![]() |
i think we are lucky, i see no real evidence of cheaters in this thread. I also play everyday since 1.1 and have not encountered true cheating yet!
Only thing that happens is people call me a cheat because i sometimes get very high kill ratios and know the maps well. Even the going underground glitch is not the end of the world because: 1. To get down there you have to climb up and be jumping around right in the open where anyone can snipe them. 2. Once they are down there they can surprise you at first, but then you can see that there are several areas where they usually pop up from and you can watch those and shoot back at them when they pop up. ------------------ http://home.earthlink.net/~hollandtunnel/images/sig.jpg |
The only one that (I'm not sure it's a cheat) I hate is when you are in close quarters, a dude with a shotgun is comming toward you (a distance of say, 15-20 paces). You get the first 15 rounds off, about five to his chest (I'm talkin right in the middle, not lower stomach area, upper chest), and he gets you with one shot while running at you. Only way they get killed is if someone is right behind you unloading a clip into 'em...
OR, This one happened to me when I was playing a good server (I had an incredibly awsome ping...like 25 or lower). I was using the shotgun, and was able to fire it like a machinegun if I hit the mouse button fast enough (five shots in a matter of one second). Not sure if thats a glitch or just the "luck of the ping"... ------------------ http://members.cox.net/dsteusel/creeperani.gif "I got OWNED, why do I always get owned???" |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Killet:
Out of nowhere I got pistol whipped by him, I normally listen and turn around alot in MOH to make sure no one is following me and never heard anything. I firmly believe these guys were invisible somehow..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ummmm sometimes i notice players standing around so when this happens i go for the pistol whip. I hold shift to sneak - that is why they dont hear me coming, then i bash three times and their dead. Note: if they are good they turn around and shoot me before the third hit, if this happens i find them back and sneak up on them again using shift so they can't hear, then shoot them in the legs, then switch and bash them once to kill them. ------------------ http://home.earthlink.net/~hollandtunnel/images/sig.jpg |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by [GF] cReEpEr:
1. The only one that (I'm not sure it's a cheat) I hate is when you are in close quarters, a dude with a shotgun is comming toward you (a distance of say, 15-20 paces). You get the first 15 rounds off, about five to his chest (I'm talkin right in the middle, not lower stomach area, upper chest), and he gets you with one shot while running at you. Only way they get killed is if someone is right behind you unloading a clip into 'em... OR, 2. This one happened to me when I was playing a good server (I had an incredibly awsome ping...like 25 or lower). I was using the shotgun, and was able to fire it like a machinegun if I hit the mouse button fast enough (five shots in a matter of one second). Not sure if thats a glitch or just the "luck of the ping"... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 1. You are correct, shotguns do win out in close range against machineguns most of the time, however this is not cheating. To counter them, what works sometimes for me, is to strafe - this can cause them to miss. 2. I'm not sure, could it have been a jedi mod server? The jedi mod changes the weapons, for the shotgun, it allows you to fire rapidly as you described. ------------------ http://home.earthlink.net/~hollandtunnel/images/sig.jpg |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ydiss:
As I said in my post, I had force models on. It's a weird bug I think. Not 100% sure though.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> its not a bug man, that person probably had a custom skin and if you dont have it and have force models on, then the game doesnt have anything to force, so you just dont see anything. this has been known since the game came out. now, im not saying this person wasnt exploiting this, he couldve put a custom skin in his game just for this very reason I dont know. I used to have force models checked, but I unchecked it for this very reason. ------------------ http://pages.sbcglobal.net/kdthom/gs.jpg if you can see us............then you're already dead Ghost Soldiers, 6th Ranger Bn. |
hey lysis, that picture isnt real is it?
Ive played with that name before RhinoSark just a few days ago in a team match and the map was Stalingrad and this guy OWNED us... although I was the 2nd best player on that entire map he constantly would own me with his Shottie. I was using an SMG and got him a few times but most of the time this guy either was just absolutely good at aiming with his shottie or his reflexes was stunningly fast..but he managed to rack a win/loss mark of like 98-11 or something in a map with full 32 players! This guy was movin all over the place...so he's meetin guys with zookas and shotties and smgs yet nobody could own him. Of those friggin 11 deaths he had 4 or 5 were mine but its so hard to believe the other 16 axis on my team can't nail him.. I dunno if he was cheating or not because I managed to kill him a few times but he may just be very very good at the shotgun. Even against a shotgun he would beat me most of the time..and no I don't suck.. its like his aim is just deadly accurate at any range!!! At first I was wondering if it was some sort of aim script but I don't like to assume anything.. however never seen anybody use a shottie who kills you with 1 shot at any distance that well and this guy does it every time.. not a miss.. even around 4 guys with an SMG about 20 feet away from him...... what's your verdict at that? Cheat or just good?
im gettin a lot of double posts today
[This message has been edited by Strik0r (edited March 04, 2002).] |
probably good/high on caffine/lpb/possibly the mod
Now I usually dont whine, bitch, Moan, Piss or even mouth off about this but look at this....
I was on this server & was getting rocked as others were also... I usually do ok.... Tonight I was on this dual t3 server ( forget the name ) & noticed that I kept getting wasted, But never seen who or where from... ( Photo of My ping to prove this wasnt cuz of lag ) http://webpages.charter.net/qwiqshot/pings.jpg Then I get accross the map & notice something strange... These 2 guys stationary for the whole round http://webpages.charter.net/qwiqshot/ghost.jpg Now in the 1st picture You see the spectator "RhiNoSharK" I was killed by him atleast 4 times in less than 5 minutes, At which time I went to an out of the way room to look at his ping & found him in spectator mode... Now mind You that I was thinking to Myself... "Aaah...... I am sure he just went into spectator mode" So I went about my way & thought well maybe he is just that good, Or maybe I am just sucking tonight... So about a minute later I got killed again, While in a corner, Noone facing me and as soon as I dropped this is what I seen... http://webpages.charter.net/qwiqshot/death.jpg Nothing! Now I think I did a little more reasearch than most people do before posting, & even got some screen shots to help prove or disprove the ghost skin theory, And I can pretty much rule out My ping & corruption of files since I just installed MOH:AA fresh & even defragged my system before playing... I also am asking if anyone else has noticed the rouge players lost in limbo land like the 2 soldiers at the door in the photo while in a game which they think that players are somehow playing invisible... The reason I am asking is, If this is usually what happens (the stuck characters) when they are doing this maybe it will help them catch the way they cheat! ------------------ Bone's Heal, Pain Is Fleeting, Chick's Dig Scar's & Glory Is Forever http://webpages.charter.net/qwiqshot/221001.jpg |
i get a problem whenever i aim at some one, or sometimes kills them, it makes me look up and fire my weapon, once it turned to grenades looked down and threw 1, and i couldn't move, its been debaited for a while weather its a cheat or lagg... i think its a chea though
------------------ http://webpub.alleg.edu/student/p/pa...a/waffenss.jpg |
love the sig! too funny!
wow! That is actuallly kind of creepy
Dude if ur smart U go into spec and follow the cheaters and make screenshots of them.
If they are in clans u can send it to this forum and PPl will see that that clan has cheaters spread the word around and they clan is history. if it's an individual.. then.. SWEAR HIM TO DEATH > http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif) or type in console ( if it supports RCON ) callvote kick 'playername' Then it wil say that u called a vote. then tell evrybody to open there console and type vote yes I did this a fe times and the cheater were gone before u know it =) GL! ------------------ http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~remcom/gsd...lba_KisSeS.jpg http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~remcom/gsd...isSeS3_PSP.jpg **NOTE: IAM NOT IN THE RAIDERS ANYMORE** |
Hi there quazimotto just wantted to say YES it is possible to cheat on ver 1.10 by using console comand DOG which is god mode,this is just one example,i dont agree with cheating it spoils it for every one.the update wont stop the cheaters!!
there is a mod to limit weapon access in game though u might find this helps u a little..happy playing buddy! |
It is possible to cheat on version 1.10 if the server admin didn't disable the cheats in his/her config. However, I went into my server(where I know cheats are disabled), and found someone exploiting a glitch in the map that allowed him/her to walk underneath the map and kill people unscathed and unseen. While this is not a cheat for the most part, it is a crappy thing to do. If you see this kind of "cheat" occuring, take screenshots from spectator mode, and contact the admin of the server. If the server has a good admin, he/she will take care of the situation to the best of their ability.
I was on a server about 10 days ago, I remember the server name but wont post it here cause I'm not 100% sure they were cheating. I noticed the guy hosting was getting alot of pistol whipping kills on other players. Then out of nowhere I got pistol whipped by him, I normally listen and turn around alot in MOH to make sure no one is following me and never heard anything. So I figured I must have walked past this guy and he was in some bushes or something then jumped out and pistol whipped me. It was the French village map with bushes everywhere. Then the same guy shotguns me, I never saw anything, so I went into the lower room with the kegs and stuff in it and backed into a corner to watch, then sure enough I get pistol whipped again, never saw the guy coming. I asked them if the server was hacked and of course they said no, but other players on the server were seeing (or not seeing) the same thing and after calling them a bunch of cheaters everyone but the 2 in the clan guys left the server.
I firmly believe these guys were invisible somehow.. |
Hi all! Just wanted to add a few things I've been seeing lately, I had this one guy who was owning everyone that night, and there was a time when I threw a grenade at him (unknowing) and it landed right at his feet, blew up and he turned and killed me instantly, now how is that possible?? I've also seen guys take a full clip from my smg in the chest and face(point blank), and still just sit there and pistol whip the crap out of me, that time i confronted the guy and he told me it was his first night playing the MP side of the game, that just has to be a cheat.
Quazi... I've seen this myself only 2 days ago on a server in the UK.
The two players you saw motionless don't have a gun (nor did mine), which would imediately point this to a bug in the code (good Lord, not another one). I was confused, 'cos I couldn't kill them (in fact they had no kill-boxes which, yet again, points this to a bug rather than a cheat). They were both at the spawn point of the bridge, so I thought initially it was some kind of weird lag. Then I realised that the last 2 allies left were still playing. They both died, eventually and the round restarted. I'd not call it cheating simply because they both still died. It could be a client-side bug that shows players in spec mode, even while playing, and to you alone they are invisible. Indeed, I've followed a player in spec mode who was invisible to me and I had force-models on. He couldn't have been cheating though because everyone else could see him and he died frequently. I just restarted the game and the bug had gone. I don't think this is a cheat. I think it's another bug. I don't remember this ever happening in the demo, so I could only think it's a final version bug, or perhaps even a bug unique to v1.10. I'd suggest, if this happens again, that you try restarting the game. I'm sure that would clear it. 2015, are you reading this? ------------------ http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ydiss.s...ane/MoHsig.jpg |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Posted by: Cpt. dick
its not a bug man, that person probably had a custom skin and if you dont have it and have force models on, then the game doesnt have anything to force, so you just dont see anything. this has been known since the game came out. now, im not saying this person wasnt exploiting this, he couldve put a custom skin in his game just for this very reason I dont know. I used to have force models checked, but I unchecked it for this very reason<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You've got it backwards, Captain. Force models makes every other player show up as the SAME MODEL YOU ARE USING, thus eliminating skins that you don't have. (also gives a little performance boost cause your comp only needs to load 2 models) http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/wink.gif P.S. How do you get it to say "Originally posted by: " ? [This message has been edited by Hellbaby2065 (edited March 04, 2002).] |
yep, ive been killed by "invisablepeople" on the bridge... bloody frustrating,
other bug ive noticed is spawning with an invisable weapon.... still fires but its very quiet.... strange goings on, anyone explain this??? |
I was getting killed regularly during a game while standing on that same balcony. After dying twice i seen where the dude was and blasted em.
If you look straight out from the balcony across the courtyard to where the player spawn point is....the building to the right its possible to get up on the roof. Since the roof is slanted you'll only see a little bit of the dudes head sticking up when looking from the point you were shot at. After shooting this guy i went into spectate mode figuring he'd try to get back up there and i'd see how to do it. He went into the second floor of the building, out on the little balcony, he then jumped up on the railing..You'll notice theres a telephone wire coming from a pole in the courtyard to that roof thats very close to the balcony. He was trying to jump off the balcony on to the wire. Once on the wire walk along it to the roof. Hope i explained that alright. anyhoo just look for the pole and wire. The dude never did make it to the wire. I watched him try it about 3 times. After this i went on a server running the same map with noone on the server and tried many times to do it, no luck. That could explain you getting shot with no one around. |
you guys do have force models unchecked right? if you have it checked and someone is using a custom skin you dont have loaded, they will be invisible to you.
------------------ http://pages.sbcglobal.net/kdthom/gs.jpg if you can see us............then you're already dead Ghost Soldiers, 6th Ranger Bn. |
As I said in my post, I had force models on.
It's a weird bug I think. Not 100% sure though. |
To continue the thread of the invisible people
I was amazed to be killed several times by the nade that appears from nowhere !!! uoi just see it appear at shoulder height and then come at you lol ... Also revenge is sweet and best served cold... Playing Axis on Omaha I was at the door leading on to the beach and it opens and the nade comes in .. ok a nice trick is to open and thrown then scoot.. so I went back ... the door opens again and same senario this time I just fired at the open door with nobody in sight and got my kill http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/wink.gif I would have thought it was just a bit of bad code but the guy who was there with me was on RW and we both said the same thing how did we kill the invisibleman ? so now we just fire at the doorway at nobody and the invisibleman dies more times than we did .. it stopped very soon after that.. also on the beach it was funny to watch medic packs go as soon as you shoot 1 guy as if somebody was grabbing them ...Strange world we live in .. |
Force models makes every other player show up as the SAME MODEL YOU ARE USING, thus eliminating skins that you don't have. (...) --------------------------------------------- If I understand well... WITH "FORCE MODEL" : I see only the two skins I have selected (only 1 axis skin and 1 allies skin). WITHOUT "FORCE MODEL" : The game is normal, each player has his own skin... BUT ... If a player uses a custom skin I don't have, and if I'm playing WITHOUT "FORCE MODEL", what will I see ??? ------------------ [ThSkr] Draksen ThrillSeekers Clan http://www.geocities.com/thskr_clan |
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