[quote:3c56e]The recording industry has launched a sweeping effort to identify and shut down individual song swappers, making good on recent threats to expand its legal battle against copyright theft.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has now issued more than 911 subpoenas to Internet service providers across the United States, trying to get the names of people still offering music on file-sharing networks such as KaZaA and Grokster.
Today, "Tech Live" brings you the RIAA Hit List, the user names of file traders targeted in the recording industry subpoenas.
Last month, we brought you the story of Jesse Jordan, a 19-year-old college student who became one of the first to be hit with a lawsuit by the RIAA. Jordan settled his case by paying $12,000 to the RIAA.
The following user names were culled from subpoenas filed with the US District Court in Washington, DC. All subpoenas, incidentally, are being served by the Los Angeles law firm of Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp. A total of 253 RIAA subpoenas were listed as of July 22 through the federal court system's paid online database, PACER. The actual subpoenas are available to view online in about half the cases.
The court documents don't show individual users' real names. They do show file-sharing network user names, the user's ISP, the user's IP address, and a sampling of copyright songs the user allegedly made available for download. To date, many ISPs have been contacted, including Pac Bell Internet, SBC, Charter Communications, Comcast, Adelphia, RCN, and Time Warner.
Following is a list of the first user names from our review of the subpoenas.
* Aab@Kazaa
* Aboggs2@Kazaa
* allstatetide@Kazaa
* Amissann2@Kazaa
* AngelaMikesell@Kazaa
* anon39023@Kazaa
* anthonybotz@Kazaa
* aoster1@Kazaa
* Ariel167@fileshare
* asheejojo@Kazaa
* Ashley@Grokster
* azn_bahamut@Kazaa
* B.B.C@Kazaa
* badandy@Kazaa
* Benchy987@Kazaa
* Bigeasssy24@Kazaa
* Bigpimpinitopey187@Kazaa
* bigjohnhc@Kazaa
* blazel@Kazaa
* bluemonkey13@Kazaa
* Boilermaker1214@Kazaa
* brentandjonna@Kazaa
* brich410@Kazaa
* budman5000@Kazaa
* Bush323@Kazaa
* cado@Kazaa
* Carolyn@fileshare
* Casal@Kazaa
* cbegalle@Kazaa
* cherriie@Kazaa
* CLOVER77@Kazaa
* Corky101@Kazaa
* Cortez1023@Kazaa
* CowgirlMDR@Kazaa
* crazyface@Kazaa
* d-dubb@Grokster
* dallass@Kazaa
* daredevil@Kazaa
* DEFAINCE357@Kazaa
* definitely_ditzy@Kazaa
* dimples0530@Kazaa
* dmadigan@Kazaa
* dotzbadger@Kazaa
* dubcha@Kazaa
* dulfingurl2@Kazaa
* Dyellagurl22@Kazaa
* Dziion@Kazaa
* eddieh@Kazaa
* emmi4@Kazaa
* enbbarnes@Kazaa
* ERIKA@Kazaa
* felicia_alvarado@Kazaa
* flowerpower0818@fileshare
* fox3j@Kazaa
* freckles72587@Kazaa
* fritzbuilding@Kazaa
* Generalby@Kazaa
* Ghettobootybabe8@Kazaa
* h2ochamp@kazaa
* harris@Kazaa
* heather_thee_amazing@Kazaa
* hoami316@Kazaa
* hooterzzz@Kazaa
* hottdude0587@Kazaa
* HyDang@Kazaa
* ilovemydez@Kazaa
* indepunk74@Kazaa
* inthisroom@Kazaa
* jamonie@Kazaa
* JE_WV@Kazaa
* Jeff@Kazaa
* Jessica@Kazaa
* jim@Kazaa
* joanjett@Kazaa
* joe@Kazaa
* jomada@Kazaa
* JustineRiot@Kazaa
* kelney12@Kazaa
* kenne007@Kazaa
* KrAyZiE@Kazaa
* ktgurl13@Grokster
* kunstrukter@Kazaa
* ladypimp8669@Kazaa
* laurelbean@Kazaa
* leahpate@Kazaa
* LiLHuNnIe1480@Kazaa
* Lisweet@Kazaa
* Lyssy348@Kazaa
* madkirk@fileshare
* Marge4131@Kazaa
* Marla262@Kazaa
* mgokey@Kazaa
* mike@Kazaa
* Motivator@Kazaa
* munkeyspanker21@Kazaa
* nikki@Kazaa
* Niltiak@Kazaa
* Nodopefor2@Kazaa
* paulina@Kazaa
* pdia@Kazaa
* PDJ1846@Kazaa
* Playgirlmama@Kazaa
* Prtythug23@Kazaa
* qjade512@Kazaa
* rebecca_m_122@Kazaa
* rips42@Kazaa
* rochelle@Kazaa
* RockOn182@Kazaa
* samlionofzino@Kazaa
* shakobe@Kazaa
* shonga84@Kazaa
* sk8boyben@Kazaa
* sneil@Kazaa
* soccerdog@Kazaa
* StolenSi@Kazaa
* sus@Kazaa
* Sweet3114@Kazaa
* sweetthang1421@Kazaa
* TheLastReal7@Kazaa
* Tyler@Kazaa
* Unit984@Kazaa
* Westly_NoGood@Kazaa
gather teh l33t warriors! we will haX0r their site! M16: