Need Help for the Moh:AA Loadscreen -
12-20-2002, 09:44 AM
Hi Everyone!
I'm wondering if someone might help me, since several days I try to
design an own Loadscreen for my Clan. I figured out, that therefor I have to
change the sepiaload_a and _b.tga. But somehow its not working well.
I used the same size and colours. But the overlay is not right as in the original files. I try to find some postings about it but maybe there is no or I'm blind. oOo: I downloaded some custom one's. They work well but not mine. I did absolutly the same.
When I start a server on my own or launch the sp, it works but when I launch a server over the INet it won't work.
Someone got any ideas?
Leader of the Moh:AA Elite-Clan