40... Spearhead Realism consider this opposite... As i can see....it seems Eala team saw much more my PHR values than CKR....LOL ! |
EA's so called realism is like what it was in stock MOHAA!!!
so what is stock Spearhead values? it takes 10 bullets to kill? |
[quote="Sgt Stryker":3e07b]EA's so called realism is like what it was in stock MOHAA!!!
so what is stock Spearhead values? it takes 10 bullets to kill?[/quote:3e07b] From what ive played in realism servers the rifles are 1 hit kills a majority fof the time wheras smg's and mg's take maybe 3 hits. Since you're gonna be firing either full auto or in bursts with smg's its not gonna make much difference if it takes 2-3 hits for a kill anyway. Its harder to hit with a rifle whereas smg'\mg's can spray an area, hence it makes sense that it should take a couple of hits for smg'\mg's and 1 for rifles. |
[quote:a3ff7]oh man.. u think 20 fps was bad. on my pld pc i had every thing at min and i had 15fps max... now with my new pc i get 90 with max settings... even in spearhead.
[/quote:a3ff7] Hey mope what are your system specs? I have just gotten a geforce 4 ti 4600 and i still get 20-50 fps. |
didnt read all the posts.... but some games are in Normal speed and the others are in Fast... you can filter out fast games with your filter. I dont have a problem with the weapons at all... still use the rifle and still dont miss that often. 2 hits and they are down.
My only problem is the game lags... even with my 45fps and 100 ping... it still jerks around. The Malta level doesnt even work for me. (My ping is 40-50 in reg MOH) |
Its harder to hit with a rifle whereas smg'\mg's can spray an area, hence it makes sense that it should take a couple of hits for smg'\mg's and 1 for rifles.[/quote:77f54] the SMG is too weak, the main difference between SMG and MG should be the accuracy at longer range, at close range a SMG is just as damaging. |
In normal MoHAA...both smg' s s do 25 damage....
Bar does 30 and STG44 does 27.... Remember 1 thing... damage is referred upper torso shot !!! MoHAA increase this value if u hit the head ! If a weapon has at least or more than 72 damage...as base damage...if u hit head...u achive istant kill ! So in CKR...STG44 with 80 base damage....if u hit head....u need only 1 shot to achive istantkill.... Thompson does the same with its 75 damage... MP40 with 65 not sufficient.... Bar with 104....obviously ! Take in account this when u are argumenting about damage values.... |
I sure do hope the single player is worth $35. The multiplayer isnt worth any more than $5 dollars. Who really cares about mortars (set up in the dumbest places) or portable mg42s? Those are just cheap parlor tricks. The new skins and new guns are mildly amusing, but nothing the modding community couldnt have done if they had the resources. The only worthwhile things I have seen is the "fast run" option and the smoother jumping code. You can still get hung up in SH, but its much improved over the gimpy feel of AA. The maps they released suck, especially malta. I hate dark, hazy, rainy maps, and then they make them linear with cheesy spawns so you have a half mile jog to the action. The vote function is kindof cool, but I can see that getting abused and annoying real quick.
Who is fooled by EA's theory of darker=higher quality? I downloaded SH and have played it off and on over the weekend, but I keep find my self going getting bored and going back to AA. I wouldnt sweat the realism mod too much, there will be mods out the first week after SH is released. I am probably still going to buy the game, but the demo is unimpressive to say the least. |
Fast Run option SUCKS !
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