Need Help for the Moh:AA Loadscreen -
12-20-2002, 09:44 AM
Hi Everyone!
I'm wondering if someone might help me, since several days I try to
design an own Loadscreen for my Clan. I figured out, that therefor I have to
change the sepiaload_a and _b.tga. But somehow its not working well.
I used the same size and colours. But the overlay is not right as in the original files. I try to find some postings about it but maybe there is no or I'm blind. oOo: I downloaded some custom one's. They work well but not mine. I did absolutly the same.
When I start a server on my own or launch the sp, it works but when I launch a server over the INet it won't work.
Someone got any ideas?
Leader of the Moh:AA Elite-Clan
After a long search I finally found that URC-File belonging to the loadscreen.
But I still dont know what I have to change in there to make my one work. oOo:
Here's your answer! Just figured it out myself not 20 minutes ago after MONTHS of screwing with it.... just change the path and file name as needed....
actually, the path should be EXACTLY the same, just add your path name. AND IF you are doing a SpearHead version, be sure to prefix/suffix ALL the pertinent files with the "mp_" and "_dm". At least for me that is the only way I could get it to work 100% of the time!
Here's your answer! Just figured it out myself not 20 minutes ago after MONTHS of screwing with it.... just change the path and file name as needed....
actually, the path should be EXACTLY the same, just add your path name. AND IF you are doing a SpearHead version, be sure to prefix/suffix ALL the pertinent files with the "mp_" and "_dm". At least for me that is the only way I could get it to work 100% of the time!
What you have posted Slyk is not the URC it's the shader for the loading image (but you will need that also, so it wasn't a waste of time)
If you have browsed custom maps with loadingscreens then check in the pk3 in the folder UI. You will find the URC in that one. There are only a few things that you need to change in a URC to get it to work.
Change the name and stuff in the top
Change the part that points at the loading image (the name of your loadingscreen shader)
Change the title of the map
You will need to make an 512x512 32BIT TGA picture as loading image, it should have an alpha channel (you must have the right blendfunction in the shader or else it won't show up).
I guess it depends on your game settings, but I
NEVER use Alpha channels, and it always works. In fact, it works ONLY with NO alpha channels.
I also never size it to 512x512. I always use 800x600 because that is the size of the border (unless of course you edit origin locations in the .urc file), and your image won't get cut off or stretched that way.
Doing it this way, I have yet to run into any kind of trouble.