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Swill 07-15-2003 11:08 PM

NEW help on my moms new boyfriend!!! PLEASE
ok i get home today and he takes me back to my place"My moms boyfriend"So the day went great, i went to play basketball and wrestled with my friends and shit right? Well, my mom is out tonight for atleast till 12 at night... and well right now its a quarter to 9 pm, and i`m on the computer and someone in my family calls...i dont know who it is...a great aunt or some shit....and hes in the kitchen eating, all of a sudden he fucking comes up to my sister and fucking screams at her and my great aunt"I guess thats her" says is something wrong there? I tell her that my moms boyfriend is telling my sister something, and shes like well he is quite loud...and i`m like yeah he she is like how long have your mom been dating this guy, i tell her a couple weeks which is actually true, and the basterd still screams even though he knows i`m on the phone.....WTF?
plus he shouldnt be screaming at all, the little fucker goes up to my sister and just starts screaming because shes watching TV....and she just fucking made us a great dinner and shit, but i want to add that he is doing dishes....and so he goes over there and screams saying that she should get off her ass, and that she does nothing around here which he is wrong....
So i didnt want to say anything but i dont know what to friend online told me to either threaten him or talk to my mom...well he wont be like this in front of my mom , i know for a fact cause hes been here like 24/7 and thats the truth, and i`ve never seen him yell yet....and my mom divorced my dad for the same shit...telling us were no good and all that fucking btw my dad also hit my mom...little fucker...
anyways,i just wanted to ask what should i do? in this situation, and be honest please......

07-15-2003 11:18 PM

need background info:

1. could you kick his ass in hand to hand?
2. could you kick his ass with a bayonet/bigass knife/machette/katana?

if you are not big enough for a direct physical assault, a tactic of sabotage should do it. (cut his fuel line or unscrew the tire nuts when you know your mom won't be driving with him, he will end up in a flaming wreck, or a mangled wreck eventually)

CaP bUsTa 07-15-2003 11:28 PM

just shoot him in the face

Judas 07-15-2003 11:31 PM

Is he cute?

Strik0r 07-15-2003 11:33 PM

$500 i'll drop him for ya

07-15-2003 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
Is he cute?

another idea, fuck up his face real good so he looks like phantom of the opera evil:

negative 07-15-2003 11:35 PM

look dude, tell your mom... if she chooses him over your...well live with your dad. because what will end up happening is you will start slanging dope and stuff

SoLiDUS 07-15-2003 11:54 PM


If my mom started dating someone, and some odd weeks after he lives
with her decides to scream at everyone... in MY domain of residence ? Hah,
peace the rats... I'd knock his ass out so bad. In fact, I'd make a habit of
doing it every time he decided to scream or otherwise do something stupid
like that so as to make him understand... like you do when training a pet.


Tripper 07-15-2003 11:54 PM

Kick his fucking loose-ass, dude. You gotta stick up for your sister, who else would stick up for her?

Whatever happens, you gotta give him shit if he acts like a prick. Do something that he can't blame you for. Sabotage something.

Tripper 07-15-2003 11:56 PM

Kick his fucking loose-ass, dude. You gotta stick up for your sister, who else would stick up for her?

Whatever happens, you gotta give him shit if he acts like a prick. Do something that he can't blame you for. Sabotage something.

Simo Häyhä 07-15-2003 11:58 PM

rape him

negative 07-16-2003 12:06 AM

what? keicking his ass is easier said than done...also, these people most likely have not been in the same situation you are in. Listen dude, talk to your mom and shell be all like "oh i didnt know' not at first though, but say it all the time and eventually tell her t choose between you and him.If you triesd to do something to him it would be easy for him to get rd of you. dont listen to these people.

White Rabbit 07-16-2003 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper
Kick his fucking loose-ass, dude.

ROFL "loose-ass" happy:

Chronic Diarrhea 07-16-2003 12:30 AM

Don't listen to these people? Hell they're giving the right advice. So this guy likes to yell (and I'm guessing swear) at your sister. How old is your sister? If she's a little girl then kick the dogshit out of him. Don't be a pussy and back down to his shit. Be a man. Even if you lose your mom will be really pissed at him for beating your ass so she'll get rid of him. Also you'd have your sister to back you up for why you fucked him up.

White Rabbit 07-16-2003 12:59 AM

you can also cum in his favorite drink

Cpt. Obvious 07-16-2003 01:01 AM

sneak up behind him and give him a cheap shot in the balls, then while he is nelt over get him in a head lock and punch the shit out of his face, then flip him over your knee and while he is on the ground step on his throat and i bet he will leave your sister alone. fire1:

Arkan 07-16-2003 01:03 AM

Calmly walk over to him and kick him in the nut sac. Tell him "Thats for yelling at my sister". Then, as he's rolling around on the floor yelping like a girl, remind him that you're the man of the house and anymore shit out of him, you'll exterminate him.
If that doesn't work, hire me....i'll gladly give him a beating for you. cool:

Gonzo 07-16-2003 01:34 AM

do what cartman did in south park snatch is ass up in a bear trap leave that motha f@ucka hanging up so high no one will find him for dayz cool:

Fireal 07-16-2003 01:51 AM

Talk to him. Ask him why he did it. If he is all "OH i was just mad that that no for good slut doesnt do shit" Thats wen u act kool. Then later u come from cehind and just give him a cheap shot in the ear. Then wait for him to turn around and kick him in the nuts then kick so that the tip of your shoe gets the very tip of the shoe. And tell him why u did it. and tell him if he did it again you would kill him.

Tripper 07-16-2003 02:11 AM

[quote="White Rabbit":06487]you can also cum in his favorite drink[/quote:06487]

My compliments to the Chef.

1080jibber 07-16-2003 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS

If my mom started dating someone, and some odd weeks after he lives
with her decides to scream at everyone... in MY domain of residence ? Hah,
peace the rats... I'd knock his ass out so bad. In fact, I'd make a habit of
doing it every time he decided to scream or otherwise do something stupid
like that so as to make him understand... like you do when training a pet.


what SoLiDUS siad,

like wtf, this guy is crazy, tell your mom...just say ya dont trust him.
and women that get abused, will always go for a guy that will abuse her....and i bet ya that pretty soon he will be hitting your mom

Swill 07-16-2003 02:14 AM

ok thanks guys for these comments and suggestions, that dick is ...OH GOD i want to tear him apart....well heres another mom gets home and all of a sudden he goes up to her and says the kids didnt do anything.... i`m like wtf? i have my room cleaned.....the trash is out, i took a shower, and just a few minutes ago , hes preety much calling me fucking fat....Which i`m like 235 pounds and i`m only 5`9 , well i took a little of my time while i`m staying on my counter-strike game...he keeps saying oh your to overweight, and all that...and ya know he may be right...but i`ve been getting excercise lately and he knows that and my mom was there too...and my mom was saying the same mom never calls me fat...she just says every once in a while"brian you need to go out"
so i do...i go to a friends house and wrestle or some shit.....

Swill 07-16-2003 02:16 AM

oh yeah....
one more of you asked if hes bigger or smaller? hes like 5`2 200 yeah i can take him down....
and hes not so skinny himself...hes got a big

lmao oh god what do i do....

see i get paranoid sometimes ...and now here comes a bad situation for that....

Fireal 07-16-2003 02:17 AM

Then take his ass down

mikecs18 07-16-2003 02:44 AM

if he calls you fat just be like to his face "hey... fuck you. you got quite a beer gut, come and jog with me fatass"

if he gives you more shit grab a baseball bat and fuck his face up... if not a bat... a 4' x 2" piece of plywood with a nail thru it should do the trick.

break every bone in his body. leave him in a pool of his own blood. make sure that bastard will need a wheelchair for the rest of his days. make it so little kids will laugh at his broken face as he walks down the streets.

bust his balls in so he cant fuck your mom and make some of his own.

one reason why mothers boyfreinds can be assholes to the kids is cuz you are not HIS kid... he wants to pass on his OWN jenetics... get it?

youre bigger than him, get his ass in line or else he'll probably give you hell later on... talk to your mom and tell her what u feel.

Chango 07-16-2003 03:09 AM

the best advice given to you so far was to tell your mom about it.

if you hit him, he can get you for assault and your mom would be pissed at you, if you argue with him your mom may side with him unless you do it tactfully.

just tell your mom about him, its obvious that he's not trying to get along with you and your mom needs to know that(if she doesn't already.)

newbieassulted 07-16-2003 03:14 AM

Yeah. Talk to your mom, and after awhile, if he doesn't change, take him down.

SoLiDUS 07-16-2003 08:15 AM

Unfortunately, mother will rationalize that her "love" must have had a good
reason to do so and side with him no matter what. I stand by my strategy ;-)

Zoner 07-16-2003 08:21 AM

Hire Strik0r. That's the best option I've read yet. Well, throwing a wad in his Pepsi would rock too.

Cpt. Obvious 07-16-2003 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by KaBong
do what cartman did in south park snatch is ass up in a bear trap leave that motha f@ucka hanging up so high no one will find him for dayz cool:

that was fat abbot

snipeymagoo 07-16-2003 10:12 AM

kick his ass man, he has been there a couple of weeks you say? he isnt your father, hell he isnt your step f
ather, he is some piece of shit punk who thinks he is your father, beat the shit outta this bitch, and if he is bigger than you.....use a weapon, if he calls the cops, say he was trying to molest you, cops believe kids over adults....especially if you cry biggrin:

07-16-2003 10:15 AM

[quote="White Rabbit":62c74]you can also cum in his favorite drink[/quote:62c74]
his favorite drink is cum

Tell your mom about this fuckface. Dont try to take him down, because most likely he will be stronger than you. And if you end up killing him, it wont be self defense, it will be MURDER.

07-16-2003 10:29 AM

well, now that I know you're bigger, first videotape him yelling at sis, then proceed to beat the shit out of him. When mom comes home and finds a broken mess in the living room, pop tape into VCR

Maplegyver 07-16-2003 10:44 AM

go splinter cell on his ass
when he is sleeping grab him and put him in a choke gohle and tell him
(in italian accent)
"if you dont fucking leave in 2 days ill be using your fucking skin as a door mat,Kapish?"

Maplegyver 07-16-2003 10:44 AM

ohh yah dont forget to shove his face in a retial scanner

07-16-2003 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by "White Rabbit":9205e
you can also cum in his favorite drink

his favorite drink is cum[/quote:9205e]
heh, good one sclass biggrin:

go the next step, just wank in front of him and jizz on him (when nobody else is home)

he'll tell your mom and she'd be like "yeah.. ok... you're strange" and kick him out

dude, you're gonna have to go to extremes... non-violent ... at first

07-16-2003 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by "White Rabbit":ff6f0
you can also cum in his favorite drink

his favorite drink is cum[/quote:ff6f0]
heh, good one sclass biggrin:

go the next step, just wank in front of him and jizz on him (when nobody else is home)

he'll tell your mom and she'd be like "yeah.. ok... you're strange" and kick him out

dude, you're gonna have to go to extremes... non-violent ... at first

07-16-2003 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by "White Rabbit":518f8
you can also cum in his favorite drink

his favorite drink is cum[/quote:518f8]
heh, good one sclass biggrin:

go the next step, just wank in front of him and jizz on him (when nobody else is home)

he'll tell your mom and she'd be like "yeah.. ok... you're strange" and kick him out

dude, you're gonna have to go to extremes... non-violent ... at first

07-16-2003 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by "White Rabbit":042a7
you can also cum in his favorite drink

his favorite drink is cum[/quote:042a7]
heh, good one sclass biggrin:

go the next step, just wank in front of him and jizz on him (when nobody else is home)

he'll tell your mom and she'd be like "yeah.. ok... you're strange" and kick him out

dude, you're gonna have to go to extremes... non-violent ... at first

07-16-2003 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by "White Rabbit":3fe2c
you can also cum in his favorite drink

his favorite drink is cum[/quote:3fe2c]
heh, good one sclass biggrin:

go the next step, just wank in front of him and jizz on him (when nobody else is home)

he'll tell your mom and she'd be like "yeah.. ok... you're strange" and kick him out

dude, you're gonna have to go to extremes... non-violent ... at first

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