A few probs -
11-12-2002, 02:24 PM
Had quite an adventure using the demo.
Once I got into a server -- after a dozen or so tries, got to take two steps then demo crashed, no warning back to desktop.
Got back in, and must have been on one of those 'fast' servers because people were moving around like they were on Jolt cola (without the accompanying seizures and involuntary bowel movements evil: )
Lag made shooting a real adventure, I preforated the walls, floor and my teammates shooting at the frame-skipping creatures that promptly bashed my skull in. Nothing like emptying a clip at someone only to be bitch-slapped into oblivion. Arrg.
That aside, fairly free from too many bugs, certainly nothing like BF1942's single player demo that for sure. Gameplay going to require a bit of retooling, but given I was never very good anyway, it could only mean an improvement.
Say, everything I've read says Spearhead came out today, Nov 12th. Can' t find it on a shelf anywhere though. Is it true that SDK not due to Xmas? Know if there are plans for Linux?