12-24-2001, 09:16 AM
Well, when I play, Im what you would call a hunter-killer. I dont bunch up with the rest of my team; I go out and find where the OTHER team is bunched up and take them out on their "own turf". This is a little embarrasing. I was running up the long staircase in the building with the wood plank droping down to the level with the MG42. I get to the top floor and I see no one was there. Im about to turn around and head for the plank when I hear what sounds like a Mauser being worked in a room next to me. So I make sure i have a full clip in my Tommy Gun and jump in gun blazin! I unload the clip into the guy but he doesnt go down. I was like WTF? Turns out he was on my side (Allied) and had picked up the Mauser cause he ran out of BAR ammo. Go figure.