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Clemenza B. Drinkinbeer is Offline
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Location: Next Door To The Little Voice In Your Head
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Default Cmonnnnnn - 01-26-2003, 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by SuperMan
hey i like spearhead oOo:
Thank you, i am glad that someone actually realizes that SH is great. sure it has wee glitches, but to hear people dogging out SH is dumb and i cant see any other reason why they would except maybe they wont be able to lean while they charge the enemy. i think SH was a step forward for MohAA and more than what people think of it. its got more of a realistic flavor that i think needed to be added to MohAA(i mean cmon, jumping out of a 4 story church and then running while leaning back and forth accross the bridge in the crossroads was a bit unrealistic and you lost only like 10 health). i dunno about everybody else but i got my SH for 35 and Electronics Botique and those Damned Sims EP are 30 and SH is much better than one of them. so i just think the bad mouthing of SH is dumb and needs to cease. and HaVoc, its not an says Expansion Pack on the front of the box...and update is more like a patch.

ps....have u ever tried walking or running while leaning? its pretty damn hard and i dont think it would be very easy killing Krauts like that lol.
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