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05-01-2003 03:48 PM

Hanging It Up
I realized this morning after logging onto my laptop here in this hotel, and sitting down to take in the advice and support about the newest maps I have made and came to one conclusion.... there were none.
My work is played by many people across the globe. Those of you who map and map well know what I am talking about. Your work is seen by people in other countries. With all the work that goes into html, pic creation in Photoshop, making the levels PK3s, etc. I find little input and a very small amount of insight.
I got into sending this work out to people so they could enjoy it and I could maybe get some insight into my work through the players eyes. So far I don't even have enough to write on a sugar packet.
This morning has made me realize I must think about hanging it up. After my near death experience I was happy to get back to programming mohaa. But I'm just another mapper to everyone else which makes me expendible. For those who have helped and supported me a BIG THANKS.
Maybe I can get your thoughts on this. If not, then you have answered the question anyway.
-The General of Cobra Cobra Command

Timur the Lame 05-01-2003 03:58 PM

I actually don't know what maps you have made but I probably play on them. You have to understand that most people are only in it for themselves and they could give two shits about what a mapper feels. Also you have to udnerstand that some people are assholes and all they will do is sit here a critisize your work even if they don't have a valid point. You can't worry about what everyone thinks. Getting compliments here and there are great but they don't help you become a better mapper. Only you can do that. And, if you hang it now you'll never know what kind of a mapper you could be.

Hobbs 05-01-2003 04:13 PM

hey biatch!! i sent you 2 emails and u never mailed me back!!! eek: what gives? oOo:

--={RMF}=--Snakeyes 05-01-2003 04:18 PM

Don't hang it up man you are one of the best there is. We love your work keep it coming.

Gauv 05-01-2003 04:46 PM

You whine a lot man. First it was "oh you moved my thread! about my near death experience! how dare you ! I am a supreme modder blah blah" (I may have paraphrased a bit :P) Well dude.. most people after having near death experiences.. have a new outlook on life, usually positive.. but you seem to have gotten bitter. Hobbs said he sent you some e-mails and you didn't write him back .. so I dunno man .. quit being a Grouch.

MPowell1944 05-01-2003 04:55 PM

If you hang it up just b/c of lack of feedback, then I don't feel bad for you. I am sorry that you had that accident alittle while back, but if you are going to hang it up b/c of a lack of feedback, then I say oh well. Stick with it. If you willing to give up that easily, maybe its best you are gone.

T.Hunter 05-01-2003 05:13 PM

These are some harsh but true facts.

Be to honest you maps arent all that great. except for the scripting.

People could care less if you go, your just 1 SN out of thousands.

To me, you have that cocky, "Im the best" type of attitude

I also think you think, that people owe you something.

If you want feedback you wont get it at make your home @ TMT

As far as the Near Death experience, it seems like you want simpathy

As A fellow mapper giving advice to another, YOU ONLY MAKE MAPS FOR YOURSELF and share them with others. There is no deadline when you have to release your maps or what it should or shouldnt look like. You have to understand there are always people better than you in anything. Understanding that should push you to be a better mapper.
Your not doing this to get respect from people you dont know. Your doing this for yourself, as a hobby whenever you want to.

You should not depend on support. People who depend on support are the ones droping out of High School (in this case, mapping). The people doing it for themselves are the ones flying the space shuttles and other good stuff

You might take some of the things I said Personally, but all im trying to do is make you wake up...and face the facts.


05-01-2003 05:22 PM

What a Shame
After reading these responses I can see MPowell and others are right. You are a bunch of assholes. Oh you don't like me? Fuck you. I'll keep my maps to myself and those who give a shit. There are some people here who love my work, but they are lost in the VAST amount of assholes here. So FUCK YOU>>>, FUCK YOU>>>, FUCK YOU>>>>>, YOUR COOL, and FUCK YOU>>>> I'M OUT. M16:

Fireal 05-01-2003 05:25 PM

I use to have respect for u!
I mean quitting cuz a couple of assholes?
Your a fucking PUSSY!

T.Hunter 05-01-2003 05:38 PM

your not going to gain respect and positive feeback with that type of shitty ass attitude.

i gave you advice, but your to stuck up and narrow minded to use actually think about it.

you arent god. and you wont get simpathy from me anymore.

just another Screen Name on my Monitor.

05-01-2003 05:39 PM

Uhhhh. Did I say I was giving up? I liked you too but I guess you don't like me.

05-01-2003 05:48 PM

Friend or Foe?
Lets get one thing straight right now. I SAID (again) that I respected people's thoughts and I don't mind that people shit on me or don't like my work. It's the lack of feedback. Why invest all that time in posting threads?
I'm not the best mapper, I'm not even in the top ten. I love mapping pc games and making mods. I have 0 illusions about my abilities. It's not only a hobby but it is what I am studying for future employment.
I have obviously ruffled some feathers asking if I should Hang it up. It was a question guys. You could refrain from all the flames and bullshit. I say FUCK YOU to those who don't like me, not to those who do. These types of reponses only furth solidify my belief that SOME people here are real assholes.

05-01-2003 06:25 PM

Re: Friend or Foe?
[quote="GEN COBRA":f83dd]Lets get one thing straight right now. I SAID (again) that I respected people's thoughts and I don't mind that people shit on me or don't like my work. It's the lack of feedback. Why invest all that time in posting threads?
I'm not the best mapper, I'm not even in the top ten. I love mapping pc games and making mods. I have 0 illusions about my abilities. It's not only a hobby but it is what I am studying for future employment.
I have obviously ruffled some feathers asking if I should Hang it up. It was a question guys. You could refrain from all the flames and bullshit. I say FUCK YOU to those who don't like me, not to those who do. These types of reponses only furth solidify my belief that SOME people here are real assholes.[/quote:f83dd]


Timur the Lame 05-01-2003 06:54 PM

I don't see why you care what other people think. You are your own person. Fuck what other people have to say. As long as you have fun making maps and playing on them, don't stop. If you are easily offended by half the people on these forums, who most likely are no older then 15, then you have a serious problem. It's called self-esteem, and you seem to have a lack there of. If half the people compliment you and can't wait for you to release your maps, and the other half puts you and your maps down, who cares. Just brush them off like the little pieces of shit like they are. Don't let some pre-pubescent moron get to you.

MPowell1944 05-01-2003 07:02 PM

Trust me Cobra, stick with it. You saw all the shit I went through trying to get back into the modding scene after my cheating ventures last year. Everyday I wanted to just giveup and forget about the game, but I didn't. If you are willing to give up b/c you didn't get feedback about your mods, then why continue modding for the game. I am not coming off as an asshole, and if you think I am, then thats your opinion. Advice is what I am giving, and its up to you whether you take it or not.

This game needs all the modders it can get. Lets not lose a good modder because of lack of feedback.

Infernal_ 05-01-2003 07:10 PM

i dont see why you dont shit the fuck up leave it be ediots. and cobra your work is great id say keep going buy only YOU can make tyhe decition man not these assholes in here.

good day

BLOODSHOT 05-01-2003 07:13 PM

lol...what a fucking baby....WHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA........

T.Hunter 05-01-2003 07:13 PM

Re: Friend or Foe?
[quote="GEN COBRA":d170b]Lets get one thing straight right now. I SAID (again) that I respected people's thoughts and I don't mind that people shit on me or don't like my work. It's the lack of feedback. Why invest all that time in posting threads?
I'm not the best mapper, I'm not even in the top ten. I love mapping pc games and making mods. I have 0 illusions about my abilities. It's not only a hobby but it is what I am studying for future employment.
I have obviously ruffled some feathers asking if I should Hang it up. It was a question guys. You could refrain from all the flames and bullshit. I say FUCK YOU to those who don't like me, not to those who do. These types of reponses only furth solidify my belief that SOME people here are real assholes.[/quote:d170b]

sry, i thought you where saying that to everybody.
my fault

05-01-2003 07:16 PM

I really respect all of your work. I work hard to make maps for people just to simply have fun with. Most of you are very smart and are a great contribution to all of these sites we frequent. I mod for fun and for a portfolio of work. When I finally get out of being sent from hospital to hospital, I will be able to further intensify my work on this game. Right now, sitting here at the hotel I am at, I got a lot of work done already on my next project. I just want you guys to try my work and try and beat the SP maps I just made, because damn it, I could barely beat the third level.

If you don't like me, cool. Just please try not be such an asshole about it. In the future, if I some day I disappear, don't ever think it was you guys. My health isn't good and I will refrain from the details. You think I am a pussy? I am probably one of the strongest men you will ever know.

Fireal 05-01-2003 07:27 PM

Re: Thanks.
[quote="GEN COBRA":c4a58]I really respect all of your work. I work hard to make maps for people just to simply have fun with. Most of you are very smart and are a great contribution to all of these sites we frequent. I mod for fun and for a portfolio of work. When I finally get out of being sent from hospital to hospital, I will be able to further intensify my work on this game. Right now, sitting here at the hotel I am at, I got a lot of work done already on my next project. I just want you guys to try my work and try and beat the SP maps I just made, because damn it, I could barely beat the third level.

If you don't like me, cool. Just please try not be such an asshole about it. In the future, if I some day I disappear, don't ever think it was you guys. My health isn't good and I will refrain from the details. You think I am a pussy? I am probably one of the strongest men you will ever know.[/quote:c4a58]

So you just are a strong pussy ok

MPowell1944 05-01-2003 07:53 PM

James, let it go. If you could make half the mods Cobra has, then you can talk. Until then, shut your yapper.

Fireal 05-01-2003 07:55 PM

I admit Cobra is a great modder
But he is weak if he doesnt get talked about enough...
I always told him if his mods where good or not...And they were great!
But i just cant believe he would consider quiting cuz of it...

Balr14 05-01-2003 08:58 PM

I don't know why you are making such a big fuss is over feedback. I can't think of any mapper in any game who has ever received much worthwhile feedback. Most people would rather say nothing than say something critical. It's human nature. The only kind of feedback most mappers get is "Wow, great map!" type of comments which don't mean anything.

madmanfrommars 05-01-2003 09:40 PM

Cobra, it'd be sad to see you go. I actually didn't know that you had recovered, and I'm glad. If you really do leave, it would be a real loss to the community.

You wouldn't be the only modder that wouldn't necesserly get feedback. Most people are too lazy to get ur e-mail addy and type up a responce. Sometimes people will post in the comment section of MoHfiles, but thats about it.

You're not the only person, and its no reason to quit

05-01-2003 10:20 PM

Thanks for the Slap
Thanks for the Slap, I needed that.
I guess I will have to adopt a WHO CARES attitiude to stomach the 3 year old remarks with a certian sense of testicular fortitude (balls).

I am from now on only going to post and shut my face.

BTW James, I took 3 riibs into my lungs, broke my arm in three places and shattered my femer. I lay under a snowmobile in the dead of winter for almost an hour before I was found. A weak person would have died right there that day.

Fireal 05-01-2003 10:50 PM

I do feel bad for you for that really.
Ok keep in mind i am only 13 and this happened when i was 11.

On a cold Febuary day the 21st of 2001 i went to school like a regular day..
First 3 periods went fine till i have Shop
I was working on a wood lathe the teacher not in the room this chick pushed me into the wall and my finger was Shoved into the lathe (the actual part was a little circle thing with a hole in the middle that spinned with a lathe) and my finger was spun around in a 180 shoved back to the front of my hand and to the side (while i was pulling it out)The teachers werent there I was in the farthest room from the nurses and i had to walk! (keep in mind the only thing keeping my finger there is a tendon) I lost alot of blood so i nearly collapsd walking. So i go to my dads hospital and they didnt want to give me morphine yet cuz i was so little! So the set my ginger so the one artery there could give blood WORST PAIN EVER! So the Doctor comes in Dr. Chin a chinesse doctor best hand specialist where i live i go into surgery for nearly 8 hours. And nearly lost my finger... Right now u can only move one join in my left index finger it is the bottom joint(knuckle) and i will never move any other joint
I have 5 screws, 2 pins (had three took out one) and i will never be able to play my love Football again
Oh and i forgot they took a vein from my wrist and put it in my hand

I know it isnt as bad as yours but the recovery was the hardest thing ever! Especially for someone my age...
I have had Halucinations ever sence

Old Reliable 05-01-2003 11:08 PM

I think that the best modders for this game should move onto a much more moddable game. more results would be able to be produced

05-01-2003 11:14 PM

James I don't have anything agianst you. That must have been hard. Pain is never easy, but I think I am much stronger since that day. I am sure you are too.

Hey Old Reliable, you must be the KING DADDY of modders.

Old Reliable 05-01-2003 11:17 PM

do I have to be? it would be more beneficial anyways. this game isnt very great to start out with

MPowell1944 05-01-2003 11:21 PM

This is offtopic, but Old Reliable, you have some crackhead graphics going there. lmfao! ed:

:Hybrid: 05-01-2003 11:41 PM

what was your near death experience?

05-02-2003 12:34 AM

Yeah I agree. The link to the html image is gone now, but that was a bad ass scene I saw there. I am happy to know that there are better mappers out there then me. Gives me something to look forward too. As well as MOHAA isn't the only game in the world. Ummm.. uhh.. did I just say that?

05-02-2003 12:36 AM

Re: Thanks for the Slap
[quote="GEN COBRA":1b93f]I took 3 riibs into my lungs, broke my arm in three places and shattered my femer. I lay under a snowmobile in the dead of winter for almost an hour before I was found. A weak person would have died right there that day.[/quote:1b93f]

A bad snowmobile accident almost killed me. I've had 4 surgeries since then to correct my lungs and bones.

Simo Häyhä 05-02-2003 12:38 AM

guys lay off of cobra, he is a quality member here. hake:
i think he just needs time to vent some frustration here.

Old Reliable 05-02-2003 12:53 AM

yes the guy hitting the

05-02-2003 01:10 AM

Thanks guys, and yes I am hitting the computer. M16:
I've got a lot of great work coming up. You guys are gonna love the next TDM Map I am making. Considering I am trying like hell to keep fps at a high and any extras to a minimum but still maintain an excellent atmosphere.

Scalping Chief 05-02-2003 03:42 PM

dont quit cobra you are an amazing mapper

Dr. Deleto 05-02-2003 04:02 PM


In my career of modding for mohaa, I have released to the masses over 100 scope designs, over 25 crosshairs, and a few other mods. the lowest # of dl's i got on any of these was 50 and the highest was nearly 3000 to date. now out of all of those, I have received 1 email from someone about my work's quality. 1! got plenty of emails with requests for something. only 1 with criticism. So don't take it like this. man I've been modding mohaa since right after the full version was released. I really was like you when I started, I wanted feedback. now i could give 2 shits, lol. just take it with a grain of salt and mod cause ya want to.

05-02-2003 09:47 PM

Thanks guys. I see where you are coming from. Like I said earlier I'm just gonna shut my moth and pump out the craziest shit you will ever play online. I LOVE WW II History. I will definately be encorporating some of that in my new maps.
One e-mail huh DELETO? I think you deserve more than that.

madmanfrommars 05-02-2003 10:28 PM

hm my worst experience was eating the school's eggs.

I had food poisioning for two weeks.

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