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CoMaToSe 01-03-2005 10:45 AM

Half-Life versus Halo: Bitch Fight
I have played both series, and truly cannot decide which reigns superior. Please only post if you have played/are familiar with both series. I would do a poll, but It would be very complicated, spanning (and spamming) many threads to do so. this has the various aspects and my vote (if any)

Which has better:


Vehicles (Halo)


Enemy AI

Friendly AI (Half-life)

Maps (Halo)


Music (Halo)


Physics (Half-Life)


Cooler Armor

"Drama" factor (Halo)

"Scare" Factor (Half-Life)


Potential for a Movie


lasagna 01-03-2005 10:48 AM

half life 2, no doubt in my mind.

geRV 01-03-2005 10:52 AM

Graphics = Halflife 2

Vehicles = Halo 2

Weapons = Halflife2 marginally because of the manipulator gun

Enemy ai = Halo 2

Friendly ai = They both are equally bad

Maps = Halflife 2

Story = Equally good story so far imo

Music = Halo 2

Characters = Halflife 2

Armor ( eek: ) = Halo 2

Drama = Halflife 2

Scarefactor = Halflife 2

Movie potential = Either could be good movies

Overall both good games that have abrupt endings that pissed off the fanbase.

Shoulda stuck doom 3 into this as well, 3 most hyped games of the year.

ninty 01-03-2005 11:15 AM

I've passed both games:

Graphics: HL

Vehicles: Halo

Weapons: HL

Enemy AI: HL

Friendly AI: HL

Maps: HL

Story; Halo

Music: Halo

Sound: HL

Physics: HL

Characters: Tie

Cooler Armor: Is there even any armour in HL?

"Drama" factor: Halo

"Scare" Factor: HL

Gameplay: HL

Potential for a Movie: Halo

Overall: HL

geRV 01-03-2005 11:16 AM

The hazard suit is basically the armor in hl2.

ninty 01-03-2005 11:18 AM

Oh yeah, true enough.

CoMaToSe 01-03-2005 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by geRV

Armor ( eek: ) = Halo 2

Cooler looking: Gordon's HEV versus Master Chief's MJOLNIR

Has anybody played "Codename: Gordon"? I have some advice for you.
Unless you like sarcastic, poorly controlled 2D shit, avoid

CoMaToSe 01-03-2005 11:30 AM

I forgot a criterion: Multiplayer

I think HL deathmatch and CS:S are way better than either Halo MP

01-03-2005 11:40 AM

Graphics: Half Life 2

Vehicles: Halo 2

Weapons: Half Life 2

Enemy AI: Half Life 2

Friendly AI: Halo 2

Maps: Half Life 2

Story: Half Life 2 (The whole HL story is cool)

Music: Halo 2

Sound: Half Life 2

Physics: Half Life 2

Characters: Half Life 2

Cooler Armor: Halo 2 (helmet = rock:)

"Drama" factor: Half Life 2

"Scare" Factor: Half Life 2 (Halo 2 isnt ment to be scary)

Gameplay: Half Life 2

Potential for a Movie: both

Overall: Half Life 2 blew away Halo 2 but thats PC vs Console...

Milla 01-03-2005 12:22 PM

HL2 > Halo

elstatec 01-03-2005 12:49 PM

Graphics = hl2

Vehicles =halo

Weapons = sword from halo>you

Enemy AI = eeee, halo 2, fucken too many!

Friendly AI = hl2 as the friendly ai in halo are lazy and die alot.

Maps = halo

Story = errrr draw for me

Music = halo

Sound = halo

Physics =hl2

Characters = those little dudes in halo 2 rock:

Cooler Armor = dont care.

"Drama" factor- halo

"Scare" Factor - mhm scare~? psh.

Gameplay -= halo2

Potential for a Movie - neither, game2movies suck.

Overall - halo as the multiplayer is the most fun ever ever ever.

then again you cant really compare these games as halo 2 is restricted by the xboxs capabilities.

Maplegyver 01-03-2005 02:26 PM

hl2>halo in all aspects.

elstatec 01-03-2005 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by maple
hl2>halo in all aspects.

go play mario, chuck sleeping:

Maplegyver 01-03-2005 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec

Originally Posted by maple
hl2>halo in all aspects.

go play mario, chuck sleeping:

not into mario.

Pyro 01-03-2005 03:27 PM

Id say niether is even close to being considered the best game series.

Tripper 01-03-2005 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Id say niether is even close to being considered the best game series.

Yeah like your opinion on games is of high regard.


strvs 01-03-2005 05:21 PM

Maple you havent even finished halo 2, nor do you own an xbox, so guess what? Your opinion = dirt.

I think they're both fun, i could really care less about these internet fueds.

Maplegyver 01-03-2005 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by strvs
Maple you havent even finished halo 2, nor do you own an xbox, so guess what? Your opinion = dirt.

I think they're both fun, i could really care less about these internet fueds.

i still think hl2 pwns it from what ive seen/ heard.

strvs 01-03-2005 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by maple

Originally Posted by strvs
Maple you havent even finished halo 2, nor do you own an xbox, so guess what? Your opinion = dirt.

I think they're both fun, i could really care less about these internet fueds.

i still think hl2 pwns it from what ive seen/ heard.

Get your own opinions.

Nyck 01-03-2005 05:42 PM

Halo keeps xbox alive

Merlin122 01-03-2005 06:04 PM

Graphics HL

Vehicles halo 2

Weapons .357 magnum+physics cannon

Enemy AI choopen in hl2

Friendly AI halo 2, all those "sorry gordon" comments after i had to push my teammates aside so i could get to the other side of a hallway. plus alyx got hooked up on everything

Maps half life 2, felt like a persistent world with a real problem. halo 2 just felt like levels

Story hl2. best ending in a game.... ever

Music hl2. crazy music when you fight the striders

Sound hl2. realistic explosions

Physics i think they both use the same physics engine so its a draw

Characters barney... fucking barney man. I <3 EWE

Cooler Armor HEV suit is gay but the halo armour is equally gay. draw

"Drama" factor hl2. i got fucking pissed when that chick betrays you when you're in nova prospekt

"Scare" Factor neither were scary. draw again

Gameplay i liked hl2 better due to the better control over the firefights

Potential for a Movie hl2. best storyline in a game

Overall hl2>halo (that could easily change if they had just included marines in MP)

Proteus 01-03-2005 07:11 PM

HL 2 I'd would have to think has better mp maps than halos because Halo's mp maps are fucking horrible. I haven't played HL2.

ninty 01-03-2005 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus
I haven't played HL2.

WTF is wrong with you? stupid:

Scorched Earth 01-03-2005 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Pyro
Id say niether is even close to being considered the best game series.

Yeah like your opinion on games is of high regard.


Poseidon 01-04-2005 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Id say niether is even close to being considered the best game series.

how the fuck can you say that neither game is close to be considered to the best game series. Most people that have bought the game have said its one of the best games they have played oOo:

CoMaToSe 01-04-2005 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by Merlin122
Story hl2. best ending in a game.... ever

Characters barney... fucking barney man. I <3 EWE

"Drama" factor hl2. i got fucking pissed when that chick betrays you when you're in nova prospekt

The ending kind of pissed me off, I wanted to see alyx get pwned and the citadel fall, but NO!!! "This is where I get off" wtf?
But it wasnt as bad as Halo 2, at least

Barney Pwns all. The combine soldier says "I'm gonna need me some privacy for this here" and that have him away....

I got pissed when 343 GS betrays you in Halo 1

strvs 01-04-2005 10:08 AM

Don't post spoilers .. plzdie:

CoMaToSe 01-04-2005 02:07 PM


Pyro 01-04-2005 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by m1ck97

Originally Posted by Pyro
Id say niether is even close to being considered the best game series.

how the fuck can you say that neither game is close to be considered to the best game series. Most people that have bought the game have said its one of the best games they have played oOo:

and many people consider good charlotte good most of the human races opinion is based on media hype. Well shit i haven't seen more hype around games mroe than these two.

Tripper 01-04-2005 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by m1ck97

Originally Posted by Pyro
Id say niether is even close to being considered the best game series.

how the fuck can you say that neither game is close to be considered to the best game series. Most people that have bought the game have said its one of the best games they have played oOo:

and many people consider good charlotte good most of the human races opinion is based on media hype. Well shit i haven't seen more hype around games mroe than these two.

No - Not media hype...It's exposure.

People like Good Charlotte because they're all over the TV and their audiences are to lazy to go look for "real" music. There's not that kind of scene in gaming yet....There's no "underground" scene in gaming or "independent" labels etc.

lasagna 01-04-2005 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Merlin122

"Scare" Factor neither were scary. draw again

well i guess im just a pussy then.

Innoxx 01-04-2005 08:16 PM

Well, you're right about that.

Pyro 01-04-2005 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by m1ck97

Originally Posted by Pyro
Id say niether is even close to being considered the best game series.

how the fuck can you say that neither game is close to be considered to the best game series. Most people that have bought the game have said its one of the best games they have played oOo:

and many people consider good charlotte good most of the human races opinion is based on media hype. Well shit i haven't seen more hype around games mroe than these two.

No - Not media hype...It's exposure.

People like Good Charlotte because they're all over the TV and their audiences are to lazy to go look for "real" music. There's not that kind of scene in gaming yet....There's no "underground" scene in gaming or "independent" labels etc.

There are games that go unnoticed though, even if they are considered by reviewers as the best of the best.

CoMaToSe 01-05-2005 12:57 AM

Yea,but most underground games are teh suck. Theybare underground because they are cheaply made. With music, its about talent, how creative you are. With games, nomatter how good your story is, if the graphics and gameplay are shitty, the game is shitty.

BTW who deleted my IB essay thread and why?

Himmler 01-05-2005 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
BTW who deleted my IB essay thread and why? ... ?t=1005004


101stSpeirs 01-05-2005 01:46 AM


Tripper 01-05-2005 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Yea,but most underground games are teh suck. Theybare underground because they are cheaply made. With music, its about talent, how creative you are. With games, nomatter how good your story is, if the graphics and gameplay are shitty, the game is shitty.


CoMaToSe 01-05-2005 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Himmler

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
BTW who deleted my IB essay thread and why? ... ?t=1005004


Thats weird..... I got an email notification bout it, linked it, and it said, in board style, that the topic I requested does not exist oOo:

Airborne Butters 01-05-2005 11:43 AM

Well for me it's a pretty easy win for Half Life Deuce. Halo2 didn't inovate anything...just made the same game as before except you can use two guns now and the story line isn't on Earth like they plugged it would be. Half Life 2 allows you to defy game physics as well as a unique storyline. The mods for the game will beat Halo2 as it is...

CoMaToSe 01-05-2005 11:50 AM

[quote="Airborne Butters":b58b6]Well for me it's a pretty easy win for Half Life Deuce. Halo2 didn't inovate anything...just made the same game as before except you can use two guns now and the story line isn't on Earth like they plugged it would be. Half Life 2 allows you to defy game physics as well as a unique storyline. The mods for the game will beat Halo2 as it is...[/quote:b58b6]

Yea, some of the mods look sweet. Especially [url=]this one[/url:b58b6] great renders so far, high plans. Check the gallery

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