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GreenEggs&Pot 07-24-2003 11:22 AM

RIAA hit list
[quote:3c56e]The recording industry has launched a sweeping effort to identify and shut down individual song swappers, making good on recent threats to expand its legal battle against copyright theft.

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has now issued more than 911 subpoenas to Internet service providers across the United States, trying to get the names of people still offering music on file-sharing networks such as KaZaA and Grokster.

Today, "Tech Live" brings you the RIAA Hit List, the user names of file traders targeted in the recording industry subpoenas.

Last month, we brought you the story of Jesse Jordan, a 19-year-old college student who became one of the first to be hit with a lawsuit by the RIAA. Jordan settled his case by paying $12,000 to the RIAA.

The following user names were culled from subpoenas filed with the US District Court in Washington, DC. All subpoenas, incidentally, are being served by the Los Angeles law firm of Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp. A total of 253 RIAA subpoenas were listed as of July 22 through the federal court system's paid online database, PACER. The actual subpoenas are available to view online in about half the cases.

The court documents don't show individual users' real names. They do show file-sharing network user names, the user's ISP, the user's IP address, and a sampling of copyright songs the user allegedly made available for download. To date, many ISPs have been contacted, including Pac Bell Internet, SBC, Charter Communications, Comcast, Adelphia, RCN, and Time Warner.

Following is a list of the first user names from our review of the subpoenas.

* Aab@Kazaa
* Aboggs2@Kazaa
* allstatetide@Kazaa
* Amissann2@Kazaa
* AngelaMikesell@Kazaa
* anon39023@Kazaa
* anthonybotz@Kazaa
* aoster1@Kazaa
* Ariel167@fileshare
* asheejojo@Kazaa
* Ashley@Grokster
* azn_bahamut@Kazaa
* B.B.C@Kazaa
* badandy@Kazaa
* Benchy987@Kazaa
* Bigeasssy24@Kazaa
* Bigpimpinitopey187@Kazaa
* bigjohnhc@Kazaa
* blazel@Kazaa
* bluemonkey13@Kazaa
* Boilermaker1214@Kazaa
* brentandjonna@Kazaa
* brich410@Kazaa
* budman5000@Kazaa
* Bush323@Kazaa
* cado@Kazaa
* Carolyn@fileshare
* Casal@Kazaa
* cbegalle@Kazaa
* cherriie@Kazaa
* CLOVER77@Kazaa
* Corky101@Kazaa
* Cortez1023@Kazaa
* CowgirlMDR@Kazaa
* crazyface@Kazaa
* d-dubb@Grokster
* dallass@Kazaa
* daredevil@Kazaa
* DEFAINCE357@Kazaa
* definitely_ditzy@Kazaa
* dimples0530@Kazaa
* dmadigan@Kazaa
* dotzbadger@Kazaa
* dubcha@Kazaa
* dulfingurl2@Kazaa
* Dyellagurl22@Kazaa
* Dziion@Kazaa
* eddieh@Kazaa
* emmi4@Kazaa
* enbbarnes@Kazaa
* ERIKA@Kazaa
* felicia_alvarado@Kazaa
* flowerpower0818@fileshare
* fox3j@Kazaa
* freckles72587@Kazaa
* fritzbuilding@Kazaa
* Generalby@Kazaa
* Ghettobootybabe8@Kazaa
* h2ochamp@kazaa
* harris@Kazaa
* heather_thee_amazing@Kazaa
* hoami316@Kazaa
* hooterzzz@Kazaa
* hottdude0587@Kazaa
* HyDang@Kazaa
* ilovemydez@Kazaa
* indepunk74@Kazaa
* inthisroom@Kazaa
* jamonie@Kazaa
* JE_WV@Kazaa
* Jeff@Kazaa
* Jessica@Kazaa
* jim@Kazaa
* joanjett@Kazaa
* joe@Kazaa
* jomada@Kazaa
* JustineRiot@Kazaa
* kelney12@Kazaa
* kenne007@Kazaa
* KrAyZiE@Kazaa
* ktgurl13@Grokster
* kunstrukter@Kazaa
* ladypimp8669@Kazaa
* laurelbean@Kazaa
* leahpate@Kazaa
* LiLHuNnIe1480@Kazaa
* Lisweet@Kazaa
* Lyssy348@Kazaa
* madkirk@fileshare
* Marge4131@Kazaa
* Marla262@Kazaa
* mgokey@Kazaa
* mike@Kazaa
* Motivator@Kazaa
* munkeyspanker21@Kazaa
* nikki@Kazaa
* Niltiak@Kazaa
* Nodopefor2@Kazaa
* paulina@Kazaa
* pdia@Kazaa
* PDJ1846@Kazaa
* Playgirlmama@Kazaa
* Prtythug23@Kazaa
* qjade512@Kazaa
* rebecca_m_122@Kazaa
* rips42@Kazaa
* rochelle@Kazaa
* RockOn182@Kazaa
* samlionofzino@Kazaa
* shakobe@Kazaa
* shonga84@Kazaa
* sk8boyben@Kazaa
* sneil@Kazaa
* soccerdog@Kazaa
* StolenSi@Kazaa
* sus@Kazaa
* Sweet3114@Kazaa
* sweetthang1421@Kazaa
* TheLastReal7@Kazaa
* Tyler@Kazaa
* Unit984@Kazaa
* Westly_NoGood@Kazaa
* http://www.k_lite.tk_Kazaa_Lite@Kazaa[/quote:3c56e]

gather teh l33t warriors! we will haX0r their site! M16:

07-24-2003 11:27 AM

By now I am getting so pissed I want to literally pirate the music industry,

that is sail a "ship 'o' th' line" up to their executive office building, hoist the Jolly Roger, and start firing broadsides evil:

Unknown_Sniper 07-24-2003 11:28 AM

sounds good lets do it

MrLevinstein 07-24-2003 11:28 AM

Im just glad on not on there with all the fuggin pr0n I download.

Oh wait this was music happy:

ED 07-24-2003 11:49 AM

If you put your music out there like that, you deserve to get sued.

07-24-2003 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Im just glad on not on there with all the fuggin pr0n I download.

Oh wait this was music happy:

they can't do shit to you for downloading, this is for hosting music for download.

If they sued everyone who downloaded the President would probably call the Marines on the music industry, because they would tie up the US courts for years, and trials for real crimes would be tied up.

Jotun 07-24-2003 12:26 PM

http://www.k_lite.tk_Kazaa_Lite@Kazaa is a generic name, im pretty sure

Cpt. Obvious 07-24-2003 12:31 PM

isnt this an invasion of privacy

1080jibber 07-24-2003 12:32 PM

RIAA can die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope a terrorist blows up there building, that will be about the only good thing they could do

Cpt. Obvious 07-24-2003 12:36 PM

couldnt everyone download under the same name they couldnt catch the real culprit.

Akuma 07-24-2003 12:38 PM

Death to RIAA!

I don't use kazaa but still!!

negative 07-24-2003 12:46 PM

wait-so i i take my downloaded music, and put it into a new folder on the C drive, and it wasnt available for download, then they could do anything to me?

negative 07-24-2003 12:46 PM

btw-if everyone does that then no music will be shared

Innoxx 07-24-2003 12:51 PM

Heh, I'm safe.

ED 07-24-2003 01:00 PM

They are suing IP addresses. So no using the same name wont do shit.

DEVILS ADVOCATE 07-24-2003 01:00 PM

me 2 biggrin:

07-24-2003 02:30 PM

I hate them supposedly Kazza took them to court over the ordeal but lost the case those cooperate bastards make a lot of money still. Heres an anti-RIAA t-shirt

Chango 07-24-2003 06:20 PM

if you get the latest version of kazaa lite(maybe kazaa too) it has a IP blocker, so the RIAA can't track you.

Sergeant_Scrotum 07-24-2003 06:51 PM

those evil basterds...I love it evil:

Simo Häyhä 07-24-2003 09:57 PM

the riaa website has been hacked 2 times. i love looking at the hacked versions of it. they forget that some hackers are serious mp3 piraters hake:

mr.miyagi 07-24-2003 10:09 PM

so why is my name on that list

newbieassulted 07-30-2003 04:10 PM

They sue you, you countersuit for invasion of privacy.

ED 07-30-2003 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by newbieassulted
They sue you, you countersuit for invasion of privacy.

Invasion of privacy isn't a valid thing when you are breaking the law. Which you ARE when you download music. Make no bones about it.

However ISP providers will be watching this closely. HSI carries with it the implied use of getting content over the web, i.e. music. Wont help an ISP's customer relations if they start handing over all their ISP and clients.

07-30-2003 05:23 PM

the Feds should sue RIAA for tying up courts,

I am sure there's some important trials that need to take place.

Old Reliable 07-30-2003 05:40 PM

yeah, like people suing over mcdonalds

White Rabbit 07-30-2003 07:40 PM

[img][/img] evil: evil:

catalyst 07-30-2003 07:43 PM


07-30-2003 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by catalyst

not BS, teh hax0r

Arkan 07-30-2003 11:27 PM

Well, seems the RIAA has all the n00bs running for cover. You'll never stop the flow of file sharing unless the ISP providers put a cap on bandwidth.
With that aside, whats to stop a guy from borrowing his buddy's CD collection and ripping them? It's the same thing isn't it? They can do whatever they like but they'll never stop the flow.

07-30-2003 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Well, seems the RIAA has all the n00bs running for cover. You'll never stop the flow of file sharing unless the ISP providers put a cap on bandwidth.
With that aside, whats to stop a guy from borrowing his buddy's CD collection and ripping them? It's the same thing isn't it? They can do whatever they like but they'll never stop the flow.

I think that ISPs should ignore RIAA's requests and concentrate on rooting out hackers and geting that info to the FBI.

IMNSHO a couple hundred GB of cancer or alternative fuels research data that are lost when a university network is hacked are worth a whole lot more than a couple hundred CDs worth of pirated music.

Innoxx 07-30-2003 11:50 PM


ED! 09-19-2003 10:40 AM

GTBOY=Teh Bant

gtboys34 09-19-2003 10:47 AM

Screw You Ed *mumbling*

+, my list has different name's than those on here. Also, it was updated on august 28th. annoy:

ED! 09-19-2003 10:57 AM

So a mod merges the changes. You should have done a search. You're the new SCHLASS only not funny. While SCHLASS posted - insanity - you post pseudo-intellectualism in some lame attempt to stimulate "debate".

gtboys34 09-19-2003 11:02 AM

[quote="ED!":34b8b]So a mod merges the changes. You should have done a search. You're the new SCHLASS only not funny. While SCHLASS posted - insanity - you post pseudo-intellectualism in some lame attempt to stimulate "debate".[/quote:34b8b] heh, thanx for telling who i am, ed. Thats only your opinion, correct? Im quite sure if you took a poll on that, ppl would agree with you. Not funny. mah?? Man, ure jokes are friggin horrible and you call me not funny, wow. Its funny how ppl around here think im white but clearly clearly clearly, its you who they should suspect.

ED! 09-19-2003 11:23 AM

Because I talk in full sentences? You're getting more "N00b" points every day.

gtboys34 09-19-2003 12:00 PM

heh, i knew you were gonna say that. Ed, why dont you just join the NAACP and fight for our rights. Gah, i really dont like black ppl like you man.

Drew 09-19-2003 12:11 PM

[quote="ED!":45f8a]So a mod merges the changes. You should have done a search. You're the new SCHLASS only not funny. While SCHLASS posted - insanity - you post pseudo-intellectualism in some lame attempt to stimulate "debate".[/quote:45f8a]


Ydiss 09-19-2003 12:20 PM

Actually, no rules were broken - Nowhere in the rules does it ask to use the search tool because I'm fully aware that it's fairly useless on this site. I just tried to search for topics relating to my map "crossfire village" and specified the MMS forum. It proceeded to produce over 1k results from all forums.

Fuck that.

The rules say you should look back around 2 pages before posting. This thread is over a month old. No wonder I missed it, I can't even remember what I was doing 2 weeks ago, let alone a month.

Thanks anyway.

Now, seeing as this thread is old and is now totally off-topic, this one shall be locked and the new one can continue as no rules were broken and.. well who cares anyway?

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