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rudedog 05-03-2004 05:47 PM

Discuss MOHTeam here
Please discuss how you feel about EA creating the MOHTeam? Remember we are not allowed to discuss anything game related at this time.

However, next week I assume ( my personal opinion) that EA will be releasing a lot of info from E3.

Remember this is a general discussion of the game to be released. Your expectations should be that the game is anywhere between 20% - 90 % done and some things are just not possible. But remember that the MOHTeam has been passing along what we feel the community has been asking for, sense the beginning of the year, based on community forums like this one and our personal experience with MOH.

This should be a place to show your support or post your grievances, in a respectable way. I will be editing any foul language or personal attacks.

Remember they have already come a long way by creating this team and they know they have a long way to go to impress everyone from the AA guys all the way through BT.

Please be civil and respect other posters comments, thanks

Poseidon 05-04-2004 04:05 AM

Its great news that EA have decided to fully support the game.

I think PB should definately be integrated. some of the other anticheats already made are just not good enough. If it is integrated it should be integrated in the release of the game - not a patch.

Dragonwraith 05-04-2004 05:02 PM

can't agree anymore, PB released with BF:V was an awesome addition. Lets hope they do it for MOH:PA

MPowell1944 05-05-2004 03:04 PM

I think it is a good idea, as long as they hold true to their words. They invited me to join the Team. I hope some good things come from this. Time will tell.

snipes 05-05-2004 09:58 PM

I'm glad to hear this...EA has been blindly developing games for too long; It's about time they got in touch with the community. I'm pretty sure we won't be dissapointed when Pacific Assault hits the shelves.

intrestedviewer 05-05-2004 11:04 PM

Hows about a "prone" button, if not in single player then multi.

snipes 05-05-2004 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by intrestedviewer
Hows about a "prone" button, if not in single player then multi.

Yep theres prone...and you can also roll while youre prone, which is pretty cool.

General Death 05-06-2004 11:17 AM

Yep...screenshots showing both have already been released.

wintersforge 05-06-2004 12:32 PM

they need to roll out an anti-cheat with retail release and not in a patch it right out of the door...keep the script kiddies guessing and it may be sucessful...but after SH(which was amusing) and BT which was absolute sceptical. I think the team idea is a bone to the community and there are some really involved heavy hitters on that list...a bit skewed to realism me thinks but a good list none the less...

General Death 05-06-2004 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge
they need to roll out an anti-cheat with retail release and not in a patch it right out of the door...keep the script kiddies guessing and it may be sucessful...but after SH(which was amusing) and BT which was absolute sceptical. I think the team idea is a bone to the community and there are some really involved heavy hitters on that list...a bit skewed to realism me thinks but a good list none the less...

I cant release any details but I think you will be happy :)

intrestedviewer 05-06-2004 05:00 PM

Ok, how about faster weapon switching. The weapon scrolling in MOHAA is way too slow for multiplayer. It needs to be faster for fast pase action. Oh and more weapons with the ability to bash like in CoD? Thats always handy biggrin: And another thing with the weapon switching and bashing, make it so u can interrupt the animation, like in MOHAA if your relaoding and someone pops out it wont let you interrupt the reload to switch weapons, you have to wait and then it switches. Get rid of that.

snipes 05-06-2004 06:42 PM

I think they should definetly stick with being able to carry the wounded, in both SP and MP...It'll add major realism to the game as well as a really cool aspect to the game. Here's what one guy had to say about it...and I definetly agree with him:


Ive heard certain rumers that your are toying with the idea of carrying wounded teammates out of battle and into safety in the MP and SP modes.


If you at EA are planning on scrapping this idea, stop to think about this.

Two people who have never met, talked, or much less heard of each other happen to be playing a multiplayer game of the newly-released MOH:PA. One of them attempts to make a mad dash for a trench somewhere on Guadalcanal, and gets a bullet right through the shoulder.

The second player calls for the soldiers already in the trench to lay down suppresion fire. Next, Joe Nobody leaps out of the trench, dashes across the field to the wounded player, props him onto his shoulder, and races back to the trench.

The wounded player is sitting in front of his PC, and thinks "My god, if I were really on Guadalcanal, and really wounded, that stranger would have saved my life!"

Something just happened that has never happened in a multiplayer game before; the player actually CARED for another player, and saved his life.

This type of thing never appears in any other game out there. I love Day of Defeat, in fact, I was just playing it a minute ago, but if I'm waiting for a sniper spot, an the player in the spot gets killed, I wouldn't care; I'd just hop into my new spot. Even the Famous Call of Duty, while definitely providing gripping fast-paced multi-player, couldn't reach this new level of immersion. [/quote:8adb0]

Seriously, MOHTeam, don't let EA put this down

intrestedviewer 05-06-2004 06:57 PM

I also came up with that idea one night just dreaming of many things, only i think it should be a cross from RtCW. When u get shot you go to limbo, er (wait to respawn) and while you are waiting your character is still alive and can be saved my a medic, but the carying the player to safety by a teammate would be essential. Other mates can carry you to a secured location where a medic class player might be, the medic could then patch you up and you can respawn before the next wave. I also thought of mobile MG42s and how (if available) should have a 2nd person to help you. You know how 1 guy shoots the other feeds the ammo. It should be like you go prone, set your bipod down, and open fire, only the gun would jam every now and then. To prevent jams you could make a second player lie down next to you and press the use key to help feed the ammo to prevent a jam. I doubt that any of those ideas can be used though due to the games current state and radical nature of the ideas.

Also maybe something easier to have, throwing back of grenades maybe? biggrin: Thats so much fun in DoD.

snipes 05-06-2004 07:54 PM

I also think they should include thing like this (which I got from a mod for COD):

-When a player gets shot in the legs or feet, he should trip, and go to prone.
-When a player gets shot in the arms or hands, he should drop his gun.

I would love to see EA put that in, as well as the inclusion of the player bleeding when he gets shot...

Zoner 05-07-2004 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by snipes
I also think they should include thing like this (which I got from a mod for COD):

-When a player gets shot in the legs or feet, he should trip, and go to prone.
-When a player gets shot in the arms or hands, he should drop his gun.

I would love to see EA put that in, as well as the inclusion of the player bleeding when he gets shot...

Those two things were modded into CoD. They sound like really great ideas on paper, but in practice they really took away from gameplay. If you're out for uber-realism at the expense of fun, then it's a good idea.

Our merry band of CoD-ders didn't care for it at all.

Poseidon 05-07-2004 11:06 AM

going on intrestedviewer's mg idea of it jamming - maybe have the feature of other weapons jamming.

I play americas army alot and jamming weapons add alot of realism into the game... although it only happens very rarely.

rudedog 05-07-2004 03:19 PM

All good ideas guys, will pass this along.

But....... don't you think it would be better if these where modded in by the community? As long as EA gives/makes the ability to do these types of mods via there new game engine? Or shall I say let EA make the game easier and better to mod.

Just a thought.

intrestedviewer 05-07-2004 05:14 PM

Yes, plaese do ask them to make the game mod friendly. Except the weapon switing, make sure that is fixed in the game.

He||Bi||y 05-09-2004 06:41 PM

really i thought community input ruined spearhead
^^ just my 2 cents

rudedog ... you can tell them this if you like
but if MOH:PA doesnt ship with punkbuster
im not getting it

another suggestion would be a quick from the game server download
like UT2003

snipes 05-12-2004 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner

Originally Posted by snipes
I also think they should include thing like this (which I got from a mod for COD):

-When a player gets shot in the legs or feet, he should trip, and go to prone.
-When a player gets shot in the arms or hands, he should drop his gun.

I would love to see EA put that in, as well as the inclusion of the player bleeding when he gets shot...

Those two things were modded into CoD. They sound like really great ideas on paper, but in practice they really took away from gameplay. If you're out for uber-realism at the expense of fun, then it's a good idea.

Our merry band of CoD-ders didn't care for it at all.

Ok, scratch that idea then.

Zoner 05-12-2004 08:09 AM

Well, it's not that it's a bad idea per se, it's just that the guys I play with in the community didn't care for it.

I can see the value of such mods if you're going after extreme realism (or as much realism as CoD will allow).

MinorThreat 05-12-2004 10:30 PM

i hate that damn ever expanding and contracting crosshair in cod, keep it static like in original moh...

and i hate iron sights, but i'm sure that's gonna be in there no matter what.

intrestedviewer 05-13-2004 05:28 PM

Iron sites are neato! The ones that are in Brothers in Arms look real. They blur and i dunno give it more realism then just having your sreen magicaly zoom for no reason.

snipes 05-13-2004 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by MinorThreat
i hate that damn ever expanding and contracting crosshair in cod, keep it static like in original moh...

and i hate iron sights, but i'm sure that's gonna be in there no matter what.

Why hate iron sites?

snipes 05-13-2004 11:17 PM

Oh yeah, just found out the release date of Pacific Assault...

They are aiming for a September 1st, 2004 release eek: .

I don't know about you but thats along ways away...days go by slowly for me.

Dragonwraith 05-13-2004 11:59 PM

a packed along mapping program like Battlecraft Vietnam for BF:V. Something easier to use then radient. I tried radient and gave up after a month or 2 but with BCV i'm well on my way making maps.

the 2 man MG42 idea sounds like it would be fun, maybe cross that over to the bazooka? A player picked a zooka and has 1 maybe 2 rockets but he can get more rockets for the 2nd player (not an insane amount), the 2nd player can also speed up the reloading of the zooka slightly.

Take those 2 ideas and combine them in a "support class". A player that can carry more ammo for the more deadly heavy weapons ( MG42 and zooka) and inturn make the heavy weapons funtion better rather than some lone n00b owning with them. Want to use the meat grinders... hook up with a support player, also makes for some great team work play.

The Plague of Death 05-18-2004 01:03 AM

All i have ever wanted from a gaming company is this.

Make the game. We ALL know it will not be perfect for everyone out of the box, simply because not everybody like what the other person liks, so on and so forth. Next, LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY. I know mostly from reading the past 2 years (im more of a reader than a poster) that this can get VERY frustrating, and time consuming, especially with all the flames that go around in forums. Now that the game is released, and the community is literally screaming, we want this, or we dont want this, spend some time, keep us updated, unlike what happened with CoD with pretty much no word about whats goin on with patches, and make a good patch with this thought in mind. Not everyone likes the same thing. So, when you add something, or want to take something away, how about leaving it up to the server admins. Something that can be set in a server config or something.


Spearhead. I will give EA credit on this one, even though it was a little hard for server admins to understand. The communtiy was griping about the lean binders, wile the lean binders were griping about the admins. EA made it where the server admins had control of that "feature". Some servers you could lean, some you could not.

Also, whan patching, dont make huge drastic changes that totally screw with other peoples hard work.

This happened with CoD. Modders went and started modding when the game came out, and when the first patch came out, the mods had to be re-dome, or what have you. I know this will happen to some mods, but dont change the game entirely so mods have to be completely re-made.

Ive been playing, and server admining for MOH:AA since just about the beginning. In my eyes, its a GREAT game, it just lacks support. The cheaters are what killed that game. Our clan still play this game, and i literally bane 2 to 10 players a day, depending on haw long i play that day, just for hacking. Punkbuster is a must for any game to even think about surviving. The second must, which looks like EA is finally starting to realize, is customer support, and listening to the community.

I have TONS of respect for ALOT of people on that list. Right now, im putting my faith in Rude Dog. Simply because we have pretty much the same idea of EA, or at least did. If Rude Dog says that EA has earned his trust back, then i will truse him, but not EA, at least until i see what EA is going to do with my own two eyes.

After SH came out, i told myself i would never buy another game made by EA again. But with this news, if it keeps going the way it is now, i will shell out the $$ for this game.

Sorry for the long winded post, but that how i get, lol.

snipes 05-18-2004 07:07 PM

[quote="He||Bi||y":23065]really i thought community input ruined spearhead
^^ just my 2 cents [/quote:23065]
If I may ask, why do you think that?

rudedog ... you can tell them this if you like
but if MOH:PA doesnt ship with punkbuster
im not getting it[/quote:23065]

Don't worry bout that, it has been confirmed with EA that Punkbuster will be included. I'll look for a link to the press release.

intrestedviewer 05-18-2004 08:30 PM

Give us something at the end of singleplayer, give us a reason to play through. The little "would you look at that" at the end of MOHAA was not acceptable. Hows about some kinda video or better yet a secret level.

snipes 05-18-2004 10:39 PM

Yeah, a proper ending would be awesome. During the game, I want a reason to cover and protect your teammates. I want to be 'involved' in the game. In Rainbow Six 3, I felt entitled to protect my teammates; I would even restart the mission if I had a teammate KIA; It was all a feeling of guilt and care I guess. I know its only a game, but getting a player involved is what makes it a great game, is it not? It keeps the player "into" the game, catching the game

Anyway, getting to know your teammates; their lives, their past, would do a great part into getting the player into the game. If EA "fu**ing shoehorned" storyline into the game (as they said), It would do just that.

I know storyline isn't all of a game...but in my opinion, it makes up over half of why I really appreciate a game over can only keep you interested for so long.

On a gameplay note, has anybody ever seen the Storyboards of MOH: Rising Sun? (You have to find videos around levels to unlock them on the game). They played out exactly like a movie (And were basically moving cartoons). The player was put countless different circumstances (The storyboards were made by proffesionals; sadly the game seemed like it wasn't rolleyes: )

For example on one part, the player was infiltrating a Japanese digsite/headquartes, where the Japanese were searching for Yamatisha's Gold, If I remember correctly. Anyway, the player (with the help of a Japanese ally) infiltrated the camp. After making a plan with your ally, your ally calls everyone to the cafeteria. Your ally puts you into a wine barrel and slams the lid on. You get rolled into the center of one of the tables, and you hear the Japenese getting seated and talking amongst themselves. You finally get the chance to pop out, and in the center of the table you mow down all the Japanese troops at your table and around you.

I'm not very good at describing things, but that was only one example of the varied circumstances and settings the player was thrust into. It's not even funny how much the actual game differs from the original storyboards made for it (for the few that have Rising Sun, watch them).

For those who have played the game, remember the part where your ally gets viciously ripped out of your raft by an alligator, and was dragged underwater? Evem though I did not get to know the character (thanks to EA), that part really stuck with me.

What I mean by all of this is this: with the amazing graphics they have now, way more character than before, a motive to play, a striking and memorable storyline, and brilliant gameplay, EA could have a game that could set the bar at a matchless height for years.

Coleman 06-08-2004 05:06 AM

don't add anything like a "Stamina meter" so when you run you gradually slow down cause your guy is tired. That stuff is just dumb and takes away from the game. If it was like the original MOHAA with the constant running, i'd definately be happy.

snipes 06-16-2004 09:15 PM

Yes, all a stamina meter does in my book is piss me off.

elstatec 06-17-2004 06:07 PM

basically dont do a spearhead or breakthrough and your on the right track

9mm BeRetTa 06-18-2004 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by 5T4T1C
basically dont do a spearhead or breakthrough and your on the right track

basically do the original mohaa, add a few maps and put in a anti cheat and you're on the right track

MPowell1944 06-20-2004 05:30 PM

Old Q3 engine just can't cut it. New engine is a must.

intrestedviewer 06-25-2004 11:33 AM

This thing still on? oOo: biggrin:

Coleman 07-09-2004 12:43 AM

Make sure you can't glitch around any corners. Like in MOHAA, when you snipe, sometimes your bullet would hit the wall even though your crosshair is on a guy in the street (if you look around a corner or something).

snipes 07-10-2004 09:08 PM

Also, In hiding behind trees, I would have a clear shot at this guy, and I would shoot, but the bullet would hit the area around the tree, but there wasn't the tree there... oOo:

Please don't let this happen in PA...

Buggy 07-18-2004 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by snipes
Also, In hiding behind trees, I would have a clear shot at this guy, and I would shoot, but the bullet would hit the area around the tree, but there wasn't the tree there... oOo:

Please don't let this happen in PA...

or on Omaha when you shoot through the hedgehogs and it hits metal but nothings there oOo:

General Death 07-18-2004 09:21 PM

Those are Q3 issues. If the caulk brushes (If they are used. EA has said no visable brushes) are tight to the models we should be ok. I have asked several times how the collison detection would be in PA and I get "good".

We will have to wait and see. nag:

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