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ED 08-05-2003 02:59 PM

Man I hate this shit. I really do. All it seems to do is weigh me down, and turn my dookie green and brown (sometimes red. . .). Yet I spend about 50 bucks a month of the junk, and gladly wolf it down. So - what Fast Food joint do you frequent, and which one will you stay away from like the fucking plague?


Jack-In-The-Box - Hands down one of the best places to get shit on the run. Curly fried, chill-Curly-Fries, MONSTER TACOS, real-shake-Shakes, kick ass burgers. What doesn't this place have? The only downside to this joint is that YES they do make it when you order it, so sometimes that shit takes FOREVER! And god help you if theyve made a mistake on your order.


Taco Bell. Was there ever any doubt? This place is at the lowest end of the spectrum, if not the lowest. There is ZERO quality to ANYTHING they make. I used to love their tacos until I got a SERIOUS case of food-poisoning, and nearly died. Couldn't prove shit of course, but I knew who the culprit was. I have seen people wipe their noses in plain view of costumers and then get their hands deep in those fixings and load up that taco. And lemme tell you - they dont fucking take orders well. "No cheese on that taco", does NOT mean scrap the fucking cheese off a taco someone didnt want you lazy assfuckers. I am allergic to that shit, and nothing pisses me off more than seeing a lone piece of cheese, defiant, lauging at me, melted to the inside of the taco-shell, mocking my allergies.

CHEESE: "I will kill you! Mwahahaha!"

It wouldn't be so bad if they had made a mistake, but you call tell there was cheese already there, and this person just flicked it off.

I killed him later that week.

Bean 2 08-05-2003 03:09 PM

Checkers is the best fast food joint. Also Wendy's is really good. Probably Taco Bell is the worst and then Burger King.

Akuma 08-05-2003 03:13 PM

We only have the big chain ones: McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, and Taco Bell.

Wendy's has the best quality food of those. But McDonald's is the only one I eat at (maybe twice a year) anymore.

ED 08-05-2003 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Akuma
We only have the big chain ones: McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, and Taco Bell.

Wendy's has the best quality food of those. But McDonald's is the only one I eat at (maybe twice a year) anymore.

If you're trying to tell me you eat Fast Food only twice a year -


Tripper 08-05-2003 03:15 PM

I'm loving McDonalds even more now than I used too.

You guys have the Chicken'McCheese burger? It's the best shit, Omg - I love it....
Those shakes are perfect too - Last for ages.

And you can't go past their McNuggets. I always buy the 20 pack.

....Great food when you're stoned.

I also love Burger King's Triple Cheese Burger.

Akuma 08-05-2003 03:17 PM

[quote="ED! Ban #127":87482]

Originally Posted by Akuma
We only have the big chain ones: McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, and Taco Bell.

Wendy's has the best quality food of those. But McDonald's is the only one I eat at (maybe twice a year) anymore.

If you're trying to tell me you eat Fast Food only twice a year -

I NAME THEE LIAR, SIR!!!!![/quote:87482]

I really don't. If I don't feel like accually making anything I'll just throw water on the stove and make pasta. I always have at least 8 boxes of pasta in the house at all times.

Zoner 08-05-2003 03:21 PM

The only fast food I eat on a semi-regular basis is Subway. If I want grease I'll usually pick Burger King.

I'm like Akuma, though, I very rarely eat burgers/fries from fast food joints. Not that I don't like that stuff, but I'd rather not weigh 600lbs.

Chango 08-05-2003 03:23 PM

Favorites: McDonalds, Burger King(only for the double whopper with cheese)

worst: Taco Bell

and the McDonalds here did have the Chicken McCheese burger for awhile,it was pretty good

ED 08-05-2003 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner91
The only fast food I eat on a semi-regular basis is Subway. If I want grease I'll usually pick Burger King.

I'm like Akuma, though, I very rarely eat burgers/fries from fast food joints. Not that I don't like that stuff, but I'd rather not weigh 600lbs.

Then there are those of us who only fain weight in the proper areas - our penises.

I seriously could eat fast-food all the time and not get over 179.

And Subway kicks ass, but that's not REALLY fast food in my opinion although I guess it is. I'm talking about the frozen patties/fries, grease dripping on your shirt, large dooks in the middle of a customer phone call kinda food.

Maplegyver 08-05-2003 03:34 PM

a&w is good
i like subway the best.the only thing i eat at mcdonalds is icecreamand big mac's
i heard that the meat tacobell uses in thier tacos is 1 grade above dog meat oOo:

Zoner 08-05-2003 03:35 PM

Weight gain is not the only concern. I'm sure the ole arteries are thanking me for it too, but I'm not gonna get preachy. If you wanna stuff your gullett with fries and greaseball burgers, go right ahead.

Personally, I don't have the metabolism to keep that fat and cholesterol at bay.

descry 08-05-2003 03:36 PM

i eat subway 6 days out of the week, damn that shits good, but MacDonalds is the best fast food after shrooms

Maplegyver 08-05-2003 03:38 PM

[quote="Coublacka_":8b867]i eat subway 6 days out of the week, damn that shits good[/quote:8b867]
is JARED!!

Bean 2 08-05-2003 03:39 PM

Damn i forgot about White Castle. I could eat about 50 of those burgers.

descry 08-05-2003 03:39 PM

[quote="Super 61":fd026][quote="Coublacka_":fd026]i eat subway 6 days out of the week, damn that shits good[/quote:fd026]
is JARED!![/quote:fd026]
i was kinda skinny to begin with, subways making me fat

Sergeant_Scrotum 08-05-2003 03:41 PM

fave: harveys (slow & expencive but good)

worst: mcdonalds, had a bad history with them, bad serive, fucked up orders. havent eaten there for 4 years now.

BloodBorn 08-05-2003 03:47 PM

We have McDonalds , Burger King and Subway. Those are the only big chains we got here in Malmö.

Fast food that is usually consumed here are Falafels (real cheap 1 buck a pop), Kebabs/Gyros and Pizza.

Since i worked in a Kiosk that sold Gyros/Burgers/hot dogs I usually had a quick Kebab or burger........but since i quit there's no more need for fast food. I'd rather throw some noodles on the frying pan and make my own fast food biggrin:

Miscguy 08-05-2003 04:11 PM

This is actaully a hard question. If were talking about the place we most frequent then i would have to say wendys, theres just something about the #7 biggie sized with some root beer.

If were talking the best damn "fast" food then its a tie between FatBurger, and ZIPS. Sadly FatBurger is a bit pricy to eat on a fast food schedule, but you can get beer there. ZIPS is a classic burger joint straight from back in the day. It sometimes takes a bit to get your food, and the drive thru's about as fast as going in. But there is no beating that double cheese, except with a triple, or a double bacon. Sadly the nearest ZIPS location is about 230 miles from here.

Worst would probably be Carls Jr. or Jack in the Crack. everytime i consider going to these places i step inside, look at the staff, and turn around and walk out. Something about the chick working the drive through window having her ass hanging out the window as if it was the next order up just wasnt appealing. Please no sexual referance on that one, she was fat, nasty, and generally dirty. OH wait, i forgot to add DICKS. Yes theres actaully a place called DICKS. This place has to be hands down the most disgusting place ever. I've never been a fan of being able to ring the fucking grease out of cold fries, onto a burger the diameter around of a soda can. The weight of the burger came from the 3 types of pickles they had on the fucking thing... literally. hummmm.... fatbuger sounds good about now.

MrLevinstein 08-05-2003 04:17 PM

I hardly ever eat fast food. Just not enjoyable anymore

There a few fast food places in rochester I like. Shallers (sp?) is one of them. Tom walls is a good place as well as Bill grays

elitecloud 08-05-2003 04:40 PM

Wendy's is awesome.. ceasear side salad with extra dressing.....and it's only 99 cents.. 1.08 with tax ;-) i sneak out of school @ lunch and eat @ wendy's cuz the school food is ghey..

best: wendy's & subway

worst: taco bell (have you guys tried that nasty ceasear wrap thing they have god man i got sick)

Chronic Diarrhea 08-05-2003 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Miscguy
Worst would probably be Carls Jr. or Jack in the Crack. everytime i consider going to these places i step inside, look at the staff, and turn around and walk out. Something about the chick working the drive through window having her ass hanging out the window as if it was the next order up just wasnt appealing.

LMFAO, that applies to most fast food employees (no offense if anybody works at one). My favs are Wendy's, Jacks (for their specials), and Whataburger. Damn Whataburger is good for every now and then.

Chickengood4u 08-05-2003 04:48 PM

i like jack in the box the best. nothing beats an order of curly fires and a jumbo jack.

theres this other restaurant call In and Out, its okay but it takes fucking FOREVER to get your meal. there are so many people that go there its just rediculus.

08-05-2003 04:58 PM

I Like NewYork Fries and Subway
I Really Dont Hate Any Fast Food Places.

I Just Went To A&W about 1/2 Hours ago MmMmMm Chuby Chicken.
Canada does not have as many fast food places as USA

Simo Häyhä 08-05-2003 05:00 PM

Taco Bell is the best, their cheesy gordita crunch is awesome

elitecloud 08-05-2003 05:07 PM

whataburger has some good shakes man.. like 3 bucks gets u a big ass shake man it's HUGE!

White Rabbit 08-05-2003 05:15 PM

i slowly ejaculate when i bite into a softshell taco from taco bell

[MOD]Gen.WikiWeaponn 08-05-2003 05:16 PM

Got just about every major fast food chain round here, but depending on where you live there are different sotres and different numbers of them.

Souther cali has a LOT of jack in the box stores, Colorado has lots of subway and McDonalds, and Texas has Whataburger, just about as many as Mdonalds.

Anyway, i like subway and KFC the best.

Ape 08-05-2003 05:20 PM

I personally prefer Wendys for burgers and fries, if i want chickin ill head to Chic-fi-la. If i want mexican i like Taco Bueno, taco bell is complete shit. Whataburgers good too


ED 08-05-2003 05:21 PM

Man I'd hate to live near you Taco-Whores with your Polluted Stomachs.

the A & W/Kentucy Fried Chicken stores are really good. I like getting a Rootbeer float meal with fries and two Cony dogs along with an order of 7-piece honey-bbq chicken wings. Not the boneless shit.

Captain Bunny 08-05-2003 05:24 PM

Ive only ever seen Mcdonalds, KFC and Burger King around here.
I really really wish they would open up wendys in the UK. there might some in london or something, but i dont think there are any in the UK.
People always rave about how good they are and i want to try one!
However, since we dont, McDonalds is my fav. I loved the steak burgers they used to do.

08-05-2003 05:34 PM

[quote="White Rabbit":59fe4]i slowly ejaculate when i bite into a softshell taco from taco bell[/quote:59fe4]

Well thats nice to know

MrLevinstein 08-05-2003 06:03 PM

[quote="Captain Bunny":6ea31]Ive only ever seen Mcdonalds, KFC and Burger King around here.
I really really wish they would open up wendys in the UK. there might some in london or something, but i dont think there are any in the UK.
People always rave about how good they are and i want to try one!
However, since we dont, McDonalds is my fav. I loved the steak burgers they used to do.[/quote:6ea31]

Send me $20 and Ill get you whatever you want and just microwave it up..Hell, they all do it.

CaP bUsTa 08-05-2003 06:09 PM

Ninty9 will agree that peters drive in is the best fast food joint

Captain Bunny 08-05-2003 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by "Captain Bunny":cde1a
Ive only ever seen Mcdonalds, KFC and Burger King around here.
I really really wish they would open up wendys in the UK. there might some in london or something, but i dont think there are any in the UK.
People always rave about how good they are and i want to try one!
However, since we dont, McDonalds is my fav. I loved the steak burgers they used to do.

Send me $20 and Ill get you whatever you want and just microwave it up..Hell, they all do it.[/quote:cde1a]

I would need a menu. Im the type of person who takes ages to choose what i want, all the while holding up the queue behind me.

MrLevinstein 08-05-2003 06:52 PM

[quote="Captain Bunny":e8caf]I would need a menu. Im the type of person who takes ages to choose what i want, all the while holding up the queue behind me.[/quote:e8caf]

LOL, In america there are two types of people

1st person- Knows what he wants is impatient and knows how to get what he wants
2nd person-slower than shit in everything he does. takes forever to order a goddamned milkshake

Zap. USMC 08-05-2003 07:24 PM

Taco Bell is one of my favorites LOL

Innoxx 08-05-2003 07:27 PM

A&W, hands down.

Two double Mozza Burgers, one large order of poutine and one large root beer milkshake. Arby's is good stuff too, I just go there for their raspberry turnovers.

08-05-2003 07:28 PM

[quote="CaP bUsTa":cb71d]Ninty9 will agree that peters drive in is the best fast food joint[/quote:cb71d]

MmMmMmM Petters Drive in i know that place

Pyro 08-05-2003 07:29 PM

fav: Harveys
worst: burger king

Sicilian_Summers 08-05-2003 08:02 PM

For the most part of my life I never grew up with any fast food places nearby or worth going to. In the North End I think everyone would much rather go to Modern for a cannoli (screw Mike's). oOo:

But, where I now live, Wendy's is hands down the best. The quality of the restaraunt, food, and service is unparalled, at least in my area. I've even tried to recreate the frosty... but to no avail. D:

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