Now I usually dont whine, bitch, Moan, Piss or even mouth off about this but look at this....
I was on this server & was getting rocked as others were also...
I usually do ok....
Tonight I was on this dual t3 server
( forget the name ) & noticed that I kept getting wasted, But never seen who or where from... ( Photo of My ping to prove this wasnt cuz of lag )
Then I get accross the map & notice something strange...
These 2 guys stationary for the whole round
Now in the 1st picture You see the spectator "RhiNoSharK"
I was killed by him atleast 4 times in less than 5 minutes, At which time I went to an out of the way room to look at his ping & found him in spectator mode...
Now mind You that I was thinking to Myself...
"Aaah...... I am sure he just went into spectator mode"
So I went about my way & thought well maybe he is just that good, Or maybe I am just sucking tonight...
So about a minute later I got killed again, While in a corner, Noone facing me and as soon as I dropped this is what I seen...
Now I think I did a little more reasearch than most people do before posting, & even got some screen shots to help prove or disprove the ghost skin theory, And I can pretty much rule out My ping & corruption of files since I just installed MOH:AA fresh & even defragged my system before playing...
I also am asking if anyone else has noticed the rouge players lost in limbo land like the 2 soldiers at the door in the photo while in a game which they think that players are somehow playing invisible...
The reason I am asking is, If this is usually what happens (the stuck characters) when they are doing this maybe it will help them catch the way they cheat!
Bone's Heal, Pain Is Fleeting, Chick's Dig Scar's & Glory Is Forever