Thread: how dumb
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{UB}Raptor is Offline
Posts: 32
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Northamptonshire, England
Default 12-27-2002, 04:31 AM

Why do people complain about 'Force Models'? I know for a fact it increases the fps as it only has to draw two skins, and anybody with a "lower spec PC" should have the option turned on. It should never be classed as a cheat, especially as it is a game option. The only bad thing about it is it does help people who want to use "cheater skins", but that isn't everyone. I like a lot of the custom skins out there, especially the ones based around "real" uniforms, and I wouldn't download any of the stupid ones. i.e. Ronald McDonald, Neon, and suchlike. But in every game you will always get the "stupid minority". You either have to put up with them, or stop playing. I personally hate them, but there's isn't a great deal I can do about them so I just carry on the best I can.
As for "No Fog". That doesn't come with MoH, but is aquired elsewhere and is definetely a cheat.
Scopes and crosshairs on the other hand are a bit of a grey area. I use a single dot, both as my main c/h and in my scope. I have tried both "fullscreen" and circular scopes and I honestly can't say one was improvement over the other. Yes, you do get the extra bit of screen visible with a "fullscreen" scope, but usually I'm too busy focusing on the dot to get my kill rather than look at the edges.
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