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Re: post your sniping tactics here!!!
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Default Re: post your sniping tactics here!!! - 12-23-2002, 04:00 AM

Originally Posted by CheLeMo
i'm a sniper in my online games, so i want to know how everybody snipes.
i don't camp a lot, i like to run around and pull off close range shots. i like to jump down on someone and shoot in the air and im really good at it. evil:

There is a difference between camping and defensive positioning. Remember, a sniper does not run around gunning down people like a common rifleman. He/She waits, patiently, concealing themselves. Your shot should come from nowhere. Also, the most kills you should get from any one position is 2. After that, move.

High ground is advantageous, but obvious. Other snipers will immediately sight in on a high ground position and will take you out. In SNIPER ONLY games that I play, no one gets into the church steeple or clock tower, it's suicide. Use the shadows. Many of the custom maps have good shadowing effects. Shoot from the back of a room, try to avoid coming up to the window. Like Stryker said, study the battlefield. Airborne's advice is also good. Watch your muzzle flash, especially on darker maps like Algiers. If you miss, relocate to another position as your muzzle flash has probably given you away, especially to another sniper. Also, play in many SNIPER ONLY games and learn from them.
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